How fucked is South Africa?

how fucked is South Africa?
Any afrikaners here? I'm worried for you guys

WTf is going on? I know FUCKALL about SA politics. Can I get a rundown?

LOL a bunch of fucking monkeys in suits trying out politics. What is the world coming too?

VERY dishonorable

ANC chimping out and the whites just get called rayciss for not agreeing with queen ape

Is the ANC their leftist party? They're clearly pulling the raciss card

the guys in red (eff) are a black socialist group

after apartheid the african national coalition has been in charge, the head of their youth group was considered too extreme so he started his own radical party, the eff

there's a bunch of complaints about the anc and corruption

the two most popular parties after the anc are the eff and the democratic alliance which was founded by whites and mixed people

All of that sounds like a recipe for disaster. So ANC is the largest represented party, but it's exclusive to Blacks?

not exclusive, but no white/colored supports them unless they are a self hating cuck pretty much

It's not exclusive to blacks, some whites would have voted for mandela, but few remain

the more important vote for the democratic alliance isn't white people, but the mixed people in the cape area

the crazy black guy mostly has support around johannesburg

desmond tutu was an anglican bishop and critical of apartheid, he's described the ANC as
>they stopped the gravy train long enough to get on it

the anc is now led by a polygamist who is spending millions of state dollars on a massive housing compound in his tribal area


It's honestly like they're on a daily mission of one-downsmanship with themselves to prove how much of a great idea apartheid was. We lurch from one national embarrassment to another with the only positive thing you can think of is that today's problem, as fucked up as it is isn't going to be as bad as the next one.

I think our incoming cherry on top of our turd will be the installation of the zombie faced Dlamini-Zuma as our new president.

>just kill me I don't care

western cape secession when?


How fucking hopeless does it have to be for a white politician in this shit hole

So if the ANC goes full Hillary Tier DNC theyll be left with communist black nationalists in charge of the government?


Been a while since I've seen a SA Parliamentary shitshow.

Commie blacks vs less commie blacks, in general most blacks despise the white because even after the end of Apartheid whites are far more successful.

Considering only 8% of the country is white... what do you think?

They happen every time SA parliament meets, to one degree or another

The ANC is closer to the right wing. A super ignorant and corrupt right wing.

Who cares? The only people there are niggers and whites too dumb to have left already.

got 20% of the national vote

b-but muh afrikaans

>father is in SA (capetown) right fucking now to look for property to buy around capetown now the Rand is so low.

How the fuck do I stop the mad man. I don't want to fucking go on vacation or inhirit a farm/house in Africa REEEEE I'm whiter than toothpaste

Its been like this for 8 years. I gave up all hope a long time ago. Luckily we still have little gated suburb ethnostates but its crumbling apart TBQH SENPAI

Bump me for mshini wami pic

The red ones are a new antiwhite leftist party called EEF or something
The ones scraming racism is the ANC the party of Zuma and Mandela and the one in charge am I right?

>Too dumb to leave
How fucking stupid are you. White south africans cannot obtain refugee status and most of us are too poor to leave. Emigration costs money.

Come home white man. The continent is lost and we need you for the future race war.

>not wanting front row seats for the race war
ill take it

btw how the fuck are so many women there looking like they were washing clothes in some river a minute ago?
anyone can be an honorable memba or what?

chimp howling at 1:50

Was it better under apartheid pol

come to catalonia

>just kill me
>there is no problem, kill me

>people bashing each other
>sign language negro translating thumping sounds


can i live with you and become a boer

Saving for a plane ticket and getting my passport. Where would I go though? I've always liked the idea of 'straya. I dont think I'll get into USA even though I wish I was born there and desu theres still too many blacks and shit-tier whites

theres a lot of RSA folk in New Zealand
You can look into Wyoming if you want an american version of the outback

You'll literally have better luck living in afghan then living as a boer. They're being massacred RN

White women routinely get abducted, raped, and enslaved in SA and nothing is done because nigger majority and the entire country is a no-go zone. Only hope is for some other country to step up, invade, and commit mass-genocide.

