What's your opinion on Sargon of Akkad, Sup Forums?

What's your opinion on Sargon of Akkad, Sup Forums?

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moar like Sarcuck the Assmad

>What's your opinion

I think he's a pretty cool lad

Thats just sad

degenerate fat untermensch faggot

Sargoy of Cuckkad is a massive shit poster and just about that

He s also eh cool guy
Eh debungs feminsm abd dorsn't afraid of anything

Fuck the alt right

lmao he funny too bad he's a cuck atheist.

Wasted "talent"
For a guy that makes a handful of useful points, he does and says some pretty retarded shit.
I hope he comes around to not being so annoying. I think he's capable



leftist cuck.

Another English faggot that deserves to be gassed.
All English are worthless parasites.

Disgusting socialist

You mean Sarcuck of Blackdad?

his videos are long and boring and his positions are always alt light garbage

i dont mind alt light garbage if it introduces new people to the real movement but he fights us all the time like snowflake

He's an SJW that just happens to be against feminism.

He is a CIVIC shitposter. Sometimes he's right, sometimes he's wrong. All that matters are the keks.

He's like Neil DeGrasse Tyson. He's a good guy, but his arrogance makes him look like a piece of shit.

A decent youtuber. A little bit full of himself (even got his ass handed to him in a few debates due to that), but overall I wouldn't call him a cuck.

I actually discovered him some time before gamergate was even a thing.
He lost his mojo halfway through gamergate and he stopped being a top tier youtuber and now he's just a fag.

He's a douche who tries to sound smarter than he is.

there's no gayer way to take a pic of ur ass, what a faggot

source on the debates where he got his ass handed to him?

degenerate retarded octoroon with a narrow field of knowledge yet has strong opinions on matters he doesn't understand & hasn't done any research into. He understands feminists & sjws somewhat but that's it.


I think he has a cute round milky ass

literally built for BBC.

He's definitely not /ourguy/, but I think he's okay anyway. His videos attacking SJWs are pretty entertaining.

I can't stand his voice

Poor. The only use Sup Forums has for skepticism is in creation of more retarded conspiracy theories.

he makes boring videos on the same subject just like all these other cartoon character youtube people

Massive shill, look at the drama between him and Harmful Opinions. He's a "muh community" shill

same as my opinion of all other fat neckbeards

Thundercucks voice is way worse.

Dude I am so tired of assholes treating debates like fact. Just because the general consensus is a loss or you think so doesn't mean its objective. Then you are mainly just treating debate like beauty contest like Bernie people did vs. Cruz.

Yeah this. Youtube is really cookie cutter. All the video game guys are white and have the same gamerbro voices, all the movie reviewers are white and make that same stupid face in every thumbnail, all the politics guys just exist to hate feminism and use their cute cartoon drawings.

based. most of Sup Forums couldn't hold a candle to him intellectually.


literally who?

holy shit... is this fucking real?

I like his let's play channel

>all the politics guys just exist to hate feminism and use their cute cartoon drawings.

So much this, feminism isn't even hard to refute yet these dudes are praised as some kind of intellectuals.

The one with Michael Brooks, where he lost his temper less than 2 minutes in and started behaving like a raging autist.
Then there's the one with Kristi Winters, where he got triggered by her calling him out on the use of buzzwords against SJWs.