Controversial topics

Does Sup Forums have any contingency plans in case Sup Forums becomes worse than Reddit and censors the hell out of everything? It's clear that the mods are getting more and more censorship-happy.

It's been like this to no end. Gamergate, RWSS, HWNDU, Pizzagate all went that way, despite the latter two very much befitting the category of "politics and current events". It's honestly a bit worrying. People have been suspecting SJWs infiltrated the mod team for a while, and it feels like they're just trying to deplete our political ammo - suppression of inconvenient content, dismissing it as a whole. It feels like some mod just went "lmao I don't like this right wing nutjob conspiracy theory xD" and started deleting everything relevant to it.

It's fucking Sup Forums. This is not the kind of standard I'd expect the mods here to have. But at the same time, I doubt anything's going to be done about this.

I wouldn't want Sup Forums to die, but what can we do if that does happen?

Other urls found in this thread:

this place is our last hope

The only point at which this place will get worse than Reddit is if we aren't allowed to say nigger anymore

This place is going to remain an example of autistic shitposting until civil war kills the servers

mods banning multiple pizzagate threads past couple hours

not kidding

Role-playing and alternate reality games are not politics. Take it somewhere else.

you've used this excuse all over the place in threads discussing pizza hate and censorship

care to explain more? literally why is role playing about this

You don't believe in the conspiracy theory. Doesn't mean you should suppress it.

then why do you let that asshole Anon5 have threads?

I dunno. Conspiracy theories have always flourished here. It makes you wonder if it's being censored because it's real. Makes you think.

I got a ban warning for making a piz za gate thread.

Only BBC and "is X degenerate" threads allowed, stay distracted goys.

Mods are not gods and do not determine reality

and also fags

kike bot

Here's little info on art because we can't talk about pizza.

Modern Art is used to launder $$$ for Alphabet agencies Arms & Dope sales, pay off sources/off the books contractors, etc.

many of these "artists" are raised in this "world" (ie children of parents whom are life long operatives living under cover as "a family" in one place/key "job", etc)

The orbiters of these scenes are also involved... on a different tier (MK-type social conditioning/Culture Creation" programs)

A majority of these people are clearly homosexuals and pedophiles, since they have basically grown up in a completely illusory world parallel to society. They have a messed up moral compass because they believe THEY live in the REAL WORLD... and everyone else lives in the ILLUSION.

In a way, they are correct

the Manhatten Knights and comet ping pong child porn hacker threads seem to have hit too close to home

WTF anons something must be done I've watched at least 8 pizzagate threads deleted in past couple hours with this lame ass excuse from mod.

meanwhile I see 80 "Drumpf btfo" threads flourishing 3 times a day



it forgot to delete the thread lmao

They have. We stumbled upon a huge network which implicates a lot of people. There is no way the people connected to these accounts can know if their account is in danger of being dug through.

>Sup Forums becomes worse than Reddit and censors the hell out of everything

I'll just go back to fapping on /k/ and discussing weapons on /d/

Go be cancerous somewhere else frog.

There are other chans.

i'm sure a new website will appear to replace Sup Forums and reddit eventually

---- ALERT ----

>---- Alert ----


all anons look at this thread for proof of censorship (not failed to delete thread)

saying pizz a ga te in OP gets auto banned

what do you expect from shit pedo coders

Nah, we are just bullshitting. If we started dropping info this thread would be deleted too.




DUMP ALLLLLLL Pizz a G a te info and screenshots NOW in this thread

fuck compromised mods



DUMP ALL Pizz a Ga T e info N O W


Go away evil dogger.

Infest other boards or if Sup Forums gets kill, infest other chans. There is sevenchan, infinitechan, hispanishchan etc. Troll the shit out of them and conquer their spaces.

Never mind those constant Sup Forums BTFO! Threads or commie threads, I guess. Or never mind the THIS triggers Sup Forums threads, cuckporn threads, shill threads, Shareblue threads, or Sup Forums can't refute this threads. Well at least you're deleting threads that have relation to politics and current events like Pizzagate.

kek confirms





This is our last bastion of communication. We wouldn't be able to dump much before the thread is deleted.

ofc it's being censored. Why do you think this board constantly gets shitted up by shills and off topic threads but as soon as anyone mentions the connection between a certain restaraunt and a certain group of people the mods actually start doing their jobs

>This is not the kind of standard I'd expect the mods here to have
How to tell when someone has never used any other board on the site

drop info see what happens


you know, if pizzagate turns out to be fucking real, everyone here is going to hunt you down with pitchforks and torches for being a pedo enabler

fucking faggot

If you'd like to discuss human trafficking generally, see this thread

The same pieces of trash kept whining about muh HWNDU cancer. Get fucked faggots.

Octo pol is that way --->
They have webms with sound so you can jerk off to your gay larping even harder

I know. I thought pointing out that it's real would kill the thread. It didn't. The mod just cares about the info dropped.

Go fuck yourself you compromised kike

>Mods confirmed sellouts

comments getting deleted


He's actual controlled disinfo and roleplay /x/ tier bullshit, but it's the actual investigations into pedophilia that get shut down by the mod team; unbelievable

mod team is compromised, maybe even threatened to shut it down.

I hate how fucking opaque the moderation team is on this site. Fucking moot and his cronies did nothing to fix those issues years ago and they've only gotten worse over time

Oy vey shut it down hate speech is not free speech

I think it's the insta accounts that are monitored. The mod's probably part of the (((Left))) and supports the degenerate "art" created by the pedo "artists" in these accounts.


