Asian guy here...

Asian guy here. I've noticed that every white guy who dates an asian woman is always snide to me and tries to subtlely denigrate me in front of other people or highlight the fact that women of my race are constantly going for white men whereas the opposite does not happen.

However, I've noticed that white men with white girlfriend/wives tend to be confident and actually exhibit behaviour that shows real friendship and mutual esteem rather than keeping me around as a punching bag to ingratiate himself on how the current racial sexual market place is in his favour.

Going forward, I will immediately cut out any non-asian male acquaintance in my life that has mentioned dating asian women either presently, in the past or expressing their desire for them.


who cares

go back to china

It is hilarious that every time user tries to post a White guy with an 'Asian' girl, she is almost always SE Asian like in the OP pic.

I would if China allowed a path to citizenship and my stupid parents didn't birth me in Canada which disqualifies me forever.

how of these fucking threads will you jews make this month
muh "white" wigger is a race mixer, try it goy

It's cool, I go to a university that's 80% asian and I have little interest in dating asian girls.

I just wish there were actually conservative white girls here rather than SJWs. Fuck my life.

sucks to be you.

if i where you i would marry a native american, then your kids wont have the same split identity problem you do. and you can guilt trip dumb-ass canadians about "muh genocide"

go further, cut all race mixers out of your life regardless of context

Can't you make an appeal based on both your parents being Chinese?

Because the stereotype these white beta fucks have regarding Asian women make them the only women they will approach

Betas date asians.

Vietnamese girls are fucking fit though.

sounds like it's all in your head

nothing more depressing than a white girl with a alien asian face. so sad.

It's self-explanatory, they want asian women because of their submissive nature. They are not alpha enough to break a white woman. Only beta cucks date asian women, every race should keep to themselves.

that dude ugly as fuck. She's obviously virtue signalling. Not saying some asian men can't be aesthetic but this dude definitely isn't

You're projecting your own buried hatred and jealousy for mighty whitey.

Stop being a pussy find a white woman who isn't too far gone down the path of SJW degeneracy and fucking break her. My gf was pretty liberal before dating me and now she's full on 1488 gas the jews mode. Real men take what is theirs and shape it to their liking.

TLDR Stop being a pussy.



Nothing more disgusting than asian male white female couples. It's the worst.

Sorry chang, I will never stop fucking asian chicks. I imagine the euphoria I feel fucking tiny chink pussy is the same feeling niggers with horse cocks get when then fuck used up white women.

Yeah, that's pretty much all that's to be said.

Asian women, never, gross, with no personality or intelligence.

Does it matter? White people dating Asians, either way, are usually ugly. I think it's good that ugly people can still feel as though they have an attractive mate owing to the mate being exotic looking; even if they are still ugly

What do you expect, you probably live in Vancouver and almost everyone there is a liberal piece of shit

most white guys with asian females I see seem to be weird beta types. lots of the time they are old and the girl is a off the boat mail order bride type

every white male ive known who dated asian women (especially true regarding those ''yellow fever'' fag) are always fucked up lowlife scum with dozens of issues and very little loyalty

Markham mad much? I can understand, white cock like mine have invaded a lot of your Asian sisters when I was young. I would never marry one but to see the females disgusted with Asian males is top kek.

I wouldn't worry about them. From what you've written, it seems that they're completely insecure of themselves and their partner.
If you have no business with them and feel uncomfortable around them, you're in your right to drop contact with them. But they're just betas that couldn't score with someone from their own race so they had to resort to asian.

O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

At least mulattos produce fuckable offspring. Asian manlets will never produce an alpha chad son or stacey daughter.

Literally why would I care LOL?

All problems stem from the fact that you're in a country were you don't belong.
Just go back.

become an illegal immigrant in china.

what are there multiple threads about this every single day?

are there that many asians on Sup Forums?

i find that american and canadian nationalists are not nationalists, just liberals who dislike SJWs and islam. so you are find OP, date as many white girls as you want, have mixed babies, and teach them to hate islam.

Never had the response from the white people that I know. Canadian men might have some self esteem issue and is taking their passive aggressive hate on you. In saying that I'm an Asian male going out with a white female and I've noticed we get stared at quite a bit.

Megh. If you're cool to me, I'm cool to you.

Hey muhammad get out of spain.

Well yeah if there's some white guy acting like he's the shit because he managed to get an Asian girlfriend than who the fuck would want to hang with him.

Anyone who tries to denigrate you for any reason should be cut out of your life, but that's excluding your real friends who might have legitimate criticism for you.

I say this as a white guy. Honestly I don't give a shit if you want to date a white woman so long as you don't mind if I date an Asian woman and no one has to denigrate each other or brag to the other. Fair enough?

Good idea

White men that pursue their yellow fever fetish to make up for their lackings as a man are trash tier humans. Almost all of them are liberal unless they are hardcore religious christians.

White liberals you need to avoid like the plague. They are shitty people and you are best off not knowing them on any level.

On a side note - if you live in an area with a ton of asians and very few whites don't be surprised to see white guys with asian females.

Don't take it personally. As one of my friends said about mudsharks and niggers "like attracts like" and you know who to stay away from.

Having said all that I have gone balls deep on quite a few asian females over the years and while I would not do that now I don't regret or apologize for doing that. They were fun, feminine and it was a joy to be around them.

(So why wouldn't I do it now? Simple. I no longer have a desire to have a family. I think the world is fucked and getting worse. My best friend had CPS (Child Protective Services) try to take his kids from him because him and his wife were homeschooling them.

They moved quickly from California to another state to get away from them.

Since I no longer have a desire to have a family it is not fair to lead anyone along so I have essentially become a monk.