Anons from Netherlands, will Geert Wilders win ?

Please let him win

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He won't win. We are way too smart to elect a bigot

Depends on what do you mean with "win"
He will most likely end up as the one mith the mast votes by a fairly big number.
Yet, he is unlikely to be next pm becasue the dutch electorate system is all about coalitions that he probably wont be able to form

He looks comical

only rural and suburban retards will vote for him

>with the most votes
Sorry, was a long day

I won't be voting for this zionist cuck. I hope he does well so we can form a right wing ministry

I hope he does well though*

Shit what have i missed? Zionist?

yeah.. shame

Even if he loses, PVV will be the biggest party
There are no brakes.


> Cordon Sanitaire

So did Mozart.

yeah seems like he need another party to be with, but no one want to be with them

What the hell kind of political system is that? Smells like the work of kikes

I'll vote for him. His party is one of the more right-wing ones and we're seeing a right-wing revolution.

I'll see if I can find the image, but he was trained in Israel and so was his wife, where he even went through "torture" as part of the training. Also, he openly supports the jews in Israel. I wish we could have a politician whom says "just nuke them both", but I guess I'm being too idealistic

>Not voting FvD

>not voting SGP

I don't see why not. His only controversial positions are that he doesn't like Moroccans and may leave the EU

Other than that, he's fairly center, even kind of a lefty on some issues

I like them but I'm not religious, so would be against my best interest to vote for them

I'm even going to put my libertarian principles on ice to vote for him.

Can't pass up such an excellent opportunity to implode the EU.

shit i did not know that

we have the same in norway, sometimes coalitions are made so that they get more votes and stuff

And so the democratic illusion will be exposed fully. win-win situation.

Country full of hippies. He's obviously not gonna win.

Another step closer to hanging all these faggots.


good lad

Wtf he looks like an alien from Star Trek

Someone needs to make something like this for Wilders.

Not having as many immigrants and maybe leaving the EU is way more important to most than his other, more left wing ideas.

He will. It's time.

What did KEK mean by this? Trump is supposed to be the chosen one.

I've heard from Dutch friends that it's impossible for him to win because of their system. He won't get a majority, and nobody will form a coalition with him.

Granted, these are the same people who told me Trump won't actually win, but their explanation in this instance is actually reasonable.

Coalition systems are cancer and enable a partycracy. This is how it works: if Geert Wilders' party gets 40% of the vote he's still not sure of that PM seat because the establishment parties may team up on him and form a government themselves. So its basically Wilders vs. everybody else now.

A lot of European countries have this system. The surge of anti-migrant parties but the anti-migrant exposed how all parties are actually the same

The funny thing is also that the people that advocate to exclude Wilders (even though he might gain most of the votes) are also the ones that say Hillary won because she won the popular vote

geert will rule the world after trump has made the galaxy great again

He must. He is our only hope

Geert is a dumbass.

t. ART1KEL stemmer

he will user.

He looks like Jimmy Page

kek he does

He probably won't be the prez but I'm voting for him anyway, maybe he can squeeze a referendum out of the major parties.

PVV + PvDA + CDA + D66 + GL

Yikes no thanks

Denk + Artikel 1 +GL +PvdA +D66


you forgot to enable proxy, CREW

hij is een kankerflikker. ik ben blij, ik ben niet een nederlander

I used to be a geert supporter, but no longer we cant let yim get his hands on the nuclear codes.

thats not a nice thing to say there cleetus

Why are you attempting to speak dutch then?

we hebben geen albert heijn ;_;

You should be glad

Where do you come from amerikaan?
and albert hein is expensive, go to lidl or jumbo. i they got nice little apple cakes.

dit kan niet echt zijn.

Tuurlijk is het echt, elke albert heijn heeft standaard een halal selectie. Tijdens het suikerfeest en de ramadan hebben ze zelfs een aparte gang vol met islamitisch eten.

En zwarte piet is natuurlijk de deur uit

Dit is waarom ik gemengde gevoelens over ons land heb.

ik ben amerikaan, ik woonde vroeger in groningen, mijn ex was een student aan RUG. ik fond het eten beter bij albert heijn. mijn nederlands is slecht.

Prepare for civil war, for those who refuse to see the threat will soon be dead.

En dan de andere 50 zetels nog.

Ah like that. Hope you didnt drag your wife from one niggerhell to another. Also your dutch is fine, better than the average marrocan that was born here.

Nice digits, Also hoping the left and muzzies will chimp out and the police gets forced to open fire on them.

That's one fit looking lady.

Kijk naar mijn vlag, broeder. ze sleepte me daar. ik ben ontsnapt. ik hou van amerika :)



Laat geweer zien

Everyone with a bit of sense is voting PVV and FvD so chill Sven its gonna be alright.

What's our governments record on honoring referendums again? 0/3 or something?

Take note any yanks still on the fence about gun control:

This is what happens when you allow the political class to disarm the populace.


I'm voting FvD and I'd encourage everyone to read up on their party

Geert will win

If he wins as predicted at this point, his party will have such a wide margin that they can hammer down on any legislation they like, or just spend the time shitposting and riling up an unwieldy coalition until they break.

Kek already said he'd win. It will happen, no matter how improbable. No matter how many (((polls))) claim someone else has a 99.99999999% chance of winning


But the polls are telling us that he WILL become the biggest party, but will probably get destroyed by a huge coalition of other parties.

Was it this chap who said he wanted to close down mosque's and ban the Quran?

Its uplifting that he's leading in the polls given that his rhetoric is bound to be nothing short of extreme for the average person. I've been told that for him to win its a bit more complicated and as a result unlikely, but the message is clear.

What's the demographic and immigrant situation like in the Netherlands? Not too bad? Bad? Fucking terrible?

Praise kek, unchecked gets? as a Dutch American I hope to god he wins

He's aged rapidly in the last 4 years. Must be stress.

If he loses is Holland done for?