How the fuck is nobody talking about this hello guys?

Shills trying to slide

Its not relevant to anything nationally.

because it's a fucking kkk leader only you autistic edgelords would care about it

I'm glad he's dead

because who cares
he got necked by some antifa most likely

when the fuck did anyone on this board care if it only affected their country?

>Completely fucking esthetical to its anti globalist sentiments.

We care based on merits and feats of said victim. Fucking relativist.


I could step out of my house, drive for ten minutes and be on the victim's front porch. Murder is not common here, so its a big deal around here. And there were quite a few different stories popping up, very suspicious shit.

It's just that on a national level, it has no real relevance. I was kind of surprised it was such a headline grabber on a national level. I guess because normal faggots are so (((conditioned))), they think the kkk is somehow relevant again.

Sup Forums discusses a good deal of geopolitical issues. This is not one of them. I just don't see the relevance of this dude getting offed.

Dems are the real racists

>1 less autistic larper
who cares

I think they meant

No one gives a shit about a dead redneck in Missouri


Many of the kkk people here, and they are quite embedded, are unironically registered democrats. One ran for mayor of a nearby degenerate town.

because we don't like "real" racist around here. faggot

mods delete pizzagate threads (about 12 now in 1 hour) and ban people for creating it. they try to (((shut it down))).
luckily their bans cant keep up with my superior german IP technology, and so i came back to tell you of this!

Because no one has cared about the KKK for half a century.



>$2 nigger blowjob country

Obviously because the KKK is completely irrelevant, you autist.

Y-yea Sup Forums is just satire, guys.

We'll see if semen's claim about tomorrow is true. Honestly the pedo iconography shit is starting to freak me out though. I don't know how to refute it.

yeah I live in Potosi, I was surprised they found him so fast, I'm sure the wife did it

If antifa murdered him it might be interesting, but on its own nobody gives a shit about the actual KKK anymore.

Take the fucking hint you stupid fucking cunt nigger bitch tits

nobody cares skitzo

uh because good riddance?

breaking news: actual KKK kills FBI infiltrator once they caught him

Because Sup Forums doesn't care about KKK and their wizards.

Idk about that Mobro.

This guy gets it.


maybe it was related to drugs

well it says that the wife and the son were acting suspicious and his safe was broken into and all his guns are gone, it really seems like that's all there is to it

Obviously false flag.

A real KKK wizard would've had a protection spell.

Most of these KKK groups or the "NEONAZEE" stereotypes have something to do with illegal shit. I hate them.

Pretty much this.
Sup Forums is edgy and there are racist sentiments among some anons but as a whole, racist or not, Sup Forums doesn't really care much about members of KKK.

It usually seems that way. Open and shut. I've heard quite a few stories and I'm not sure what to believe desu.

Never ever gave a shit about the fucking KKK or "NEONAZEEE" groups that go around in nazi garb they are scum Aryan nation whatever you call it bullshit that is FBI 100% just to make whites never wake up kikes keep this shit active through fucking faggot TV shows or news media. Dumb fucks that are in those groups dont even know how much they are being used by kikes

>Sup Forums hates Clinton and her scandals
>Sup Forums is fucking sick of lying media
>Sup Forums likes the idea of being proud of its nations and taking care of them and not accepting terrorists into them
>liberal associate a dog with no teeth organization to Sup Forums because lying media and some liberals call Sup Forums nazis


Who the fuck cares?

OP may honestly suck cocks irl

It's certainly possible. But I doubt he was doing any major dealing, based on the stories that I've heard.

>now, let me define what a racist is...
>people who accept that race exists
>people who accept racial IQ differences
>etc etc etc

Strawman those who strawman others, it's the law.

Wife and son were fuckin' each other and they removed the only thing standing in their way of true love. Rednecks are crazy, yo.

Either his wife did it or was meth deal gone bad. Nobody cares.


Good. One less racist.

Hope somebody killed his wife and kids too.

>antifa killing FBI informants

it's fucking nothing

Because why would I care about a KKK wizard they are a bunch of degenerates

>ATF agent killed by FBI agents
who cares

For those of you interested in this case, if there is any collusion between bureaucracies and/or local law enforcement, I guarantee you will not hear about it. Shit of that nature gets buried fast here.

They may try to pass this off as some domestic issue or something pertaining to ruralfag degeneracy, but it's not what happened irl. I would bet actual money on this.

They got internet down there in Potosi?
Just kidding; Pea Ridge Forest is the bomb.

Seems like he was abducted and murdered. Given who he is, it is almost certain that it was a politically motivated murder. Some leftwing group has graduated from breaking Starbucks windows and pushing over trashcans to political assasination. He may have been an uneducated hick clinging to an archaic group composed mostly of white trash, but he was almost certainly targeted foe being a white man who wouldn't bend the knee to the (((globalists))) and their various leftist foot soldiers. So if you are also a white man who won't do this, you should be taking note of the direction things are headed so you're not caught off guard.

>the wife did it
This or drugs

Got eeeemm!


There are only a few thousand people in the KKK and nobody cares about them. It is just a small men's club that happens to be racist. A Boy Scouts leader dying would be bigger news.

>fucking nothing

He's in the kkk. Who the fuck cares?

>you will never be a wizard

Just kidding though. KKK meth head made a bad drug deal. Oh well.

I have serious doubts about leftist or antifa foot soldiers having anything to do with this user.

I'm not shilling for them, I just don't think that's the case.

I still don't care bc it's some random kkk dude.

However I've been saying constantly since Berkeley that the right needs to start organizing or they're going to get BTFO

Too many niggers, coalburners and oildrillers with internet these days. Can't wait until they get purged from society.

Where are all the attacks they promised? Nowhere because they are fucking weak and they know who has all the firearms.

I don't think it was a drug deal, either. Makes no fucking sense for that to be the case.

>putting the reply at the end

reddit called. they want you back. get the fuck off of this board and take your shitty post with you. NIGGER.

>implying anyone gives a shit about a FBI agent

lol, yeah, the only good company is Centurylink and they are assholes, like in town it's 10-15 and I only live 3 miles out of town and only get 1.5, I've called and complained before but they said that there isn't enough demand for anything faster, it's a bunch of bullshit

yeah, my theory is the crazy wife is on drugs and had the son kill him, one of his relatives posted on facebook that him and his wife got into a big fight the morning of the day he vanished, then she broke in the safe and took all his guns and probably sold them, when the police went and talked to her they noticed the safe had been pried open with something and asked her about it and she said she had nothing to report about that but was acting weird