I don't know. I could never live in abboland because muh guns, but I don't think the future is bright here unless we balkanize. No matter what, none of us will escape the RaHoWa.



goddamn we need an honoraba memba remix

Geert will get you that right of return though.

>Honarable membas..
>Can we have sum ordah

This video is great

im learning Afrikaans and im sad because there wont be any left to speak it to desu

Hang on nederbros. If PVV wins or VNL/FVD are present in a coalition they will try to pass a law that allows return of afrikaners to the netherlands.

Yes. Expect much more identity politics. But it wont work well because the DNC equivalent of Zuma is Keith Ellison, who is a radical muslim who hates gays.
Not to mention the obvious frictions between blacks and latinos, which is much worse than the friction between latinos and whites. It would not surprise me if more and more gays and lesbians migrate to the Republican Party, if the DNC keeps up with its extreme pro-Muslim stance, and if East Asian Americans do the same, given the obvious discrimination they face. East Asians are much too smart and succesful to benefit from an economic system that is based around taking money from the rich and succesful and giving it to the lazy and poor, and they sure as hell don't benefit from positive discrimination that makes it much harder for them to get in Ivy Leagues and sheet.
I sincerely hope that Trump or some other non-cuckservative Republican will win the next election and will put a good number of hardworking conscientious Asians in the cabinet.


I'm not afrikaans really but my surname is. Will they fall for it? I want to go to Amsetrdam and smoke weed all day because I'm a lowkey degenerate

You know, I love looking at these savages sometimes. Because they are a testament of a very specific emotion, feeling or mindset really. Removed from all the complexion of white man thoughts, distilled into its purest form.

You see, that feeling is that of the feeling of being righteous. You can hear in their voice, in their demeanor. People who are absolutely, positively sure that they are doing exactly the right thing, with the entirety of their being...the problem is of course there are many of these kinds of people, and all of their ideologies and outwards things are different from one another.

So these people who think that they have found nirvana for their society, battle it out with other people.

And in a way its a good allegory for our problems right now. People who are so self assured, that they lack the insight for self awareness on a much grander scale, rushing forward into death with ignorance and glee.

Wouldnt call them leftwing or rightwing. Just an oligarchical party that provides for:
A. its leadership
B. the tribes that support it
C. The native and foreign donors that give it money. So the Chinese are probably big beneficiaries from this system, as they get easy deals for mining.

>ay' cobba come to good ol' straya we'll look afta ya'
Go to NZ they're doing better than we are right now

white peoples fault

a fucking windmill

Wish I could tell you that you can get citizenship here in the Netherlands, but our cucked politicians do not agree. I'm obviously voting for a party that will allow right of return for Afrikaners, and I wouldnt mind inviting over the rest of the Saffa whites too.

I don't know how they will implement it but all european south africans should be allowed back.

>inb4 niggers in south africa use the system to swarm europe even more and pretent to be afrikaners just like arabs pretend to be 15

That cat's got herself in quite the purrdicament

I'll make sure we make an exception for people like you when Geert becomes PM.

Can we get confirmation, you are trapped and too poor to leave??

Can you fill out paper work, interview, and then come?

Save 10,000 and then come, etc...

What a catastrophe if we are are importing all these rapeugees and this is true....

How many friends and family would leave for the U.S if given the opportunity.

Once landing in the U.S how often will you begin raping?

Just another day, another violent disagreement between the "kill whitey" party and the "tax whitey" party on the march towards "genocide whitey."

Was the walkout due to them taking the red shirt eff out?

Its just the straw that broke thier backs. The country has fallen into neptism/despotism. Note the guys afterwards who were bringing up the military being overwhelmingly present.

t-thanks bro

Canada just told some white South Africans to gtfo because even with all the murders, the President singing "kill the farmer kill the boer," it still didn't qualify them for refugee status.

People here are whining about how Trump is going to genocide Mexicans because he wants to deport illegals and build a wall. Imagine if they were being targeted, tortured, murdered, and Trump was leading the crowd in a song called "Kill the Spic" at his rallies.

If white South Africans don't stop oppressing the people there with their privilege soon, things are going to really get crazy.

