Damn, the US is really the bad guy. Still the hardest pill to swallow. Look at dresden, hiroshima, nagasaki. Panama...

Damn, the US is really the bad guy. Still the hardest pill to swallow. Look at dresden, hiroshima, nagasaki. Panama, Iraq, Afghanistan, the creation of ISIS with it partner in crime Saudi Arabia (who helped set the stage for the iraq and afghan invasion) And all other things. How can this be rectified??

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the US went to war and killed people? wow it's fucking nothing

welcome to life

kek will know

fuck off waffle nigger.

I know the victor writes history, but even with all the evidence, how did we end up settling for this?

In the year of 2000 there were eight countries without a Rothschild owned or controlled Central Bank:

North Korea

Before that you had the Germans trying to evade the grip.

You just answered your own question before you asked.

The RAF were responsible for that bombing you fucking nigger.

America is fucked based.

Literally been killing commies and mudslimes for the past 100 years while Germany has been ruining Europe time after time.

Honestly if the German people were genocided, it would be a net benefit for the world.

>How can this be rectified?

Nuke our capitol and all major cities. This country peaked more than half a century ago, and is now undergoing a slow economic, moral, and cultural decline. Just end it.