Damn, the US is really the bad guy. Still the hardest pill to swallow. Look at dresden, hiroshima, nagasaki. Panama, Iraq, Afghanistan, the creation of ISIS with it partner in crime Saudi Arabia (who helped set the stage for the iraq and afghan invasion) And all other things. How can this be rectified??
Damn, the US is really the bad guy. Still the hardest pill to swallow. Look at dresden, hiroshima, nagasaki. Panama...
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the US went to war and killed people? wow it's fucking nothing
welcome to life
kek will know
fuck off waffle nigger.
I know the victor writes history, but even with all the evidence, how did we end up settling for this?
In the year of 2000 there were eight countries without a Rothschild owned or controlled Central Bank:
North Korea
Before that you had the Germans trying to evade the grip.
You just answered your own question before you asked.
The RAF were responsible for that bombing you fucking nigger.
America is fucked based.
Literally been killing commies and mudslimes for the past 100 years while Germany has been ruining Europe time after time.
Honestly if the German people were genocided, it would be a net benefit for the world.
>How can this be rectified?
Nuke our capitol and all major cities. This country peaked more than half a century ago, and is now undergoing a slow economic, moral, and cultural decline. Just end it.
this is a fucked up reality to live in.
Now they have Trump to act as a diversion.
Keep the plebs busy I guess
bc yall losers duh
Wrong. We're making America great again
I should have said Allies...
>no bio weapon to kill niggers
Not really :D
really makes you think
Don't forget the millions who died in the Congo.
Oh wait...that was someone else.
I'm not denying that. Leopold II did some nasty stuff.
But hey, you are living on the corpses of native americans....
>how to rectify
Totalen Krieg.
people have been waging wars since the beginning of time
Just remember....
No matter how many 'spontaneous revolutions'
No matter how many 'democratic uprisings'
No matter how many 'moderate beheaders'
No matter how many innocent civilians
No matter how many genocides
No matter how many terrorist attacks
No matter how many death camps
No matter how many piles of corpses
No matter how many wars
Don't take your eyes of the main enemy.
I dont get that no media outlet is discussing the threat of Saudi Arabia (even with evidence they supported 9/11) but keep focussing about stupid Trump shit. Even here in Europe the media is redpilling us about Saudi influence in our society
>Damn, the US is really the bad guy
Come on Leo, forget about something?
We all have some genocide in us.
Our dominance will eventually end
Then it is up to you, Europe, to become the superpower once more
>le muricans are eebul meme
How many nigger hands do you have lying around in your room?
Much cleaner to go some other country and kill people there. Then you don't have to live on top of their bodies.
90% of those Natives died due to disease, and the rest vía conflict with whites, who built their own nation and culture out of those victories. This is how humanity functioned up until the modern era. Should we still be clutching our pearls over what the Romans did to the Dacians, or the Ottomans to the Byzantines? There are plenty of criticisms to be made of the USA, but this is a shitty one.
I was just pointing out Leopold II to be as relevant as the slaughter of the native americans.
And yes, the settlers gave them infected blankets
Literally the Israel of Europe
The OG Israel
Every single bad guy kingdom full of torture/death in fantasy novels/fiction? Thats belgium
A pretend country full of perverts and accomplices
Fuck you
The American Experiment has failed. Liberalism and its mad beasts Marxism and Socialism need to be put down. Only a King can save us. Hail Britannia
Your living on the corpses of the entire Neanderthal Species.
No they didn't. Distributing blankets infected with disease was a military tactic discussed by some British officers during the 7 Years War, but never verifiably put into action. Quit lapping up leftist propaganda as fact.
>Spanish colony
>Hail Britannia
uh OK, g-good to have you on board. Please genocide the Haitians, they are one of the worst group of violent criminals coming here and shitting up our cities (topped only by Somalians). At least steal their boats or something
(((the US)))
we're in too deep
Dersden was RAF by night plus USAF in the daytime