Go damn it Sup Forums

>Cute girl at work
>I am very attracted her, she is nice and cute
>I go up to say something
>Suddenly I lose my train of thought
>Start dropping redpills
>"Hitler was right" "no holocaust" "women are too sexually liberated these days"

She thinks Im a fucking freak now. I dont think Ive ever made someone that uncomfortable before. She just left the room.

I just want to spread Fascism Sup Forums, was it all a meme? What the fuck guys

If it makes you feel better, women are too sexually liberated these days

>there are people on this planet right now that believe that hitler was a good guy

ALWAYS a fucking Polack who derails Pro-hitler boards with your countries Propaganda

You guys started the war, get over it

You're such a good little girl op!

Such a good girl. Now go watch snl.

>he revealed his powerlevel

Her panties were soaking. She left the room to go masturbate u faggot!

I was at the mall the other day with my wife and I overheard a teen talking to the chick he was with. He was just like 'I don't like pizza. You know why? It's a pedo ring..."

I was at least 10 meters away but I cringed so hard. Chick was just like Ooookay.... LMAO

You guys gotta keep this shit away from real life.

>Another toiletcleaner still assblasted from 70 years ago

i called someone globalist scum without thinking

I think I watch too much alex jones before going to bed

>I was acting like a freak now she thinks I'm a freak

>There are people on this board who unironically think the blitz wasn't in response to Poland murdering thousands of Germans moving through the Danzig corridor

This. Keep dropping red pills and she will be begging you to give her your seed.

>He won't find a single reputable source on the Danzig Corridor

>a couple germans died in poland
>this is justification for invading most of Europe and killing 100 million people in the most brutal war the world has ever seen

>it's another "Autistic Sup Forums user doesn't know how to interact with qts" episode

Wow some people understand basic things shocker

If you are reading this your mother will die in her sleep unless you post the answer.

I dont care about my mother, she can die, I wont even reply

>She thinks Im a fucking freak now


you fucking loser


This is pretty much the equivalent of someone from Sup Forums sperging out about the video games he likes.

>being this autistic
christ, user, take your meds.

I did

the problem is that my meds are adderall + xanax

I have no filter in real life with these

>The global banking institutions of western Europe did not want a strong and free Germany to exist.
Maybe because Germany is a volatile place that only causes death and destruction?

>Alex Jones

>tfw No valentine for the 22nd year running

>he fell for the bait

The true redpill isn't Fascism.. It's human enslavement for a better future

>hitler did nothing wrong
>holocaust denial

You're trash mate

She dodged a bullet

>there are people on this board right now that are redditors

why would you reveal your power level to a liberated whore?

Fuck y...

Holy shit your ID

>This ID


>discussing memes in real life
Many Such Cases!

What did we do to deserve that id

>Fucked up statistics

It's common core the reason of your retardation?

>>Start dropping redpills
>>"Hitler was right" "no holocaust" "women are too sexually liberated these days"
Those weren't redpills you were dropping. They were the last bits and pieces of your dignity.

8 keks, 8. You're one.
Fucking rekt

lucky trips says your luck has run out boi


what does this have to do with politics you fucking retard?


>year of our lord 2017
>revealing your power level in public
>being this fucking autistic



Because Im redpilling people in real life politically

What do you do? You are nothing. A speck of dust to me



and the commies that gulag'd half your country's people were the good guys huh?

>like this normie girl at work talk to her on break
>be total ignoramus on pop culture so conversation is pretty dry
>convo turns to politics about Trump being a Putin puppet
>explain to her the Geopolitical situation with Russia using a map on of the world and why the establishment wants Russia dead
>wow user you know a lot but Russia is anti LGBT
>me: I don't give a shit about fag rigths
>give's me a dirty stare calls me a prick and never talks to me again
Fuckin white girls man Shlomo mind fucked them good

way too fast user

better luck next time, r-right?

>Because Im redpilling people in real life

But you aren't. You didn't sway her at all, in fact you made it so you have less influence over others in the future.

You've done nothing but shoot yourself in the foot and until you admit that to yourself you will be unable to learn and grow from it.

Everything would have been fine if Britain and France didn't declare war on Germany. Japan declaring war on the US surely didn't help either.

>>wow user you know a lot but Russia is anti LGBT

Pivot to

>Yea, but they don't throw them off of buildings like Saudi Arabia who we've been allied with for decades and who opposes US-Russia cooperation.

>redpilling people in real life
Maybe about how much of a raging turbo autist you are


You do not do this, especially to a female.

At least i tried

What have you done. At least I have redpilled people in real life

YOU are nothing. One day i will find my Eva Braun, and you will be stuck with a Lindsey Lohan


now that trump is prez there is too much order here and he is causing more chaos by trying to split us
>kek will not divide us

mate, you did it with such autism that you actually managed to bluepill her even more.

congratulations you fucking autistic faggot.

It's the retarded fucks like OP that make me feel so good about myself

>What have you done

I have conversations about these topics which don't involve the people completely disassociating from me.

Until you face up to your failures and mistakes you will be just as delusional as liberals are.

Her reaction shows she is perma bluepilled. Immediately I scratched her off my list of potential Darlings. There is a Nazi girl out there for me and one day Ill find her

>classical mistake
don't forcefeed the redpills all at once, you dunce, it takes time for them to overcome the conditioning, start slowly with things that are obvious but that they're not telling, she'll come around eventually

what would you say if canada took alaska and killed americans there?
and as soon as you did something about that everyone jumped on you and claimed that was because of your agression?

remember: brittain and france declared on germany because germany wanted to save german territory in foreign hands because apparantly it was oh so important that poland had acces to the sea!

shit if that was so important then why the fuck didn't they resurract the PLC instead? acces to the sea via lithuaniah, but no, germans didn't fucking matter for them, everyone should have self-reliance except for the germans!, fucking hypocrites, the poles should have gotten posen from germany and that was it!

my name is jake does this mean i win a 40oz?

smooth, bro

shoulda stuck to talking about more pc shit like the grammys and bondage


there is no such thing as perma blue pilled, you can red pill anyone as long as you go about it the correct way.

she didnt even seem like one of the harder ones to redpill, you just went about it like a fucking autist. of course if go up to a normie and start sperging out about the holocaust straight away thy will think you're a dipshit.

Maybe if 90% of people werent boring fucks I wouldnt have to drop the redpill so fast

You're supposed to get with her and THEN drop red pills, OP. Your girlfriend will listen to you and try to hear your reasoning, and even if they don't agree with everything they'll start to with certain things.

Wow hats off to you shoulda filmed it user

>One day i will find my Eva Braun, and you will be stuck with a Lindsey Lohan
You need to get /fit/ first. Otherwise you'll just be some racist loser nobody wants.

Girls love a nazi. Just be defiant in your belief.

MJy job is a physical labor job, Im strong