Reminder that women are the most faithful creatures ever

Reminder that women are the most faithful creatures ever.

If you can't handle her at her worse, then you don't deserve her at her best!!

Other urls found in this thread:

t. Guy on the left

Sorry faggot but Chad always wins

It's the same guy.

She looked better when she was bigger.
When she loses weight she looks like a bland soulless model.


Compare noses

Same guy


Get out you fucking r9k autists

Kill yourselves

i prefer the healthy version on the far left

It's the same guy, though...

She made a public post on her tumblr about breaking up with him

Found it. Mental gymnastics galore.

lol western women

We talked about this. She worked on herself to be a good woman for him and he didn't do the same. You gamma narcisists are the worst and your behaviour is the main reason You will never fuck.

Its not the same girl.

Yes it is.

Holy betas batman


He seems like a great person based on this description, I wonder why Chad had going for him beyond obvious physical superiority. Better job?

Dear diary, OP was not a faggot.

Fuckin hell

>I wonder why Chad had going for him beyond obvious physical superiority.
More often than not, that's all Chad's need. I'm sure there are countless long term relationships and marriages that have abruptly been cut short due to a Chad coming along.

>putting women on a pedestal

This is why we are dieing out.

But I've only slept with one man in my life, and I've been dedicated to him for years.

>women are the most faithful creatures
>pic implies that was a lie

This picture has been debunked a million times over. It's the same two people in both pictures. Take your defeatist cuck fantasies to

Quads of truth

>DZ at LSU

Damn. Probably hooked up with one of her sorority sisters. Suprided I don't recognize her.

>implying women haven't forced relationships into politics for decades now

Shadilay! Praise kek!

(thats the joke)

jesus fucking christ, what a passive-agressive piece of shit cunt she is


Western women were a mistake, this should be a lesson to any guys who think a women can truly love you

But that's what women want to be.

My current gf used to be model-thin with big tits. Now she's got a little more meat on her, and I love it. She carries it well, but she bitches constantly about how ugly she is. We're at this weird point where anything I say or do won't get her out of her cyclical thought process that she's a fat cow.

Women just do it to themselves, man.

Here is something that will question whether women can actually love.

Summary version:
>college girl has crush on alpha male guy
>fucks him
>beta friend who liked her tried to get with her for a long time until she finally gave him a chance.
>they later get married cause of her fading looks
>she never forgot about alpha guy
>husband realized his wife never loved him & becomes a monk after they divorce.

>having such low standards that you think you're superior for having low standards

You need to show her how hot she is, not tell her you cuck

I just like girls who are meaty and thick.
Not fat, but not skinny sticks either.




Its the same man.

could it be because you're not that great of a catch yourself?

not that that's really a bad thing

people are happier when they're more attracted to those within their league

unless you're a woman ofc than you can be a fat disgusting cow and get a some gym rat to take care of you

Shoo shoo, (((r9k))).

Then why not just movie to Saudi Arabia

>only Muslims think women shouldn't have rihgts
>are you a Muslim

do you stupid feminist white knights actually think we'll fall for this shit?

desu that looks like 3 different women

I dont understand why you complain about women. They seek alphas, we seek looks. You want a girl? Be alpha. All i see is bitter betas, why should a woman be stuck with your NEET ass?

This is why you borderline rape your wife. Shes going to have trouble thinking of someone else whilst dealing with the rape orgasms and open hand slaps to the face.

because of foreign concepts like loyalty

and probably because she SAID she would and she pretends she still loves him

The exact same thing happened to a girl in my office.

She was a tubby little nobody that managed to hook herself a nerdy but decent guy. She started working out, got super fucking hot, then became ultra slut 9000. She dumped him as soon as she started getting male attention, ended up living with some nu-male gym rat.

Turned out well in the end though because nu-male is a bottom feeder wagie while the nerdy guy she left got made partner at a massive IT company he helped build, and now doesn't even have to work and still makes a fortune. He'll e a millionaire in a few years.

Her bitterness is delicious when she's trying to convince us she made the right choice.

I t-thought she looked better on the far left image...

No, it has nothing to do with MY looks.
I like girls who are thick. You're implying that the skinny anorexic blonde model is the supreme level of attractiveness for a woman. People have different preferences.

>make a profile on a dating website
>make it so women who answer 'yes" to already having kids cannot message me
>woman who is 8 months pregnant messages me because she put in "no" to already having kids

>gym rat


HAHAHA western women suck, lads. So glad I'm gay.

left wing politics, feminism, and disney movies are to blame. Only like 10% of men are CHADS yet women still find a way to fuck them and only them. It's pretty easy for them with dating apps and whatnot. They can literally filter their search results to bring them the toppest tier genetic make up who they will only spread their legs for.

being a non CHAD in 2017 is a curse. God be with you.

hate to tell you this bro but she's on the verge of dumping you. they all get that way when they want to end the relationship but can't find the courage to do it. they make life difficult for you so you will eventually get fed up and start bickering, at which point she will cry and say she doesn't deserve to be treated like this blah, blah. blah... all it will take is for you to lose your temper once and then it's "omg y'all he totally lost his temper and now i'm super worried about my saftey! what should i do y'all??" and of course all the replies from her girlfriends and all the white knight faggots will be the same - "you deserve better girl! leave him! i'm here for you!" etc, etc... sorry m8

you've clearly never been to /fit/

Male cardio-bunny. He's neither swole nor strong, just hangs out at the gym because it's fashionable and there's lots of mirrors to preen in.

You ever see the blatant homos doing speed-walking on treadmills? He's one of them.

Bearded, tatted faggot with muscles?

When I think of /fit/ I think of muscular autists.

When I think of nu-males I think of limp wristed 135 pound SJW faggots.