Gamergate wasn't censored until it became a political action committee.

What was posted?

Go away evil dogger.

gamergate was censored the moment leftists noticed it was on Sup Forums and started whining to the mod team to shut it down

moot happened to be friends with SJW's and went to an SJW conference right at the same time this was happening, it's no coincidence it got censored.

Finally noticed that mods don't have IDs or flags with their posts.

Should we post info or will thread be deleted. This is the last place on this fucking board we can talk about it

I mean the janitors and mods aren't a hivemind.
Posts would be deleted and such but the wholesale hammer coming down didn't actually happen until it went full tilt on "digging".

Seaman is a legit journalist that broke up the NSA story, and now he says Pizzagate is real

So why is it getting deleted the moment it gets serious?

You know how many threads were discussing that degenerate shit-eating faggot video? That wasn't even censored because it's "art". Let's just post the art in these faggots accounts. No names, no identities. Think they would censor that?

fuck these mods




Nah, it wouldn't be new info anyway. Lets just discuss for now.

During the MK generals we dug pretty heavily. Shills raided the threads and the last one of the night was deleted early.

A little OC

Who do you think you are? Get your SJW bullshit out of here you little shit. Pizzagate is very much politics and current events. Just because you don't believe it or are being paid to delete threads about it, doesn't change a thing.

Gamergate got mass censored almost immediately buddy, what are you smoking?

First it was on Sup Forums, then an admin decided it was political and not meant for Sup Forums. Then it was on Sup Forums and MOOT decided it didn't belong on Sup Forums at all "because it's just like chanology lol, now look away while I go to an SJW conference there is no conflict of interests here".

That entire bullshit actually destroyed Sup Forums's traffic for awhile - a LOT of people went over to 8 chan and then slowly started trickling back to Sup Forums over the subsequent months. You can see the population drop if you look at any website demographic statistics

Keep pushing pizzagate.

However, I think we should have a backup gathering and a few darknet servers so the autism can live on if a few governments try to silence it.

What reason do the mods have to keep deleting these threads anyway? It's not going to harm Sup Forums in any way

They are "artists".

desu if mods are actually getting threatened by pedos that Sup Forums's uncovering they should be going into witness protection under the FBI instead of doing what the pedos want

suck my dick you fucking faggot

I really wish we had a place with no rules at all.

But at least here the only real one is no doxxing. Which is not too bad.

Thread lock when?

We do know that Sup Forums has quite a few pedo mods. The one on Sup Forums is pretty well known.

Like I said, we can post pics from these accounts just no identities. They could at least be used for memes. We also need to look into physical locations these people frequent.

>The one on Sup Forums is pretty well known.
Literally who

Fuck u faggot weak thread

Sup Forums used to be highly populated with pedos and "CP" circa 2008

We should be discussing human trafficking over here Instead of this pizza nonsense, hint hint wink wink

>That entire bullshit actually destroyed Sup Forums's traffic for awhile
I left Sup Forums for years after I got banned for protesting that debacle. Only came back a few months ago.

Mods need to stop deleting the Sup Forums-/x/ crossover threads. Those are objectively the best type of threads. HWNDU is faggy and I'm glad they delete those

Say I want to start a pizzagate thread just to spite the shill mods, how do I get un-banned?

There was some guy that said CP was posted in the threads pretty much every night and the mod allowed it. He asked to help report it.

hwndu is dead now anyway. nice quads my dude

I wonder if it's possible that arrests are so imminent that Sup Forums is attempting to keep it on the DL to preserve the potency of the sting that's about to ensure. That's my wishful thinking anyway.

It will never be worse than reddit because everything is getting worse at a faster or equal rate than Sup Forums.
>and censors the hell out of everything?
Already happening, as you've pointed out (it's actually worse than that: on apolitical boards, it's impossible to discuss anything anymore because having the wrong opinion gets you banned).

That was a theory. This mod's post doesn't suggest that though.


>hwndu isnt politics
Literally a cultural and political war
>pizzagate is just a conjecture
So was the pedos in the catholic church and at penn state at one time.

Mates, i might have overdid it and now my IP range is banned. Posting with phone sucks, so is there any chance my i can post from my laptop with my wifi again?

Apparently they can keep up with my superior german ip technology

Fucking this.

Pizzagate is broad and indeed that worldcorpo shit is obviously just a fake. But there is much more then that shit about it and should not be deleted. People need just realized is a hoax.

Go to cripplechan. I will do so if I am banned one more time for protesting this crap, as I did for years after Gamergate. Maybe gook moot will sort things out if we all walk out in protest. Sup Forums is the most active board on here ne?

eighto chan. the only problem with it is it's dead as fuck but once kikes like alienate everyone off the site that won't be a problem anymore.

How long is the ban?

if you absolutely flood the board they won't be able to stop you. they do it for free after all.

If at least all of us move over we could have a pretty active thread. Their last thread is at the post limit.

You just spam the board to hell and back and if Sup Forums gets closed you just spam Sup Forums.
Leftards have always been mods, they use reggit and tumblr and all that garbage.
Sup Forums has never been about free speech but you have all the rights to shit on mods for being faggots while getting banned
Also go back to reggitchan shill


Just delete a couple of cookies
No one is asking you to stay redditard

hi disinfo shill

That's a pretty good sign. Maybe there will be a happening tonight. I just hope the sick pedos in these accounts are arrested too. I have a feeling they are going to flee.

reeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!d pill