Why wasn't Saudi Arabia included in Trump's "muslim ban"
Aren't they the #1 funders of terrorism?
Why wasn't Saudi Arabia included in Trump's "muslim ban"
Aren't they the #1 funders of terrorism?
Other urls found in this thread:
>She will never sit on my face
Saudis and kikes still bribing our entire government
The country on the ban lists are almost impossible to vet because their government sucks. Don't be ignorant, this has already been explained many times.
im alt right as fuck but i dont care i would absolutely destroy this woman with me cock
Her belly tatoo is absolutely disgusting
I would fuck the shit out of that woman.
Very disappointing, but perhaps Trump is going to do something that takes a little more time. Or perhaps he's just in Israel's pocket on this issue after all.
I wonder, though, could somebody more informed enlighten me on the Israeli-Saudi relationship? Tel Aviv bays for blood in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon... but the Sauds are left untouched.
>Don't be ignorant, this has already been explained many times.
Sorry for being on vacation.
Need a sauce on this
Of they were youd be paying 5 dollars a gallon of gas or higher.
Miss Issy/Dominican poison I think
>Rich Saudi advisor's daughter owns house at 4224 Escondito Circle, Sarasota, FL
>Hijackers' license plates in visitor logs to the gated community
>Hijackers flight training was at Sarasota airport
>House was deserted 1 week before 9/11. Food still in the fridge, toys still in the pool.
>Bush was in Sarasota on the morning of 9/11
There's no such thing as a coincidence.
tattoos on women are always disgusting
Name. p-plz
daaaaaamn this girl drives me crazy
love her
tattoos are always disgusting
I think that's dominican poison
De nada pinches racistas.
Ah, Miss Izzy. I have cranked out many-a-load to this semen demon.
Saudi Arabia wasn't on Obama's list, theoretically because they have a stable government and don't swear death to America. The oil helps.
I assume Trump wanted to strictly stick to Obama's list to test the market for bans.
I believe the only kind of men who dislike this are either faggots or afraid they have small dicks.
It's wrong to call the most reasonable sexual response on earth a fetish. She's a breeding queen.
Looks great until you see those tits. Then dissapoint
If only there was a way to have h'wite children with brown women
Dominican Poison has the perfect body.
I want to buy that, but can your source it?
It wasn't based on funding or on being Muslim, it was based on how nationality shows up in terror stats given instability. The countries banned are all unstable and supply personnel. There is no way for us to directly stop individual wealthy donors from sponsoring terror, that requires us actually identifying and going after people, assuming we can get to them.
If it met the criteria the left imputes, if it really was a ban on being connected to terror, then it would have to be a true unapologetic ban on all Muslim countries, because they all have government-level connections to groups and methods we consider to be terrorist. That is because Islam normalizes and requires terror.
dude she just wide, I mean wide
It was a BS PR stunt that will have no actual affects other than terrorist propaganda being proven true (that America hates Muslims)
I know that feel, bro.
Bc the list was made by obama. It was a political move to choose those countries
If he had altered the list by adding Saudi Arabia, then it's just adding more countries
Getting people to complain that there isn't enough muslim countries on the list only boisters the argument that islam is the problem
Saudi terrorism is US approved terrorism though.
Those tits look badly shopped.
Saudi Arabians don't immigrate to the west. They are also technically our allies and they control the holiest land in Islam. Having some influence over them is better than nothing. Egypt, Somalia, Yemen, Iran and the others are all shitty countries anyway that also sponsor terrorism but aren't technically allied to the US.
Egypt actually wasn't on the list but should've been to begin to make a meaningful difference, like Saudi Arabia
it's < 5 minutes of research, man.
this was a law congress passed under obama, and one obama chose to ignore. it was already a pre-approved list by congress, and the new president is doing his job.
you're confused by a president who does his job because you've never been exposed to one.
My bad, I meant Libya.
No, they're real.
Now that's what I call HIGH TEST
>get in relationship with her
>have to replace bed every 2nd week
it's a practicality issue
>you're confused by a president who does his job because you've never been exposed to one.
never thought of this
Those 28 Pages confirming Saudis were involved in 9/11 were released in the same month as Ghostbusters.
Guess which one got more outrage?
Shame on Sup Forums for taking the bait on hotbutton issues. We're supposed to be untrollable here.