Really makes u think

Really makes u think

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being dead is a social construct too

That Adam's apple says differently.

society is a biological construct



where is the father in this situation?
if it was my kid he'd eat shit every day until he stopped being a fucking retard

I wish trannies were introduced to the social construct of death

Consent is a social construct.

they find it on their own soon enough


At what IQ do you have to be to believe this?

Reminder that 'transgenderism' is a mental defect and encouraging them is human abuse.

The true redpill is to realize that the reality we preceive is a social construct and we all actually are just perceptions of imagination. Nonexistent.

Oh dayumn well better completely ignore years of human biological research. And pretty much ignore nature itself. Surely other primates also believe sex is a social construct.

it's so sad to see feminists trying to destroy an actual science (biology) and actually getting the fuck away with it. If i hade to decide between paying welfare for talentless idiots, or talentless idiots studying gender studies and influencing society with their dumb shit, i would pay for them every day.

The dems are trying really hard to keep the deceased vote



This smug ass holier than thou conceited half smile in the thumbnail is all I need, I can't bring myself to watch the actual video

Please god emperor trump, social construct a camp for these shitheads

>social construct
hmm.. I guess science wouldn't exist without a society.. makes my neurons heat up..

I guess we could say global warming is a social construct to?


> sex is a social construct
> but muh ladybrain is totally real

I would give all my bones to see trannies put in concentration camps.

Wow that's a guy!? I don't believe it. Trannies are getting very passable these days.

Why has god condemned us

as a biology major this actually triggers me

God has left us

Did you just assume realities gender!?

Especially for those autists that can't focus.

I saw the face of god and it was crying

Honestly at this point who care?

There is no reality guys, it's illusions all the way down.

Look at that knobby male testosterone backed adams apple

science does have alternative facts though. there are some theories that have wide acceptance to the point that society has a consensus on it, but its entirely possible to work to challenge it

Have a y chromosome, you're male; have no y chromosome, you're female. Not sure about whether you're biologically male or female? Get your chromosomes tested. Them not being tested for everyone doesn't negate their existence. What she's talking about in this video is still the perceived sex of a person, the gender. Sex is a biological fact.

That's precisely why it's getting worse

If they weren't such a strong force in today's political landscape I wouldn't give two shits about them desu

pic related..

its riley after he tricked the wrong guy

> she


Biology is a social construct? Is this one of those 'alternative facts' I've been hearing about?


Usually when a parent is vocal about hating trans people and their kid is trans they just keep it a secret until they move out and then never talk to their parents again.


Usually they stop being a tranny unless the parents allow it because it's a meme disease.

Quit posting this shit faggot

>had pc muted
>watch it muted for like 10 seconds
>wew lad thats qt butthurt liberal girl
>turn on sound
you know the rest

everyday feminism is some top tier almost satire

>Age is social construct. There are only children and adults. Once of age sex should be allowed.

Someone should get this meme going among libs

No, and if this isn't bait then I'm afraid you're actually retarded, you have my sympathy.

Check out /lgbt/ sometime if you want your dose of raging trannies who went psychotic from too many hormones. They're jealous as fuck of normal gays and bis.

Everything that walk on two legs is a human am I right fellas!
t. Chicken philosopher

Biological sex is biological. Faggotry is a social construct.

Thats a man Hans, look at the adams apple

whats wrong with white bois

Behold! A (wo)man!

Eve ate the apple first stupid faggot moral relativist retard

>Really makes u think
it unironically did, it's a pretty well thought out video
not saying I agree with it

This is the product of your life being too comfortable. You have fucking nothing to do all day but sit around and think of words that might - on the off chance - make cripples feel a little bit alienated and thus start a crusade to stamp those words out.

I don't know why I felt the need to be polite on Sup Forums of all places. It's obvious that she's a he. But can you imagine how that freak would break out in tears if you adressed her as he?

Looks like a girl to me guys.

slavery is a social construct btw

Just a fact. Tranny-ism is a meme. It's not a real thing.

pregnancy is a social construct tbqh

rape and murder are social constructs should we just disregard those too

japanons consistently have the best banter

Chromosomes and genetalia say otherwise.

They're trying. Hence the, "Islamophobia," bullshit.
>tfw spell correct recognizes "Islamophobia" but not "misandrist."

No. Gender dysphoria is a serious mental issue. I've read everything I could about this for years, I know what I'm talking about.

I know it is kind of pointless with everything else going on, but you would think working on your voice for a couple hours would be something more trannies would do.

Everyday feminism is the ugliest hellhole on the internet. Everything on this website triggers me the fuck hard. Every (((article))) is shaming white ablebodied straight thin men. The comics are full of brown people or fat women with pink hair. They want to be seen as tolerant, but they are always telling "privileged" people how to behave, to be submissive, to feel guilty.
I can only comprehend the existence of this website by taking it all as satire. Whoever really believes all the bullshit on this website is a sociopath and belongs into a mental hospital as soon as possible and for the rest of their life.

Denying biological facts aside.

You can tell he doesn't take any kind of hormone therapy, he's going to look very weird when he develops male pattern baldness, while still claiming to be a woman.

I've read more. It isn't a real thing. It's literally just unhappiness with stereotypes. Look at the diagnostic criteria.

