Alimony is a modern day form of slavery

petition to ask trump to sign an executive order to end alimony in the US and push for permanent laws to be made abolishing it. It's only a few hundred signatures away from being sent. I know it might not work, but it's definitely worth a shot and 30 seconds of your time.

Other urls found in this thread:

Op here. Just realized I forgot to paste the link. My bad.


If men like you don't pay alimony, how should we ever expect you to learn your lesson?

nice b8 m8

bump for equality


It's not bait. You can't let betas enter into commitments with used-up sluts in hopes of getting their dick wet, then just let them walk away when the chickens come home to roost. They'll just keep doing the same thing over and over again and then we have to hear about how evil women are every time.

An executive order couldn't accomplish this. Not that I disagree with it. But it is state law, not federal law, that covers divorce. Congress could pass a law in this area and pre-empt state law. But an executive order wouldn't do squat because there aren't any existing Executive Branch agencies enforcing any legislation at the Federal level around this.
The best Trump could do is prohibit Federal agencies from doing anything to cooperate with law enforcement and tax collection around permanent alimony, and that the former wouldn't do much, and the latter would be counter-productive (given the tax deduction.)

>hear about how evil women are


If you want a serious response, no alimony would stabilize society because women wouldn't get free shit for having a hole between their legs and getting some sucker screwed in court by a jewish lawyer.

Your logic is simply flawed; you're thinking of one specific situation, what about a relationship in which both people were happy with each other for a period of time, but grew apart and decided to divorce? Or how about a situation in which the wife is violent or abusive or the wife cheats? Furthermore, your argument implies that if two people, a "used up slut" and a "beta" who is trying to get his "dick wet" get into a relationship and it doesn't work out, it's immediately the man's fault and his responsibility to pay the price. That just makes no sense.

I signed it

I think internal political and domestic matters should be solved via cage fight. That way, everyone would become involved in fitness, women would never get alimony again, and we'd know who the cucks are.

Nice, but divorce is state subject matter, not Federal. It's hard to get rid of shit at the state level. You have to change it 50 times. What a retarded system.

>no alimony would stabilize society because women wouldn't get free shit for having a hole between their legs

Right, just like how prohibiting panhandling keeps homeless people out of a city.

>what about a relationship in which both people were happy with each other for a period of time, but grew apart and decided to divorce?

Doesn't exist.

>Or how about a situation in which the wife is violent or abusive or the wife cheats?

Man's fault. Especially the violent wife part. I mean come on, you didn't catch a whiff of that before you put a ring on it?

>Furthermore, your argument implies that if two people, a "used up slut" and a "beta" who is trying to get his "dick wet" get into a relationship and it doesn't work out, it's immediately the man's fault and his responsibility to pay the price. That just makes no sense.

It is the man's fault. Women don't have agency.

You guys seem to have this conception that all women sit around planning ways to hook a man and milk him for money until they dump him for fresh meat. It's like you've never actually been around women for longer than five minutes. They can't even pick a restaurant for dinner or decide what to wear in the morning. They live by the moment, doing whatever feels right at the time.

The stereotypical life-cycle of a failed marriage is a testament to the failure of the man to control the relationship. He establishes a pattern of beta behavior with no alpha counterpart. He fails to identify the woman's response to that behavior nor does he counter it. He fails to maintain his SMV through the relationship (particularly egregious as a man's SMV is naturally on an upward trajectory well into middle age) and he fails to recognize female warning signs until it is too late. Paying alimony is just God's way of telling you that you fucked up and you need to think about how exactly you fucked up every time the ACH withdrawal hits your account.

Dew it Trumpo



signed, trying to save western civ

Signed sealed, delivered, I'm yours.

This is fucking brilliant make this a petition!

brilliant lads!

now we just need to require equal car insurance rates!!!!!


(men are considered riskier drivers cause we speed)
>not sexist

firt time drivers who are males useally have to have assisted insurrance or have the title under a parents name compared to a female of the same age

the reduction in rates is also greater as females age furthur increasing a gap

its really fucked in states that require you to have basic coverage

we have a lot of work to do if we want to end sexism against men in the west

> Firs generation were women out-earn men
> Alimony starts benefiting men
> Lets end it!
feminists are truly masters of kikery.

I agree with child support

I don't agree with alimony

As a twice divorced billionaire, Trump would get BTFO for being involved in any anti-alimony legislation.

I signed it, but I do think it's funny you say that because this petition was not started by a man on alimony, but by a woman married to a man on alimony who wants her husband to have the money partly because it'll make her life better as well.

I'm not sure if that's under the jurisdiction of the president user

People have said that, and they're probably right, but the president's influence extends far beyond his power. If Trump pushed to get rid of alimony, it probably wouldn't end it throughout the US, but a discussion would be started and many things would change for the better. He might even be able to get a few states to get rid of it.

the American economy is slavery

>t. Roastie

If this gets enough signatures, can we not just spam it to the 50 state governors nationwide?

Bump roasties