Stop being racist, sexist, and homophobic

Stop being racist, sexist, and homophobic.

Why you shooting yourself. Why you shooting your self.

Stop using buzzwords


Kill yourself. Oh, wait.

Cause after hearing RED he realized he will never make good music.

Like I'm gonna listen to a drug addled fag that an hero'd.

Nirvana was overrated as hell. I'm glad this faggot killed himself, if he didn't, Xeattle would be even more of a degenerate shit hole

>Says the burnt out junkie who killed himself.

drown in semen, faggot.


Stop putting that shotgun barrel in your month.

Kill yourself.


Adjusting my value-system to please others comes at a cost. What do you have to offer?

stop being a nigger, a bitch and a vicious faggot.

I love the Foo Fighters. Lateralus is the best album ever.

Kill yourself Kurt Cobain

Lateralus is a porcupine tree album you tool.

Sorry Kurt, but I will never follow you. I will never promise to. Let's talk about something else.

Stop idolizing Satan's people.

Stop being Anti-White
Stop being Anti-Male
Stop being against Hetero people

Kill - yourself.

Kurt Cobain truly was the beginning of all this SJW faggotry.
He was the biggest SJW virtue-signalling faggot of them all.
I'm glad he put a bullet in his brain. First sensible thing he'd done his whole life.

I'm so glad we live in a world where kuck cobain is DEAD

How about you kill yourself, you pathetic waste of cells and other organic matter, adding up to absolutely nothing of worth.

I knew Michael Stipe was behind this.Fucking Spin Doctors.




really activates mein almonds

Daily reminder feminism killed Kurt Cobain

His parents divorced during the 70s divorce wave, which lead him along a series of traumas, onto a heroin addiction and then death.

No. It is just and natural.

>stop being dead
Guy was a faget

Says the junkie who supported opium warlords that enslave women and children, forcing them to manufacture the junk you need and keeping them in line by making them sex slaves and slaves to the needle. Fuck Kurt Cobain. Music may be good but his beliefs were dumb as fuck.

Kurt Cobain wasn't an SJW. As far as I know, he was mostly non-political. All he really did was bitch about corporate labels. He was from Seattle so he was probably just a basic bitch liberal. Of course "liberal" in the 90's meant people like Dave Rubin and Jim Webb.

Hipster? Sure. SJW? Not that I could see.

Now, Pearl Jam were SJWish. And Cobain was on records multiple times saying he hated Pearl Jam.