What's the most politically devilish thing you did?

What's the most politically devilish thing you did?

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I tricked many leftists into not voting because I told them that their candidate was actually a capitalist puppet.

Not killing enough niggers.

I once made an user vote for jeb! with my praise skills

I didn't vote last year.

I'm only glad Trump won because he is good for my stock investments and he hilariously pisses people off to the extreme.

I still can't believe he won. I feel like I am in an alternate reality.

Letting an old friend from Austin start talking about his ignorant liberal beliefs and then dropped the knowledge after he let out enough rope to hang himself. Best part was how proud he was to have worn a shirt with Donald trump sucking a dick. His evolved liberal mind didn't know how to process it when I just smiled and said that I voted trump and had been a member of safety squad, targeting Austin.

I said No once.

I once wrote up a "my wife's son" wall of text and posted it onto a lefty politician's facebook.

I got many likes from the cuckold lefties. Don't know what I expected.

I once shit in a brown bag, lit it on fire, put it on the porch of a liberal cuck running to be mayor of my town, knocked on the door, and ran.

Wore MAGA hat around the office. Libtards wents nuts.

I've been writing refugees welcome on garbage cans and dumpsters all over my city.

This made me smile.

I purchased pic related and sometimes hang it on my window.

I'm trying to make it take off. My hope is to start seeing it popping up done by other people.
>mfw people ask me why I carry a sharpie in my pocket

>be me
>join the Greens on campus
>went home with some Greens roastie
>came on her dreadlocks
>switched unis next semester

When I was in college there was a mild "Security guard abused a student" scandal and of course the student government went full virtue signalling. A security guard had grabbed a female student "roughly" by the arm and called her a bitch.

The morning before the open hearing (2am) I put posters all around campus calling for open lynching and trials of the entire security department with the most hyperbolic accusations possible (TAX EVASION! WITCHCRAFT! HUMAN TRAFFICKING!) and a large photo of the angry mob from Holy Grail.

Around sunrise I saw the student council president returning to her room with the stack of all my posters. I may not have caused a scene, but I ruined HER night.

Why did I do this? Because the girl that allegedly was abused is an actual crazy person who I can *guarantee you* was literally kicking and screaming in response to a confrontation with the security guards. Fuck Irene.

Wore my MAGA hat to campus the day after the elected, I can see the anger in people's faces but they were too sad and defeated to say anything lol

Saw this picture and really. Really. Really. Liked it. Look at his face. Do they really wear rosaries like that? So you think it's a Dolce and Gabbana knock off. A lot of models pose like this. Then you look on the wall behind him. Looks authentic. Then you reverse image this and find fuck all. Slight trigger warning. m.imgur.com/nllWbLZ

I voted for Hillary

oh wait, that was the right thing to do


>voted brexit
>going to emigrate

you should write rapefugees instead of refugees.

Single handedly btfo'd so many liberals that I became enemy number 1 for them on my island and motivated a few other Trump supporters to come out with their beliefs irl.

I fingered a chick at a party pretending to intend to vote for Bernie. I don't think she'd ever shaved. It was a rainforest down there. I loved it.