Some singer named Joy Villa showed up to the leftist event of the year in a MAGA dress.

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She's not a negress.
She's a black woman.


That is what he wrote, dummy

> showed up to the leftist event
What happened next?


Probably she got called a Nazi, aunt jemima, and a racist.

The only good negress is Stacey Dash.

Look, I know your country is upside down, but does it really imapir your reading ability that much?

Apparently other (((celebrities))) and (((media))) are literally shaking at the sight.

wtf i love blacks now

her mother is a negress who got pizzad

Her white privilege is of the roof.


I had the same reaction to news of Glenn Close's speech, but then someone told me she was Cruella de Vil.

MTV is freaking out.


Say what you want people.

I for one respect her courage.

>Epic level troll tier achieved

The top could've been better but the rest is good.

So it actually is the most eye catching dress. Nice.

Yuck bro, im glad sshes red pilled but OP why u wanna fuck that manly monkey

Leftists will flip at the sight of a strong black woman wearing a Trump dress. YAAASSSS QUUEEENN SLLAAAAAAAAYYYY

>light skinned black

She almost made it

Joy Villa's record sales just skyrocketed

I'm not attracted to black girls. She's just ballsy as fuck, and I respect her for it.

I'd get up in that mulatto

>mfw trump personally orders a hundred thousand copies

Someone defaced her wiki page!!!!



its very important for the total kike controlled (((pop culture))) to viciously attack dissenters

normie retards who fall for this shit are extremely impressionable and LOVE attention

they jews have a problem, they have such tight propaganda control that anyone or any celebrity that comes out as pro Trump/pro america/pro white is an extremely edgy rebel and gets SHITLOADS of attention

this is a huge opportunity for people to get attention they crave, so they must crack down on any and every blasphemy against the church of libshittery


>visible thong


Someone's looking to get BLEACHED

>butterfly tattoo

lol MLK ultra

wtf wrong thread

Blacks are pretty strange to be honest

9/10 are blue pilled and stupid but that 1 in 10 is like full on redpilled and only has distain for liberals

he might have a point desu

this could quite easily be a way for someone hardly anyone has heard of to get a load of media attention whether she actually believes in what she is saying or not

Exactly, and now that the solid meaning of the parties are sliping away and they are becoming a way to define your black people that don't vote the way they are supposed to need to know they can.

Dems and Republicans are done.

They are just blank slates to present a package of ideas now. It is going to be pretty mad in the future. A degree of devolution to the state level is going to need to happen.

O damn she fine. Tbqh as long as they aren't pitch black, black women can be pretty attractive imho. I have a soft spot for curly hair too.

Jesus Christ this place is just as bad as the_Donald.
The fact that this she-ape likes someone who you like too does not make her "based". Not anymore than that kike faggot Milo.
Pls come back to me when she actually contributes something of note to American society.

True, but its damn near fact a lot of Celebrities who secretly lean towards Trump are riding the anti-Trump wave hard too.

Its easy money. There's far more risk in being openly Trump, especially if you're a black singer wanting a black audience.


what the fuck those shoulders and biceps
that chest
is that a man?

Does being a negro imapir your ability to type properly?



What the fuck do you care about American society?


Shut up, Dutchman.

She looks like a klingon.

Do you like your minty toothpaste? Yeah you're welcome.

It is.

>aunt jemima

under appreciated post

I use arm and hammer because it's the only one that doesn't taste like shit.

>literally shaming a woman for what she's wearing

Bravo you liberal fucktards

Joy is a Scientologist and even tried to join the Sea Org at one point. I know because I was in the EPF with her.

It's not her body or her appearance, it's the very specific political message she has written on her dress they're taking issue with. You think this a body image issue?

>pop starlet wears dress made of meat
>pop starlet wears dress with counter culture iconography

Liberalism truly is a mental disorder,

this, she is degenerate as it gets, she shudnt wear that shit either, wheres the rope?

Did you smash?



Not sure 'bout that. Coming out as Trump supporter in ultra-libshit mind-controlled media industry can literally end your career.

TRUMP TRAIN! Very clever!

nah we don't smash in the sea org unless we're married. and she dropped out of EPF

That face when you're a white supremacist shitlord, but your dick is all for diversity.

Is masturbation off limits? When you ejaculate do you let in or out body thetins?

the jews will blacklist her.

yeah you're not allowed to masturbate. it's considered aberrated.


Would bang

>this was her last year
Why do women think attire like this is acceptable?

id bleach her 2bh


checked out her music on Youtube
it's fucking trash, but i hit the like button on all of it anyway

More balls than all the men in the Democratic party.

Good for her.

I would bang that.

Where are her nipples?

she's got flesh colored pasties on.

itty bitty hershey's kisses areolae

Another shot from the back of based THICCNESS

Wow, you must be as retarded as you sound.

Because you have shit taste faggot.

who the fuck cares?

It's tacky as hell. Negro bed wench takes cooning to another level.

She's a frissy haired mulatto attentionwhore. Probably in a downward spiral and now trying to get a new demographic to buy her crap.


Articles like this make me realize it is true, conservatism is the new punk rock. It is the new rebellion. Who would have thought?

One more weebm of this semen demon.

>not getting the angle that showcases RUMP



Sup Forums has a new waifu

>Tongue ring

Maybe she got free of that cult.

Is she our gal?????

Im in love I lose!!! MAGA

>literally who

Not an attention whore at all

I won't lie. She's hot as fuck. Would racemix with / 10.

I fucked a girl who looked like this. I put in her pooper too.

In the south its actually a pretty big deal to be called an Aunt Jemima, its basically an Uncle Tom but for women