Could a book like this from 1982 get published in this day and age?
Could a book like this from 1982 get published in this day and age?
A book written by jews dictating to white men what is masculine? Why of course silly goy!
They literally had a book available on Amazon that detailed how to have sex with children.
Ey' fuck you m8, Quiche is delicious and it wasn't invented by women. Quiche was invented by men anyways.
Fuck now I want a spinach and ham quiche.
Looks like a faggy try hard gay shit write by a Jew. Someone like Gavin McInnes would write this sort of crap.
What book was that? asking for a friend.
I still don't know what quiche is
>girly man spotted
Considering the Gorilla Mindset and the Art of Manliness, yes it it still sells.
you can find them at starbucks.
Quiche is a ruined omelette.
>tv and alcohol
>jew author
Egg, spinach and ham in a pie. Unfortunately people ruin it by serving it cold and add sugar for some reason.
oy vey
It's that Harry Potter game.
Egg pie
ya okay
and not sure if it was considered an upity dish at the time.
Maybe if you're a shit cook. Omelettes are great too, but a quiche is a whole different beast despite the ingredients being largely the same.
>real men don't eat quiche
>drinking milk is racist
>cold sugary quiche
It would have to be renamed real men eat cock
Real Men Prep The Bull - A guidebook to all that is truly cucked.
Real men don't hide behind the importation of 3rd world niggers to destroy countries and take them over, you spineless fucking kikes.
>Eating food from starbucks.
Go back to facebook you fucking pleb.
GenXfag here: I remember when my mother used to pay extra for full-serve gasoline. Also, every gas station has full-serve.
>asking for a friend
Sure, Shlomo, sure.
Of course.
Every single (((redpill))) blogger on the net tries to strike it big on amazon by publishing his books on how to be REAL and ALPHA and GAME all the sluts and all that shit.
wtf is wrong with quiche it's a breakfast pie wait oh shit oh fuck breakfast pie shit i really am a fucking faggot holy shit
yes because it has the name (((stein))) in it
he's right you know.
Sure, but you'd get made fun for it.