Trump Playlist
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #3 2/10/17
>Pres Trump & FLOTUS @ AF1 - New EO 2/10/17
>Pres Trump & PM Abe promise to make animu real 2/10/17
>Pres Trump & PM Abe Handshake of Love 2/10/17
>VP Pence swears in HHS Sec Price 2/10/17
>Pres Trump responds to 9th CC ruling 2/9/17
>VP Pence @ Westpoint 2/9/17
>Pres Trump/VP swear in AG Sessions 2/9/17
>Marty McFly lands on our timeline
>Alex Jones gets high with Joe Rogan, redpilling ensues
>"Pres Trump told me to investigate whatever I want"
>God Emperor Trump Was Born To Rule
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
>Trump Triumphant
>We Are The Silent Majority
>American Comeback Story
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/ptg/ President Trump General - Another Sad Day For The Left Edition
I wonder what these faggots look like in real life
What's in store for today
Do you think Stephen "the red piller" Miller will run for office one day?
Check and
This is retarded. They switched decades ago.
Not much has changed.
And you beat me to it.
I'd rather see him kill George Snuffleupagus with his bare hands and mount the skull in the Oval Office.
aren't the emmys today?
will you guys be watching?
ICE, ICE, Baby.
fuck donald trump and fuck white people
>They switched decades ago.
Nice meme.
Do you want to make the next thread?
He would easily win an office in Alabama.
He should run for Governor there when he's ready.
When did this happen ?
it still pisses me off that you can hear whistles in the background of his swearing in like when that black retard protesting milo did it too
mfw nobody cared
How was Killer Miller today on the morning shows?
Which of the four appearances are worth watching?
You mean these white people? That's racist, y'know
I thought it was the Grammys? Either way I'm sure there will be a few statements made that no one will see but everyone will hear about tomorrow.
> X took a stand against Trump last night.
Here's the video on twitter being disgusting.
Are you shitting me? Where is that from?
southern strategy is a conspiracy theory, are you really dumb enough to believe both parties, all their senators represtantives and presidential candidates all switched sides for no reason?
I have to share this with everyone... I ran into a friend I haven't seen in a very long time earlier today.......we made some small talk, and then she said to me, "How do you like what's going on with that SOB Trump...I said, "What do you mean"! She said, "Don't you watch the news"? I knew then there was going to be a problem...I said, "Of course I do". She said, "well then you know". I said "yes". she said, "and"?, I said, " and what", I thought here it comes,... I was right!!!! I couldn't help myself but I started laughing...she said, "what's so funny"? I then really started to laughing. I couldn't help myself.. I just got into a laughing fit!!!..She said, "oh no, you're not one that drank the orange cool aid, are ya"? I couldn't stop laughing because she had this maniacal look in her eyes which made me laugh harder. By then, she said, that she was sorry that she ran into me because I ruined her day and walked away shaking her head....and by then , I was hysterically laughing...I left the store and bought Oh Well, another friend I lost!
>hollywood award shit
My fucking sides
I hope one day we can get our law agencies to classify them as non-white so that we can see the real stats on crime.
We would see mass mobs trying to remove taco in that case. I can't wait.
Oh Jesus Christ a bunch of rich overpaid primadonnas spewing leftist propaganda and fake tears. I wouldn't manage to stay the course watching that. Hopefully someone makes a compilation so I can consider watching it ans dee what was said.
The Trumpers love their refrain, "get over it, you lost, we won."
A growing majority of Americans really aren't looking at it that way.
For the most obvious reason, Hillary actually won if we elected our presdients democratically like every other governmental office.
And then there's the unresolved issue of how Russia was involved.
Then there's that disgraceful, illegal action taken by Comey.
This whole "win" smells to high heaven and doesn't look legitimate.
Sorry, we're not going to just "get over it" as Trump supporters would love for us to do.
Specifically since we have this shady character in the WH.
We'll take our time "getting over it".
Just like Tump supporters got over Benghazi.
We never heard the end of that, and Trump's possible criminmal activities are something none of us should just "get over".
As if I cared about what shit your cousins are making.
It will be glorious, user. Guess what department the Bureau of Justice Statistics is in?
But they are white
Top kek haven't heard this bullshit in a while
>Weaponized autism wins culture wars, user.
Here's what I find so interesting about this place. For as much shit as we give each other and ourselves about being autistic NEETS having no lives or social skills, it's amazing what the spontaneous order from the hivemind around the world can create and use to influence meat space.
It's both charming and terrifying. Charming that the people who claim to be so far removed from society understand it well enough not only to interact but to physically manipulate history.
That's where it gets terrifying. We're a bunch of people watching words pop up on a screen on a Sunday or Monday and through no direction can have literal world-changing impacts. With the power that those that run the world have, it makes one a lot more likely to start questioning everything.
For fuck's sake, I'm still a relatively newfag here of about a year, and I went to bed last night trying to piece together what I've learned/seen here. I think a lot of the real extreme stuff is said in jest to keep normies out, but every day makes me question that belief more.
On a daily to weekly basis I come across something here that just blows my mind, and I see myself not only disagreeing but dispising to those with the leftist view. I can't imagine how the oldfags feel.
