This is going to make Le Pen win:
PARIS RIOTS - Highlights edition
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witnessed! Praise him!
whats the terroiste problem like in spain? havent heard any issues since the madrid train bombing 15 years ago.
New ghetto tonight
It's organized, I lost the tweet
This night frenchies on twitter are discussing this
Seriously, disgusting.
Did the police actually put the baton in the nigger's ass?
Le Pen will win! Praise KEK!
>police raped a refugee
is this real or just some BS excuse to chimp out?
contagion in Belgium, Germany a possibility?
>Pierre will uncuck himself in your lifetime
Pretty controlled. We will see if it stays the same when fascism raises again. Probably what will happen is a Kosovo like war in Catalonia, but we will see if Trump's USA aligns with mudslimes or with christians.
It's just a regular sunday in France.
this is fucking gold
I've been checking all the usual places for live streams, on-the-ground reporting, but I can't find anything. Do Frenchies not do this?
It's in Argenteuil and Goussainville.
well , you know the police RAPED the guy with the police stick !!!!
you cant riot about that ?
didnt know that /pol was filled with faggots.
Le Pen will win
what are these riots actually about? anyone got a news article?
The boarding house ran out of nutella and gummi bears. Just kidding that was Sweden
Some immigrant criminal took a baton up the ass causing a massive chimpout.
"police violence"
aka we are muslims and if an infidel policeman touch us it's jihad
Shitskins bringing to your country what they claimed to be escaping from
Not hard to understand Sven. Muslims have been killing each other non stop for 1000s of years, and theyre fucking good at it. Really think theyre gonna stop because youre a cuck and give them free money?
>le meme
Top kek, she's still a lefty who sucks kebab cock meanwhile Fillon actually wants to bust heads and his numbers really haven't moved at all since the first round
>Inb4 horny cucks try and pretend he's going to lose because his wife is retarded
This is organized and planned to escalate
> 17 heures dimanche sur la dalle à la ZUP venez nombreux même si vous êtes pas d’Argenteuil. Venez équiper et capicher y’a des caméras. En masse et foutez le zbeul. #Adama #Théo. La France comme en 2005
Some muslim gay was taking batong in his ass from friendly police and they got caught.
He had to accuse police of raping, because if hed admit hes a gay muslim, they would kill him.
way better with sound
@1:20 in the video
French police car with sirens blazing
Pedal to the medal, retreating in reverse.
what was that last scene
did they knock out some random guy and dragged him somewhere
I'm sorry to be that guy but LePen will never win.
They hijacked the car and put someone in a trunk.
and brexit and trump will never happens too
Most likely some raping scene.
Riot? This is organized destruction.
Germany: zero percent. rapefugees are too busy spending money and buying nice stuff for their new homes
Paris looks like fucking Mogadishu. Is this being reported nationally there? Not seen anything about it here. This media censorship is getting ridiculous.
The riot isn't in Paris but in the suburbs Britburkas ...
Honestly idc you can keep lying to yourself but those votes are nothing like a french presidential vote.
looked like undercover cops - pointing guns at some nigger mouthing off = not sure if the shot at him or if the muzzle flash was faked because he didn't drop
i would like to assume most french are aware of the fact that paris looks like mogadishu. riots or not.
>be a nigger
>be in France
>want to make race war with crackaz
>there is only niggers everywhere, no crackas
>destroy trash cans and burn others niggers cars
pretty comfy if you ask me
Baguettes, how is this playing out in the French media and with the public?
This isn't being cucked, this is being absolutely out of reality
is nobody gonna make a joke about the police car at 1:20? ok then I will.
How many gears do french police cars have?
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and Retreat
I bet they're not protesting anything, just out there to fuck shit up.Fucking subhumans
so anywhere out side of 100 yards of the Eiffel Tower is 'le suburbs' and not really Paris?
Wtf was happening at the end? Some sandniggers brandishing pistols?
More like 1,2,3,4,5 and forward
>you know the police RAPED the guy with the police stick !!!!
>you cant riot about that ?
