Something is going on in the Balkan

Yesterday I went shopping for some new clothes after a long time. I've noticed something. Basically in each store, the army theme clothes are on the store front.

>Tom Tailor

And some two other new brands I've never heard of. 80% of the clothes is either army patterned or olive green with recognised pockets.

They want to bring military service back, they keep talking about a war and now this.

Did anyone else noticed this trend of army clothes filling the stores ? Is it global ?

Didn't you have enough of it like 20 years ago ? Imagine it is duck hunting season and move on.

>He does not own a set of Battle dress uniform.


Balkans should unify and become one nation.

Lol, only way that is going to happen is if (((They))) mix all of people in balkans with niggers and Arabs untill we loose our national identity. Which is never in eastern Europe.

you guys will fight the muslims for us again

and by you guys, I mean Serbs

>balkans unify
>literally no genetic distance is lost
>is a stronger tribe
Whatever my man, currently the balkanized states are being dominated by larger powers.

Albanians should be nuked from orbit though, they aren't balkan.

If you have ever followed /sg/ and found atrocities that (((moderate))) head chopers commit, such as killing unbelievers, beheading children etc...

Well same shit happened to Serbs in bosnia, now I cannot say that what we did was a retaliation, as it was was and everyone was killing everyone, but as MSM finds a way to ignore (((moderate beheaders))) in Syria, Lybia, that same thing happened in Bosnia, so only what we did was reported but not the muslims killing us, and the fact that they once bombed their own people in Sarajevo, just to blame it on the Serbs to call in NATO which was fun.

>Romania for a year for compulsory military service for 3 months for every 18 year old

EVERY trendy, faggy, metrosexual teen is wearing what OP described

Something IS happening

>What is Culture
>What is Ethnicity
>What is Religion
>What is History

Not that i would expect an american to understand.

>inb4 you are blinded by things unimportant to humans and only stopping your progress to success

Correct, but it took billions of years to create human life, and since civilisation it too 5000 years for our people to form OUR culture SERBIAN culture, the only like that in the universe, so i am not going to destroy legacy an heritage of my Ancestors for some leftist commie ideas that poison society.

bro, whatever, I am just saying only way for Serbians which are Balklan people to survive is to unify with other balkan states, little is lost genetically, and if I were a foreign conqueror I would not want a people such as balkan to unify, how else would turks conquer?

Post a pic of your tits Josipa. There's no way a man is shoping in those shitholes.

Alright man, send some anti-hangover shit and we'll see what we can do with that shithole

How to make every Slovenian love you in 1 sec:

>post a map of the Balkans that doesn't include us

Works every time.

You are definitely not Balkanic, so are not the Greeks and most of Romania
OP's pic is perfectly acceptable

WTF? Greks are the definition of balkans.
Chill out, do nothing, borrow money, drink and eat all of it and then borrow again. I thought you'd know that already.

Tell a Slovenian "you're not really Balkan", they will like you. Be German while saying that, we love you. Tell a Slovenian "you're closer to German culture than to Balkan culture" and we will be on our knees gobbling on your cock.

you now know the secrets of the slovenian mind

Since when is Greece not in the Balkans? It's literally the tip of the peninsula.

You described Mediterraneans, not Balkanics though
Balkan = Eastern Euro criminals

Balkanics are savages, you are civilized people

If the Balkans would unite, this would form a Redpill Bloc, pure white states with no kebab present, a superpower in its own right. (((they))) would never allow it, and would rather further divide us.

lako ti je da seres iz dijaspore


Case in point, this is what the Balkans think about the migrants and the "let them in" policy.

To je valjda samo moda koja je trenutacno popularna, smiri crve u guzici

>80% of the clothes is either army patterned or olive green with recognised pockets.
Its fucking nothing, its just that this stuff is curently popular among our retarded youth for some reason

>German psyops preparing the untermensch to be sent to the frontlines again

Thanks Čokolinda

>Romania for a year for compulsory military service for 3 months for every 18 year old
Te poti inrola doar daca vrei. Nu e o chestie obligatorie.

I identify my national roots as Slavic, not Germanic
I don't get this meme, we speak a Slavic language and our traditions are heavily rooted in Slavic pagan folklore

Here in Austria it's a new trend, all the rapefugees wear them...

You had a great thing going with Yugoslava (at least by comparision) and you blew it. Why do you want more war? The international community won't let you genocide anyone and the resulting intervention will set you back ten yeara decade, again.

you should've stayed out of EU, there was literally no valid reason for you to give up your sovereignty for nothing in return