The only sense I can make of the current situation is the Saudi's are helping the Jews relocate millions of people to European lands to destabilize and gain influence or incite terror / war.
But I cant find many proof
Do you guy have some info on this?
Are the Jews and the Saudi's working together
Other urls found in this thread:
It's not jews OR saudis, they are merely symptoms
the real enemy is (((white liberals)))
What is the end game? destroying Europe? Israel cant benefit from this
2017 and still asking this question
I there any proof?
Leaked cables etc
>"Oh yeah dude of course sunni islamic extremist SA is enemies with their neighbor Israel, they must fight wars all the time!"
>Look it up
>They're allies
And that's how I got redpilled on the semitic liars
The Jews and Saudis have been allies for a long, long time. Do you really need to ask this fucking question?
The Saudis have benefited from the petro dollar since Nixon took us off the gold standard. Obvious Jew politics is Jew Politics.
Jews installed a Federal Reserve bank in every country in the world. Obviously the Saudis are the only other nation that truly benefits from this since the whole scheme ties the value of all currency to the price of oil.
The only majority Muslim nation in the mid-East that does not want to destroy Israel is Saudi Arabia. It's been this way for ages.
The Saudis could have aided the refugees themselves, but they basically said 'fuck you' to all of them as the hordes invaded Europe.
Need I go on?
Destroying Iran and Syria so SA becomes the #1 sandnigger state in the region and consolidate their oil market and Israel can begin to expand as the Oden Yinon plan mandates
White liberal womyn like Merkel let the floodgates open. This is a hard redpill to swallow.
They are secret allies. Both are heavily conservative countries with decent militaries who want to be both religious and rich.
Saudis tried to help Palestenians but they are extremely uncooperative and unreasonable.
Israel sells drones and rockets to Saudi
If you're not being ironic, you don't know what the (((markers))) are for
so now Iran wants to dump the dollar, they are next on the death list?
There's a fine line between Zionists and diaspora Jews. One of the groups is pushing for globalism, while the other group wants to live in their own ethno-state, separated from whitey and Muslims. Zionists gain nothing from the destabilization or Islamization of their greatest ally, the West. The globalist diaspora Jews are the real enemy, Israeli Zionists are our nationalist brothers in arms.
Iran's been on the death list for decades. They have no Federal Reserve bank under the BIS, so obviously they will be toppled and one will be installed.
This is elementary tier shit.
Yes, obviously, how can you not know this by now? Is the fact that both countries exist as geopolitical vassal states/allies to the US in the same region not enough to convince you?
Iran could fall if it was invaded now. If they wait until Syria and Iraq restabilize and the rebels in Yemen win their civil war Iran will have too many allies in the region to make destroying it an easy task.
Invading Iran could also cause uprising in Bahrain as they are majority shia and ruled by a wahhabist monarchy.
Saudi Arabia is also 25% shia which could cause internal conflict in the country if Iran were attacked or if they try creating another civil war through forcing regime change like in Syria
1. saudis defeat shia in sysia
2. israel depopulates hated enemy
3. obama helps wahhabis and sunnis muslims he loves.
4. hillary gets rich and is a good goy
but then trump came
but trump loves israel (but not internationalist jews). he is getting along with saudi
turns out trump has to help out nationalist jews. trump is in a fix because he needs support of the diaspora internationalist jews or the nationalist jews. since he is essentially at war with the internationalist jews, he has to make a deal
Jew support tied to Saudis having the oil the ((fed))) gets its value from, and from common enemies, gives them common interests and they both bribe the same country, support the same "Islamic" terror groups, as do we the US.
The big conflict though is Israel plans to take over part of Saudi Arabia, and be the sole power in the region and world. When their threats are minimized and they take more land, Jews will start defecting from US to Israel. Then it's only a matter of time until the Jews short the dollar, crash it and abscond with our money.
Petro dollar sitting on a growing bubble by design, that way (((they ))) make money on the growth and make money on the fall. It's a matter of time until the Jews short it, crash it and abscond with our money, a permanent 1929.
>1. saudis defeat shia in sysia
>2. israel depopulates hated enemy
>3. obama helps wahhabis and sunnis muslims he loves.
>4. hillary gets rich and is a good goy
oh i forgot
5. internationalist jews happy because europe/west local population is displaced and subverted
If Iran got destabalised now, the Entire Middle East will go down the gutter. It aint worth it longterm.
no, we hate eachother. Saudis are responsible for terror, and a host of shit. We just capitalize as much as possible on what ever dumb shit the saudis do.
Kek you don't think the Jews influence conservatives
The two party system is a Jewish illusion.
I don't know dude that's kind of weird I'll have to think about it
I know. But most of the liberals pick up jew garbage more often.
Hillary is a crypto Jew, not goy. Like many "US" lawmakers.
I tried to find a good video
Both sides pick up opposing (((narratives))), keeps whites fighting with each other over things like Muslims and abortions, sending our kids to die for Israel which both sides do in equal measure.
If you're fighting the left, you're playing your (((role))), both sides fight harder for Jew interests in some arenas, less hard in others.
Cool theory but definitely wrong. You know why?
Even the parasites themselves know that value comes form labor, not oil, gold, money, or anything else.
In fact, it comes from 3 things: time, energy, and ideas.
A tiny parasite country in the mid-east will never have more of any of those 3 things than the US. Even if we our currency is crashed. We have untapped energy resources that make the Saudis blush, we have the best idea market in the world via our patent system, and we have more people and hence more time to develop everything.
On top of that, we will develop Thorium reactors which will make everything else obsolete. There is nothing the parasites can do about it. In the long term, they lose. In the near term, they lose. In the medium term, however, they will cause some havoc. They are drowning and they haven't figured it out yet.
Please keep working on this deliberately.
I can't do it. I have to go. The internet is the best in the book of revelations....
I have a few things you might have which may or may not be true.
Saudi Royal family is actually a Jew nest. The real Jews are khazars.
The Koran actually forbids kings so it's not even an Islamic countrie. It's fake.
Muslim brotherhood. Islamic state is not a new thing and the Muslim brotherhood is trying to bring it back with their"grand jihad" 101 paper. They infiltrated the Obama administration, Obama, huma abdein.
Jews, Jesuits, America, Israel, Saudi Arabia.
Oil 101.
I'm writing like a retard because they are damaging my brain right now and I can't think probably sry.
Twin towers, Solomons temple, Saturn worship, black sun.
>semites helping semites
Redpill me on Duterte and if he's gonna do something about commie Mindanao
Whenever I see this exact same phrase posted again and again, I believe less and less in it. Even if there could have been some merit too it.