Really makes you think

Really makes you think.

It's a Shame they didn't try harder but we must learn from their ineptitude

>...well ... YES! thanks for proving me right

Twitter threads are great, 8756989756 replies omitted click to view

>If niggers wouldn't exist the Atlantic Slave Trade would have not happened.
It's in just now, niggers responsible for slavery.

>100 gorillion Native Americans in North America

>100 million in North America
>When they had no means to farm on a scale large enough to support that many people
Gets the ol' noggin joggin doesn't it?

>black "people"

So Danny is in favor of an immigration ban?

with everyone being leftist liberals in the stone age, we wouldve all gone extinct by now

>Border control would have prevented the bad results of mass immigration

Good we agree, then.

Didn't most Native American tribes try to kill white people on site? If I recall correctly, US expansion into western territory wasn't exactly a welcomed visit.

Good luck to those "native" Americans enforcing that without boats, cannons, guns, and antibodies.

>people build settlements on your land
>drive them away
>heh heh now I can kill them all

Are you retarded?

Ye das how i do it

Winners aren't losers lol. Just cause the natives fucked up, the conquerors should genocide themselves? What's the point?

yeah and black people would still be eating earth and not having water

Not all native American tribes were nomads a lot of them farmed. They became more nomadic because of colonization.

And constructing the pyramids.

yeah they need jews for that

Yes the real Native Americans (white people born in America) were conquerors that wanted a country for their expanding people. The Indian tribes (who were considered non American foreigners) were warriors who fought and lost. Never be ashamed of what your ancestors did to be great.

Kill antifags
That is how we bring peace and equality to the world.
My tribal people
Killed the fuck out of apaches
And mexicans,
Graciously and happily.....
1848 Gadsden purchase our lands were included in U.S.territory,
By the grace of God.
WhiteMan(Americans,i.e. Any non-tribal person, English speaking.)
Came in, we were ready made allies
To combat and provide
Defense, security and retaliation
Against mutual enemies, those being apaches(murdering raider scum and mexicans- murdering colonial scum).
Antifags are America's enemy,
So in that,
We gladly look forward to battle.
......-NatAmer pol

>white people ban
>on twitter
>house that isn't made of your own feces
ok, jamal. you got me

Damn those whites for murdering 6 gazillian native americans and enslaving africa.

100 million?


>100 million native americans

With a #WhiteBan you literally wouldn't be here today to bitch about them on Twitter. There wouldn't even be a Twitter or device to bitch on.

Remind these people . Whites created the nation you still live in so show respect or leave . If whites did anything wrong it was not finishing the job . Indians were savages and needed to be removed. African slaves was just another cheap labor idea which happens all the fucking time so your argument is retarded also praise white civilization

Jewish ships , nigger slavers
and those redskins killed each other even before
colonials arrived

If you came here from Siberia how can you be a native American?


>100 million natives killed by 2.5 million colonists

Really gets the ol smallpox festering


not really. kinda dumb actually.


and move on

With Asian ban, Solutreans would still be there

How do they even come up with this number?

Better late than never finally they are contributing to America by supporting the ban

white people are the only ones who know how to make laws

Yeah, really makes you think how nice things here would be now if our forebears would never have imported slaves. I'm sure they'd all be better off too. Really makes you think.


An ad hominem argument. This nigger needs to go back

How would a ban on Muslims stopped the Chicago born San Bernardino shooter?

most of the native tribes were violent and in a constant state of total war with other tribes, they would torture and kill women and children of other tribes and a few tribes were even cannibalistic, they were not the noble Indian of modern media, the eastern tribes that developed agriculture and stopped being nomadic faced constant harassment and attack fron tribes from the great lakes region, it was savagery when white man came to north america, dont let liberals change history.

100 Million Native Americans vs 6 Gorillon Jews

who wins in a fight?

>with a twitter ban 7 billion people would be saved from your shitty opinions

The native Americans invited us. We had tea and biscuits and everyone had a good time

Leftist revisionists will try and warp history

guy thinks he destroyed the argument, while in fact just agreed to him. banning illmeaning foreigners does work

also saged and reported for loweffort baitshitposting. everybody should do the same

But that still leaves those 1000000000000000000000000000000000^ 9 native Americans killed. ~

commies just making shit up
AMerica was settled by whites, there was no gencoide
Israel is stolen land