Anyway, pic related. I love you guys.
>reddit typesetting
Watch them all; he kicked ass.
Watcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do When they come for you
Benghazi was relevant as long as Hillary was still a candidate
The election is over
I know, right?
>mfw scrolling past the obvious rabbit copypasta
Try looking up Florida stats, sunshine law might give a clearer arrest record, and everyone in Broward/Dade can be assumed hispanic until proven otherwise
What is this in response to? What did evil nazi overlord Donald do now?
Is Trump going to avenge JFK?
>People are now shouting "NIGGER" at black journalists in Seattle
What a time to be alive.
/r/politics now unashamedly uses shareblue links
It has 230 comments
Holy motherfuck we dodged a bullet with Hilldawg losing. We were headed down a path into absolute insanity.
Thanks for the new pasta, CTR.
Surely you already know.
When the investigations into his Russian ties are all said and done there's a very real possibility that this man might swing from a noose.
You don't get probation for treason the last time I looked.
I can take over if you like and bake, but sadly I think I will retire in not too long, but I can make a couple before I go to bed. But Joe will force a new baker to step forward when tat time comes.
Just relax and enjoy some shitposting before you go to bed, I got it from now and a little while into the night.
Share this, it's important and some people don't know yet.
If you really want to help Trump's cause, you don't just make posts here where 99% of Americans will never set foot, you have to support the people and content that are outing the truth of the matter. Nothing wrong with discussions here, I'm here all the time, but remember that we are a super minority.
>war in ID
what does kek mean with this?
>le Russian agent meme
Good thing we were ready.
If you did not wish to I can as well. Don't want to throw off your sleep schedule since it is so late there.
So exactly as we'd expect...
Anonymous free speech is one of the most powerful of weapons. Why do you think the powerful despise it so utterly?
Alright that's enough replying to the shill. We won, have all the facts, and they got nothing. No need to reply to them.
Please repeal the 1965 immigration act.
We won get over it faggot
>an entire political party and millions of voters are nazis!
I don't think this person understand their situation if this was true. Since when was it acceptable for adult men and women to be hyperbolic and juvenile?
Proof? [citation]? Quote?
I like it.
>But I had prepared for this day. So, I leapt from my seat, did a quick sweep outside, determined it was safe and ran out the door. I yelled loudly, “Stop, you can’t do that!” I saw only her back as she scurried across the street.
>The café’s owners called the police, who found the woman and issued her an arrest citation. By the time a police officer came inside the cafe to take a statement from my friend and me, he’d concluded the woman showed signs of mental illness. Then, thumbing through the tiny pages of his notepad, he related how she had fully acknowledged her offense. “Now that Obama is no longer president,” she told him, “there’s nothing wrong with what I did.”
Even larper shitposters are more believable.
Still working on it, so much meat to grind first.
Stupid fucking americans... They really think a bitch with 1 billion in the bank will give a fuck about them.
Must make war with them
KEKUS VULT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Enjoy shitposting or go to bed
That's cute. I'm pulling another all nighter here
It's yours now
Any comp vids of MSM getting spiced? Willing to give up this Awoo for em! Pls i need to lift soon and i need something to watch between sets.
leave mommy alone
Not at all. The Democratic strategy has been the same for the past 160 years: expand immigration and social programs in exchange for votes.
Wrong, they only switched on economic policy. The Democratic party has been the same forever otherwise.
We're working on it.
Anonymous shitposting is not new. On the contrary, it is the foundation of great Republics. Only now we can do it 10,000x faster and with image memes. It's like upgrading from an abacus to a quantum computer - same principle but with an exponentially greater influence over culture.
Good taste. Kino is kino. Thanks for baking.
You mean the investigations into Obamas Muslim Brotherhood ties?
Nice if you can take over. I can then concentrate on shitposting and correct spelling before I turn in for the night.
But it won't hurt to mess a little with my sleep schedule; I liked it when I was on full US time - I didn't miss anything then ;_;
Shitposting with sleep deprivation is the best kind of shitposting ;_;
Say that to my face, nazi
He's right but sadly (or thankfully depending on how you look at) they will completely ignore him and go further left like the retards they are.
wait, wut?
>I can't imagine how the oldfags feel.
Like our work is never done.
He has the same name as my grandpa. I like him.
He really needs to switch already.
It's not like he hasn't been a Republican before.
Digits confirm it. They had some good eggs, Jackson and JFK, but their lust for non-white laborers has remained.
At the very least, the Senate Judiciary should demand to see the tax returns of the Trumpster to determine if any of his investments present a confilct of internest with domestic or foreign policy.
Failure to present those tax returns should result in Impeachment proceedings in the House.
Dr Carson, I'm DJT
To the user who asked about the youtube link with someone explaining why it appears that Trump's tweets are bombarded with negative replies but no positive ones.
Here you go
I think I speak for all the newfags here, thank you, and we hope to continue learning and being told to kill ourselves from you.
Careful Jim, that's Nazi talk. You're not a Nazi, are you?
"White" is the new badwrong word. It's a slur.