Half of fit is skelly fags, the other half is fatasses and the other half is actually guys who work out

> plus half
> plus another half

3 half's = 1.50

>burger education

>girl got and upgrade
>this is bad

the bitterness of you nerds

Your relationship is walking a fine line. Her appearance change massivly like that in either direction is destabalizing. If you want to keep her
> stop telling her shes hot and looks good. Fuck her the hardest you ever have instead.
> when she says omg user im so fat tell her yeah she looks like a whale, smirk, and kiss her. Then do #1 above

Do not be an autist while dping this. This is playing with fire but the only chance you have.

>So glad I'm gay.

Keep telling yourself that.

It's called a shit-test, and if you're still putting up with that shit, you're failing it.

Next time she starts that, tell to take her fat ass to the gym if it bothers her so much. Whatever you do, stop fucking indulging her. Indulgence will kill any respect she has for you and that's a one-way ticket to dumpsburg.


This comment sums up everything that's wrong with the world today.

I guess it's normal for people who's parents destroyed their family in a divorce to 'get an upgrade'.

This society is falling apart, sickening...

The fact that you call women with a normal weight "anorexic" is quite telling.

this one is correct

unless she's a superior japanese qt
then you have to put her on a pedestal

My ex-girlfriend used to be fat until she started going to the gym with me and got into shape. Then she literally told me that she wanted to be a slut and did just that. Good riddance desu.

At least she was upfront about it and didn't waste your time or give you the runaround.

>I have to share this with everyone... I ran into a friend I haven't seen in a very long time earlier today.......we made some small talk, and then she said to me, "How do you like what's going on with that SOB Trump...I said, "What do you mean"! She said, "Don't you watch the news"? I knew then there was going to be a problem...I said, "Of course I do". She said, "well then you know". I said "yes". she said, "and"?, I said, " and what", I thought here it comes,... I was right!!!! I couldn't help myself but I started laughing...she said, "what's so funny"? I then really started to laughing. I couldn't help myself.. I just got into a laughing fit!!!..She said, "oh no, you're not one that drank the orange cool aid, are ya"? I couldn't stop laughing because she had this maniacal look in her eyes which made me laugh harder. By then, she said, that she was sorry that she ran into me because I ruined her day and walked away shaking her head....and by then , I was hysterically laughing...I left the store and bought Oh Well, another friend I lost!

>implying men don't also go up the totem poll when they can
gotta disagree with Sup Forums here

only need virgns h8 wymen!!!!!!!!!!!!!! go outside fagits!

I am. BBC is on the rise for a reason.

>turns 360 degrees and walks away

>wahh wahh I really love him it just wasn't meant to be he's the greatest guy in the world
Every woman does this when they leave someone for Chad Thundercock to make themselves feel like they aren't bad people and that their ex just "deserves someone better"

t. someone whose girlfriend did this same exact shit and then tried getting back together after Chad Thundercock pumped and dumped her

>Original boyfriend looks the same or worse, and all the while she was busting her ass to be a better person he was probably jacking off and playing video games.
fuck this thread. girls don't owe you shit

>put a stack of $20 bills leading to your house
>once she is back in your arms that have $100 bills glued to them
>tie her up
>crack open a 6 pack and turn on the Huey Lewis, cause its gonna be a long night
>slowly tare off her face with surgical tools
>sprinkle salt on it and then show her a mirror while shes screaming like a little cunt
>cut her left arm and right leg off and taunt her how "no one would ever want you now blah blah blah!"
>take a dump on her and make her eat it
>then when she poops her pants, put some gloves on and rub it all over her face and tell her how disgusting she is
>place the picture of you and her when she was fat right in front of her face and then leave the room

Then idk just leave her there to starve and to think about things I guess

Hypergamy is not a western cultural thing... even monkeys have it!
Sooooo, all women are mistake :)

fuck off with your mgtow shit, it's not welcome here

it's the same guy
they have the same smile and build

what happens next?

>mfw that post


Checked and approved

She'd probably die of during the face part.

If she just said that she wanted someone more attractive who bulked up it wouldn't be so bad because at least she was just being honest. But fuck me, that post really just shows that she now looks at him with genuine pity. If I was him and read that I'd want to kill her.

This. I hate when girls pull the "it's not you, it's me" card, or "you'll find someone out there better for you". It just shows they don't have the decency to be honest about anything. You're breaking up with me, how about giving me a modicum of respect when you do it.

Would you stay with your fat wife if you got rich?

>He has never had sex with a THICC girl.
Bro you do not realize what you are missing.


Hard to be the bad guy I guess but posting it on the internet for every man and his dog to read...

If I was trying to play devil's avocado, I'd say that her ex could have lifted a weights for a few months raised his own game a bit but who knows, looks like Chad might also have a bigger bank account. Because as any woman will tell you, money isn't important.

...user, I know you're 17 and trying to be ironic but no. it doesn't work that way.

Wait so she bettered herself and he wouldnt do the same. OMG WOMEN ARE SO EVIL!!!!

So many vengeful virgins itt. Have fun staying that way

Find you a nice conservative Indian girl.
Virgin guaranteed.
Good looking.

looks like she was just using the first guy and later moved on for some reason. maybe they had a fight or something?

Hating modern women is a completely rational and normal response for any sane, level headed, morally grounded male.

Way to miss the point you fucking autistic retarded roastie.

Also, I love the hypocrisy: Women dumps loyal boyfriend, gets nothing but encouragement. Man dumps his loyal girlfriend, hes a asshole, misogynist pig blah, blah, blah.

Point being men are basically socially conditioned to be loyal to women (and stigmatized if they aren't) but the reverse is no longer true.

Dude probably killed himself

Fucking sad

Just beta virgins who cant get over being friendzoned