Tranny-ism is just a meme. It's not real.

>you can't know somebodies chromosomes therefore you have to base sex on everything else i can make fuzzy

99% fucking sure you will have a y chromosome dude

>they use it as a way to oppress us

not an argument for why sex is a social construct

Not that's why they keep flaunting this shit. Trannies are degenerates, but consistently thrive on attention. We can stop feeding them, but just like a starving nigger, they get better at their craft to get a meal.

It's actually really hard to train your voice. The process isn't especially difficult but it's incredibly difficult to sustain it and it takes forever to actually be able to hit a acceptable pitch and resonance. After a while your voice will just naturally be higher but you'll still need to pull your vocal cords up to talk right but it'll be pretty much second nature by then.
Back when I first started I sounded like a faggy male for about a year before it started being somewhat convincing.

Kill yourself

>It isn't a real thing. It's literally just unhappiness with stereotypes
No, fuck you, I live with it, I know what I'm fucking talking about. I'm trans and I act pretty much the same as before, I don't really do super feminine stuff or anything. I just have a mental disease that makes me hate being male with every fiber of my being, and I take hormones so I don't have to look like one. It has little to do with gender roles or stereotypes, those just come with the territory.

Absolute retardation.

No you aren't you stupid fucking tranny.

You're just hung up on stereotypes and you've caught a meme disease from the internet.

The only thing wrong with you is being a stupid faggot.


does this mean that rape is an illusion too?

>Have you seen the way German women look?
Cant blame Fritz for making this mistake when his women have more test than half this board

>What the fuck no you don't think that this is what you think
Not even being sarcastic do you have autism?

why does he have to destroy normal sex because his butt sex and blowjobs dont make babies.

Sort yourself out

People need to stop putting political pressure and ideas into science. If gender is just a social construct than how does a transsexual have any reason to exist. Are they suggesting it's a choice? Than doesn't that just make it pointless, if they choose to act like that then I choose to not to have relations with a crazy person. They can't even describe a gender without using the words feminine or masculine, it's obvious that men and women behave differently. Men commit more crime, are more willing to go to war, and have higher less drives. They will soon try to say that secondary sex traits are nothing more than a social construct. Delusional.

I'm pretty sorted right now, thank you.

wow the image thumbnail made me think it would be a real woman, literally 0.5 seconds into the video it's obvious he's a tranny

No. The parent would simply stop it as they always did in the past, the first trans people appeared in the 60s as a way to earn drugs much easier. Before that trans people did not exist. It was a social concept that has been created and nurtured. Without that, it would not be true in anyway.

The day i fuck a trans male to female and gets preg like a regular female that day i will accept its word.

Actual feminists hate this trans shit. Men think they can become women by putting on makeup and hair and trying to imitate the way we act. That's the most sexist bullshit ever.

But of course that makes us "TERFs" for wanting to have basic rights like women only spaces and bathrooms that men aren't allowed into. Yet another way for men to silence women.

Seriously, fuck men. Especially men that put on wigs and want me to call them women.

Why is this even a meme?

Like, if you want to argue the point that men and women should be treated equally it makes a semblance of logical sense because the question is rooted in subjectivity but by saying there is "no biological difference" between men and women you're basically disregarding objective science.

Day of the rope when?

Trans people have existed in pretty much every society in one form or another, serving different functions. People thousands of years ago would have killed to have the treatment we have for dysphoria now.
And no, parents can't just "put a stop to it", the fact that anyone could think that would actually work is astounding. It never works for gay people, it never works for trans people, it just creates people who loathe their parents. This is why most trans people in the past here have had to become sex workers. Their parents do not accept them and tell them to get the fuck out and never come back, so they live on their own and have to prostitute themselves to survive because they can't get any education that way.

Gays have always existed this is true, however it was not until the drug trade when gays learned dressing up as women to give blowjobs did trans people exist. That was the way it was until like 10 years ago, suddenly then kids were encouraged to be like these people. Gays existed since the dawn of time, of course, but trans did not.

I miss the times when traps were a thing nobody knew about
Now they're everywhere

lol then why is it a sin in the bible to dress like a woman
Romans/Greeks had men that dressed up as women
Tranny mindset has always existed

>In Ancient Greece and Phrygia, and later in the Roman Republic, the Goddess Cybele was worshiped by a cult of people who castrated themselves, and thereafter took female dress and referred to themselves as female
>A couple of first-person accounts in the early years of the 20th century cast some light on what life for a transgender person was like then, including The Autobiography of an Androgyne (1918) by Jennie June (born in 1874 as Earl Lind).
>Balkan sworn virgins are women who take a vow of celibacy, wear male clothing, assume male privileges, and live out their lives as men in the patriarchal society of northern Albania. The tradition goes back to a 15th-century code of laws, and is observed by members of different religions.
and that's just from what's on a wiki article about ancient history familia

Says the guy on hormone treatment, because he has no serious problems on his life to get some perspective about hardships

Of course it is.


Gender is a social construct. It's not biological behavior, it's learned behavior.

Yet somehow, men who are raised as boys can decide they are women even though they were not socialized that way, and I am obligated to treat them as if it's some immutable characteristic of them, when they are neither biologically nor sociologically female.

my sides are in orbit