No. Basically the ANC is the gravy train party that is corrupt as fuck, and its head honcho of this party, who is also the leader of SA, Jacob Zuma, is the most corrupt of them all. The EFF are a bunch of Marxist-Leninists who want to upend the gravy train, nationalize everything and turn the money spigot onto themselves and their tribal affiliates. They use the excuse of Zuma being a corrupt cunt who steals from the "people". The EFF has been fighting a slowburning civil war in the parliament, and only god knows when this conflict will escalate to outside the parliament. Zuma responded to the EFF's powerplay by putting military, which he largely controls, inside and around the parliament, which is a way of intimidating his opponents. The only sensible party, which is composed of intelligent blacks, whites, and coloureds, protested against this move by Zuma to militarise parliament, because it is an obvious first step towards autocracy. The obvious response from two digit IQ ANC members was to shout DATS RAYCISS and eventually the decision was made to force the second walkout.

I assume the red shirts were just civies sitting in on the session. Were the people shouting RAYCISS also civilians or is that actually how representatives treat one another in the middle of SA parliament?

they learned from the brits

Trudeau is such a cuck. I have a deep and burning hatred for him and his ilk.

If you're white and you are in South Africa, I would try get out as fast as possible. Witnessing some Haiti action in real life is something that I would like to skip as personal experience.

cant you guys just send kruger to exterminate niggers

The Redshirts are members of the Economic Freedom Front, abbreviated to EFF, which is a Marxist-Leninist party. They wear their read overals and mining hats because they want to signify that they are part of "the people" and are there to represent the "workers". All the while all these apes really care about is stealing through privatization, and turning the money spigot onto themselves.

Stealing through nationalization*

From what I can find around the web, it is reported that the people in red were EFF MPs. 25 got removed

The truth of what is happening is Mandella is dead and niggers are reverting to type

It's really pretty bad.

>Refugee? Really? Lol, nice try whitey. Don't care what your murder rate is, or how much the government hates you, your privilege is bulletproof.
>Refugee? Come in, my poor brown friend. Of course it's very scary in the United States right now with hateful words. You have every right to be concerned. I'm so glad you made it here safely; please, take some money.

Isn't that better than China getting the wealth though?

Why did the sensible party was referring too walk out if the commies getting pushed out of Parliament was so bad?

Because the sensible party was talking shit about the head honcho Zuma too. And since the ANC apes couldnt handle the bants they had to remove them. Thats why the speaker was shouting OUT OUT OUT at the end of the vid

Do you have make yourself sound like an idiot like that?

There's no doubt in my mind that under the rule of the EFF, the Chinese will benefit at least as much. The ANC is composed of fucking morons to be sure, but at least they understand that it is much better to keep companies private, to tax them, and to skim off a percentage for themselves. The EFF wants the whole pie, which will result in zero capital investments for the coming decades in the South African mining industry, which is the lifeblood of the SA economy. And mining in South Africa is particularly capital intensive. You're talking about mines that go down 2 miles easily. The result of an EFF victory will be Zimbabwe 2.0, which has the Chinese taking over the whole economy. Dumb niggers want money, but if they cant steal it anymore, and if the West isnt willing to give them any, they will go to China for sure.

Excuse me? What is idiotic about my statement?

Glad elon musk got out.

London slang is not something friends let friends pick up.


Fuck off. Bants and apes is common parlance here on Sup Forums

every time i have watched one of their parliament sessions, the EFF people just start shit until they get kicked out

do they ever do anything meaningful, or do they simply exist to ruin everyone's life?

They are entertaining Sup Forums for sure. But besides that, no the do not make anybody's life better.

You should strive to be less common while floating in the sewer of the internet.

>all those white people
>ending apartheid was a mistake

Business as usual. Very dishonorable.

It will turn into Zimbabwe in 14 years.

Niggers gonna nig.

white shirt win!!

Are things really that dire for white South Africans?

Is it even a country anymore?

What does "Remember the residimeni 94" mean???

Fukken delet

Ah it is the south african again. How long until Sup Forums makes you go full 1488, so you will leave you partial portuguese wife to obtain an aryan spouse? :DD

Wait a moment, their are to south africans in this thread!?
Well nvm

Wat de fug their are four