Éire/pol/- Rossa was right edition

Thread theme: youtu.be/eusc8FxSOwg
Identity Ireland are a meme, National Party are our best hope: nationalparty.ie/
Petes song: youtu.be/oYos7FCW_FI
Learn Irish: daltai.com/
>"This gardaí bollox has fuck all to do with me!"- Enda Kenny

>FF to abstain from no confidence motion

>King of the leprechauns visit to drug dealers continues

>Dáil wars episode V: the shinners strike back

>Bertie bashes border

>Even more gardaí bollox

>FG trailing behind FF in polls

>McCabe rejects apology

Other urls found in this thread:




If I am a Saxon then the queen is a celt

This edition made me audibly kek OP, thanks

Really lad, you've never heard of "Norn Iron"?

>In all likelihood Collins was an ethno-nationalist and Celtic Supremacist
Both Him and Eoin came up through the GAA Which at the time was full of people who promted Gaelic sports to demonstrate Celtic superiority
Goddamn I love Collins, I remember hearing his hero was Rossa, who explicitly said the British were an inferior race and the English language was the tongue of mongrels, fucking kek.
Why did he have to die boys?


What is your opinion on abortion?

Yeah it's full of shinners and Protestants. We don't want either.

The ban stays.

How marriage material are Irish lasses?


I bet you're that same mass-replying faggot from the last thread.

Micks have done such a shit job of helping their country that who are you to tell others not to help?
Also, NI dwelling micks are welcome too.

March 2nd meme parade SOON

Good luck enforcing it

Civil war.

>FF abstaining from vote of no confidence
They're not ready for an election, so. Has anybody else had Fine Geal and Labour canvassers to the door in the last week?

I believe the ONLY time it should be allowed is if the woman/babies life is at serious risk were the birth to happen. or rapebabies. outside of such outstanding cases its a fucking abomination.

Against it.

How have we done such a shit job?
Considering we have paid back the loans the uk have given WITH interest

Or how about the fact the Irish economy is the fastest growing economy in the EU

Speaking from the whore of Babylon here, (check my flag) Abortion is the ultimate degradation, as said by Fr. Coughlin (pic related) what's more, it allows whore culture to go into over drive, you think your women are slags now paddy? If you EVER repeal the 8th you better buckle the fuck up, because you'll be in for a ride

Why do you even bother?


Even in the case where the mother's life is at risk?


Pretty unproffesional and cucked right there.

^^Pretty much this, to be honest. Though I don't have a strong opinion on it, to be frank.

>wade through Irish blood goyim
What a filthy kike am I right?

I'm against it most of the time except if the child is a rape baby or it is a potato then it's ok.

thanks for the bump

In all honestly, politics in the republic has virtually no influence on Northern Ireland's status, It'll change roughly in the 2030s, regardless of who is in power

Just droppin this off here
hope you like it

Will use it as a thread theme tomorrow, 10/10 lad

This was everyone belief until brexit, the republic has had a very firm stance against the EU on behalf of NI. We are getting NI a pretty sweet deal with access to the EU market but still retaining a brexit status.

Would Ireland be better off leaving the European Union?

It's really interesting to read about how Valera basically broke down when he thought the Blueshirts were going to march on Dublin

Yes for cultural and domestic reasons
No for economic reasons, it would destroy our economy

Christ no, we're basically the Mexico of Europe and most of our economy is based on stealing industries from the rest of Europe with a lower corporation tax.

>fastest growing

That does not necessarily mean good, or stable.

If I give a penniless hobo a tenner, his capital has statistically multiplied moreso than most of the people who will walk past him.

A good economy is one that is good and stays good, one that's absolutely fucking awful and rapidly becoming "pretty okay I guess" is not something to boast about.

this, unfortunately we still need to keep jewing the eu with our corp tax.

Our best bet at reunification is common interest. If we can convince the peoples of the North and the Republic that a United Ireland will make them money then we're much more likely to see a 32 county republic in a couple decades.

We haven't. We've done a pretty fucking good job.

Brits just can't handle that because it fucks up their stupid mick can't rule themselves narrative when we outperform them. They lash out autistically by shitting up Éire/pol/.

Hrs a filthy kike dev was.
What was O'duffys feelings on Develera and other Jews?

Of course

that would be a second easter rising

Weighing that up, what would you prefer?

We didn't start from nothing you dingus, regardless of how much you wish we had in order to fit your feels>reals narrative.

Cultural, always cultural.
Otherwise you end up a rich Materialistic country like mine, but we are empty, we have no substance, no soul

Yes the eu has been influencing Irish politics for years in a bad way and is encouraging ireland to take rapugees not only that but they made Ireland bail them out during the recession putting Ireland in to debt.

Absolutely despised De Valera, thought the man was a commie revolutionary and a kike who killed Collins and was trying to turn the country into USSR Mark II
Almost led a coup against him but stopped short out of a respect for legality

He said some things about Jews in line with NAtsoc teachings, in the forties and fifites the IRA was full of anti-Semites

The only reason Ireland went bankrupt was because of the corruption in the banks in government not because our economy wasn't stable.
We have had our independence for nearly 100 years yet the only time we needed a bailout was the banking crisis that was a worldwide crisis.

Let's not forget that Ireland is ahead of paying our loans back to Germany, this is unheard of in countries such as Spain, Italy and I hate to say it but Greece

And going back to being a mere appendage of England? Fuck that.

Does the thought that our economy might plummet not worry you?

I would love to see an independent United Ireland yes, we shouldn't have to listen to Germany on refugee intake or corporation tax

He thought something like Mussolinis march on Rome would happen ousting him from power.

All quiet on the Northern Front, lads.

How goes you? Hope you guys aren't freezing.