No achmed, in white societies the officer is investigated and has his day in court. BTW if the cunt wasn't in France to begin with the faggot wouldn't have taken a baton as his gay lover. Come to think of it, if none of these chimps were in France there would be zero problem. Canada has it's own police brutality problems, and surprise surprise is almost always a fucking foreigner (the rest drunk injuns), a few hundred people might protest, but you don't see that rioting shit here because we are not yet chucked to the brim with niggers.
tl;dr send them all back
You are embarassing yourself Britrbukas
>destroy trash cans and burn others niggers cars
Honorary antifa.
a cop shoved a truncheon up one's ass so the Imams told them to go riot
This isn't the islamization of EuropeThis is the BLACKENING of Europe. They behave this way in the US as Christians too.
In Sharia law if you are raped you are guilty because you generated Fiadhna. So that muslim deserves get stoned to death.
See how regressive is Islam?
media and normies are more outraged about the litteraly butthurt nigger. white french people don't live in the places that are burning.
black social worker stopped without cause and brutally raped with a baton. he needed immediate surgery
the police officers then claimed it was an accident and not rape (???)
massive riots ensue. I think that was 5days / aweek ago
dammit thats even better kek
We are going to have to destroy every Western European city to get out of this mess.
>Black muslims.
Such a perfect combination.
That only if those riots ever get to the news or by some other source to knowledge of most French
There are so lot of censorship and lies of a press even that isn't funny anymore
So you are a shitshin
Go home Ackmed real humans are talking
>football fans
But it was all fine when the France was colonizing Africa, selling black people as slaves and stealing their gold. Right?
>European city
Delusional American is delusional
>Turk talking about colonizing and slavery
^Fucking this!
anyone have link to video without the title? I want to post on facebook
dammit you lil kek
>this is probably one or two episodes away from where I am
>implying the degenerate ottoman empire wasn't worse than any kind of colonial european country
It is French soil and France as a country has only obligation to defend French citizens, if they aren't citizens they may be executed if don't follow the orders to leave French soil and I will be ok with that
I might even shed a tear that Frenchies won't put up white flag this time
If you compare that to London it'd still be considered London, one of the outer boroughs.
Id pay pretty good money to watch 100 shitskins go at it with 100 drunk soccer faggots
We could livestream it and everything
Btw those are our riots, your problems, our home. You adding 10x as many to the mix doesnt say anything about us, only you niggers
>I might even shed a tear that Frenchies won't put up white flag this time
>coming from fucking Poorland
it's about bix nood and bix nood accessories
is this real life?
Those digits,Senor
>one nigger ALLEGEDLY gets baton'd up the ass by French police (policeman could have been an Arab himself)
>thousands of French people protest
>hundreds of French people die because of terrorism, immigration is out of control, crime rising, white French people being demographically made minorities and abused
>not one single peep about any of it, no protesting
Really makes me think what matters more. The asshole of one illegal immigrant nigger matters more than the lives of French children and the country and preserving their history. Very sad. Bye bye France.
If only you knew how little the German Fake News report on this. Most news sites do not report on it at all, a handful who do hide it in the backpages, so you actually need to search on Google to find any links.
>no protesting
There were just 2 millions of people in Paris ...
God Americunt are so fucking retarted
They are not french. They are muslims. They chant allah akbar during riots
Protesting what?
So spread it via social media
What are the riots about?
>that french police car driving backwards
Isn't this just a typical day in France? Those baguette-niggers protest and riot if their employer asks them to come in and work an extra weekend. It seems like those refugees and migrants are assimilating into the native culture perfectly.
Burning shit and attacking random people.
I mean, why are they rioting?
Some dindu claimed he got raped by a policeman
fucking animals
kek give us right to carry, streets will be safe once again
There was 2 million mourning, not protesting. Most were holding refugees welcome signs and "doubling down" so to speak
Because a muslim nigga has been sodomized with a baton by a cop a week ago
And if you touch a sunni muslim you're dead for them
That's much worse than American riots
>That's much worse than American riots