Well at least I will go down. as a. president

Well at least I will go down. as a. president.



Why are the twitter birds behind him shitting all over him...? Did they not think this image through or...?


Its a visual representation of the entire point of this bit on the show: people getting shit on on twitter.

God this board is retarded.

No, I get it completely from the tweets. The image just reinforces the idea he deserves it.

This is the most probable answer:


>president of the US
>willingly pose for a shot where birds are shitting on him

>being such a cuck you can't even make fun of yourself

>Hold the most esteemed office in the world.
>Make fun of yourself.

he was a double agent that destroyed the democrat party

is 'president' what you'd call trump? all i see is a phony.

Obama is as much to blame for Trump as Bush was to blame for Obama. It's all just massive incompetence causing the American people to oversteer in the opposite direction at this point and has been for a couple of decades now.

You know, I dont think Obama's biggest problem was that he took this picture. In fact, out of his entire presidency, I'd say this isn't even on the radar

You're absolutely right.

He's so sassy and quirky ^_^

he was literally wrong about everything

At least he was a president. Trump is just a big fat joke.

Just like your mom.

>Will go down as a president

Will go down on Michael, my wifeband

Don't even know how Obongo can stand getting BTFO so hard by the American people. I feel like he might understand that for a huge chunk of the American populace, Trump was America's answer to Obama like Obama was America's answer to Bush. He may just refuse process it though. Though I can't help but feel like Trump winning just made Obama depressed as fuck

So was Trump. He's on track to become the worst president ever.

You are legit stupid.

That's going to end up going to the Supreme Court and Trump is going to end up being right again and every one will just end up having their fucking time and money wasted. Holy shit, this all could have been avoided if they just sat on their asses for 3 months (the length o f the suspension) and then bitched about it AFTERWARDS. Now when there is inevitably going to be another terrorist attack (which there will) Trump is going to use that as a completely justified excuse to permanently lock those countries out and he'll have even more clearance from the American public. Fucking basic as shit 4D chess maneuver, it's like I'm teaching babbies here,

And what if there isn't a terrorist attack in the next 3 months? Is he still going to blame judges?

>God this board is retarded
Woahhhh guys.... A TRUE intellektual. Master of late night television. Give this guy a chance at a nobel prize.... woahhhhh....



Next time you make this thread, it's imperative that you include "@realDonaldTrump"

At least he will go down as a PRESIDENT :)

Attacks don't necessarily happen the second they get in the country. They come, settle down, and plan for years. They also radicalize other Muslims, like that guy who went to Orlando and taught that death is the just sentence for gays under Islam.



and President Trump will go down on Milo's HIV-positive cock.

No, it's literally supposed to be twitter birds shitting on the person reading the tweets, it's not a mistake, he isn't pointing out a liberal gaff, it's the joke. The ENTIRE segment is a joke about people getting shit on by twitter hence the literal twitter birds shitting on the "celebrity." This joke just backfired because all the polls during the election pranked the nation and the Democrats got a healthy dose of reality shitting on them along side twitter.