Tell me, mo chairde, do you really care about the Republic? Many of my friends don't. The feel like the ideals of republicanism aren't responsible for the modern Irish identity.

Do you think that is realistic though? As said by many anons in this thread, our economy would likely go poorly. Taking that into account, is it still something you would like to happen?

Hasn't snowed all winter feels bad man.

Fuck man, I wish he went for it

All quiet here, the streets are clear of orange scum


fecking cold down here lad
I do, but its fucking depressing that many dont.

Fairly comfy by the fire, Sup Forumsposting and watching and catching up on the GAA

Not a hope.
Brexit proved if you leave the EU, you leave the single market no argument. Ireland is too small to start its own trade agreements with other countries and we wouldn't be able to survive on the UK trade alone.

>we shouldn't have to listen to Germany on refugee intake or corporation tax

False dichotomy. We have opt-outs for both.

OP you're a good man. keep up the threads.

It's standard with a lot of western nations
We're living in the era of multicultural tolerance and any history before that is irrelevant and racist

Look at Norway, not even a member of the EU but has to pay for access to the single market and it has to take in refugees if they don't then their deal is off.

As for the corporation tax, read up about the CCCTB, it is going to fuck Ireland

Couldn't we just VETO CCCTB? Surely there's enough countries against it, hungary, luxembourg etc.

This general won't last

These Eire threads are welcome but its fruitless supporting the National Party.

Best option is to infiltrate and influence FF.

Sure they are corrupt, are behind all our problems, but they have the most efficient political machine here by far and once Farmers die out the FG vote is gone.

FF will last, Shinners are a bunch of Marxist idiots who want a free Ireland but flooded by Niggers and pakis.

Alt-Righting the FF base is the key

We are literally the only country veto against it. We are an island it would make no sense for corporations to set up here when they can set up in mainland Europe closer to markets and raw materials

>britfeel existed for over 2 years on /r9k/
>Amerifeel lasted for 2 days

>Look at Norway, not even a member of the EU but has to pay for access to the single market and it has to take in refugees if they don't then their deal is off.

Norway isn't Ireland. Ireland and the UK have opt-outs for taking in refugees.

>As for the corporation tax, read up about the CCCTB, it is going to fuck Ireland

Not necessarily. The CCCTB, as the name would suggest, is about the tax base only and not the rate. The EU doesn't have the power to set the rate without treaty change, so our 12.5% rate is safe unless we willingly give it up in the constitutional amendment referendum that EU treaty change would require.

And we also have a veto over the CCCTB either way, which is why it's never gotten off the ground.

The Brits thought the same about the troubles

Croppies don't lie down.

There ye are,

Shitposting here like a bunch of big eejits

Try and run the old FF trick of getting into bed with a couple of the minor parties and then fucking them over at the next generals when you need a fall guy.

I hear YFG can be fairly alt right with some of it's members,

Surely infiltrating FG is the better choice

Who else here /UCD/

>opt out for stopping immigrants

When has the EU ever put away a bad idea? They will keep pushing for it and Ireland leaders being bitches they are will agree


Would allow for cases of rape, harm to the mother, and if the foetus has any sort of genetic conditions. Actually I would be in favour of mandatory testing and abortions in the case of serious conditions like down syndrome or being a Paki.

Just leaving this here


Oi lads. Do you think next General Election will be the one to break the two-party system?

>I hear YFG can be fairly alt right with some of it's members,

Tell me more about this.

>>opt out for stopping immigrants

Nice goalpost shifting, but your original point was about refugees here >we shouldn't have to listen to Germany on refugee intake or corporation tax
>on refugee intake


Firstly, that still has absolutely no bearing on the fact we have an opt-out from all of that.


>reading the (((Torygraph)))

>When has the EU ever put away a bad idea? They will keep pushing for it and Ireland leaders being bitches they are will agree

So you've accept we have veto power over the CCCTB. Good, then you can see it's entirely within our control whether it happens or not. The EU can do literally nothing to make us accept it.

I fucking hope so, then things will be fuckin interesting

Well I heard from a member of YFG that during the YFG summer camp there were motions like leaving the EU and about half of them were in favour of leaving the EU, I think there was a motion to reduce immigration people were in favour to as well

Not quite break it, but I could see a continuation of the dilution of the civil war party stranglehold.

>British flag

You think I want the refugees in? Fuck no. I'm saying we are given very little choice and if we did then why are we bringing in the refugees with a shortage of housing in Dublin and our homelessness number is peaking everywhere?

OP, while you were away, I got the keys to your thread, and shitposted it into a big wall.

And if you don't like it, tough. I've had my fun, and that's all that matters.

Like the last two elections, the proles will bitch and moan about the four major parties "all bein da bleedin same wha" while refusing to vote for this party or that party because they didn't pave the streets with gold when they were in power.

Instead, the plebs will waste their votes on meme independents like Mick Wallace and Shane Ross campaigning on stupid local issues.

I predict minority governments for the next decade. Like the 1980's, but without the poverty.

Fair enough I suppose

>Inb4 FF majority because "This has always been a Fianna Faíl house" and farmers with "B-but muh subsidies!"

Why is the right in Ireland so shy and quiet you hear nothing from them no protests no rally's not even arguments with people.

Since Identity Ireland is run by incompetent fools, do you think the National Part have a hope of getting into the Daíl?

Anybody else got Irishballs?

Closest thing I have

Because they get shot down by ANTIFA. The PEGIDA launch in Dublin in January last year got shut down by ANTIFA who hospitalised its leader and drove away the rest of them. It was mostly made up of Polish immigrants too, so it was hardly even an Irish movement.

Potentially if their membership keeps going up and they get their name out their then yes they may have a chance at government.

got a few