So how goes that Netflix protest?

Guess you guys sure showed them.

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I'm pretty sure no one on Sup Forums cares that much buddy

>you guys

it says it went down after hours on your graph.....

>Sup Forumsacks try to boycott Netflix over some dumb tv show they don't like
>Sup Forums gets BTFO
>yeah w-w-well we didn't care anyway...

So you want me to sign up just so I could cancel?

most of us just use normie accounts
did you really think everyone pays for netflix?
for a dozen good views a year?

I can't boycott something I don't pay for

NFLX trades at 344.81 P/E ratio. It's so artificially overvalued to begin with that a small group of pissed off guys with anime avatars will have little effect on the overall stock price.

Dear white people

Hop off Sup Forums and get a fucking degree and job as opposed to complaining how hard working and more qualified immigrants are overtaking the positions you weren't gonna get anyways

at least wait until Q1 earnings faggot.

you don't know anything about stocks!

next ER, top and bottom lines will be YUGE misses.


Why are we protesting Netflix again

>he thinks Sup Forums is one person

You have to go back.

>subscribing to netflix
>not pirating your shit

reddit is that way buddy

I canceled my Netflix around the election. I don't give a fuck if a company is right or left, I don't want to hear their shitty political opinion.

Like washing dishes and cleaning hotel rooms? Maybe we want those jobs for our citizens who aren't qualified for more skill intensive work. Instead Barack the Traitor let them pour in for the last eight years to take our jobs. Fuck that. They have to go back.

>pirating a bunch of shitty movies/shows you'll only watch once
not worth risking jail time for a 2 star indie horror movie I'll just end up putting on in the background

I owed this stock back when it was 90 dollars. Sold it at 98.
I regret ever selling it.

>jail time for piracy


what good tv shows/movies has your country made?
anything worth pirating? no?

NFLX is propped up by the Fed.

we made the sopranos, retard

>stealing peoples labour
>>>reddit is that way



unironically a reddit opinion
hue hue hue sure you did

we wuz lamez :'c

Sup Forums B T F O

>risking jail time

That's why companies give you unlimited copies of there products when you buy that product once, so you can share it with all your friends with no repercussions for that company whatsoever.

I don't give a flying fuck if you pirate, but this moral justification is retarded.

>lets cry about this video all over the internet so that it gets even more coverage and views
>surely the amaount of dislikes on a youtube trailer will result in Netflix bankrupcy

Sup Forums is just the first domino to fall. if netflix continues on this path they're going to fail. i'm a longtime subscriber and im about to ditch it. when i started they focused on getting tons of great movies. now they get hbo-tier movies and try to make their own shit (which mostly blows). they fell for the trap of thinking they were supposed to be a content-maker instead of a content provider.

look up punishments for Copyright infringement

Nigger your chance of getting locked up for is so fucking minuscule you'd have a better chance at committing a different jail-worthy crime by accident .

You'll get a warning from your ISP before anything else, odds are you'll never even get that in the first place, and even then you're 10 steps away from your door getting knocked down and getting v&.

> like I ever had n*flix account

I tried my best faggot.

You do realise it takes time for it to show on the next earnings report?

fucking retard kys


Subscriber increase/decrease is the main factor in Netflix shares going up or down at quarterly earnings. New subscriber data probably won't be released before then.


this all could be true, however netflix can continue to grow for a long time before cracks start to form. Netflix is a global company. It has strong international subscriber growth.

Don't short netflix.

>everything the right boycotts becomes more successful

I need to make a business that pisses of pol

>ever giving (((them))) even a nickel

>344.81 P/E ratio
holy fuck, that's 1999 tech stock tier

because some white people can't just be content with being the master race and stfu. some have to resort to whining about nothing. shut the fuck up. own your pride like a man. those at the top are always being targeted

investors will invest because this is free advertising for netflix.

amazing that people use day-to-day stock movement as indicators of ANYTHING. noticed this after brexit: people who know zero about economics are suddenly crying EVERYTHING IS FUCKED because the pound dropped.

stock prices aren't a solid indicator of anything, unless they totally crash into the ground. but if that happens, there will be some obvious reason that everyone knows about.

another user said it: quarterly revenues are more indicative of company performance. stocks are a better measure of current uncertainty rather than current performance. just because people think something is going well doesn't mean it is.

>buy a movie on bluray
>make a bunch of popcorn
>sit on couch
>doorbell rings
>It's your GF
>she sits down on couch with you.
>start kissing. She's going for yo dick
>it's finally happening
>she hears explosion come from Doby 5.1 surround sound system, glances at TV
>Doorbell rings again
>Sir, are you sharing movies?
>Curses! Foiled again
>lose virginity at gitmo to Ahkmed Assaaa'ad

i actually got out of the stock market ~2 years ago because im waiting for the crash. was holding a significant portion of my portfolio in AMD with around 2.50 cost basis too. no regrets though.

>stealing peoples labour

>reused, remade, repackaged, actors replaced with niggers and women–labour of drug addicts sanitized for women and political correctness yet somehow always needs "dark and gritty" tones

The magic and fun!

that new show about how bad white people are

>you guys sure showed them
>quoting a boycott that leddit/r/thedonald did
>he thinks Sup Forums paid for netflix

You have to go back

it's the people who put up the torrents that face jail time.

they're the unsung heroes.

fortunately they're usually third worlders in SE asia

you made a good decision

>not having superior hacking skills and government grade satelites in space to cover your ip in the endless void of cyberspace to download illegal torrents

holy fuck the shill on these retards is huge
and it's all over Sup Forums

>got rid of amd when it was around 3.75
>currently at around 12.00

havent done the exact math but i probably would have been up 25-30k if i stuck with it. it's cool though. i got out when my portfolio was up 8k. i'll get back in on the next downturn .

wait till the next quarter when they release sub numbers, short the stock now.

I can tell you are a noob at trading/finance

NFLX is a backbone-less bubble about to pop anytime soon. Will be sold to a (((major))) company like Microsoft within 3 years. First price fall will be $90-100 range, hovering for a year, after entering a downward spiral up to about $60-70, after which it's no longer competitive and will be sold

>5 people unsubscribe
>jewish media acts like every republican did
i literally dont give a shit.

yeah mate because 344 p/e is totally great, should i borrow 1.5 million dollars to buy a property as well?

Leaf humour, not even once

Yeah, no shit. It's a buy right now. This shitshow isn't going to do anything.

as we get deeper into the internet age, vocabulary will continue to shrink
i hope you understand every word in this post
steal your moms keys
take her chevy tahoe for a spin
pedal to the metal, man
find the nearest telephone pole
wrap yourself around it

>Experiences a dip
>Subsequently experiences a gain
>/p-pol/ btfo....
Do you not know how the stock market works? Subhuman.

your unnecessary comment about .com bubble p/e ratios makes you sound like a girl that constantly brings up sport statistics so she can be "one of the guys".

Why would stock markets fall if netflix doesn't publish their subscriber numbers? Just because some people posted pictures on twitter?
Wait until the end of the quarter and we'll see what impact it had.

spotted the netflix investor

While it's in poor taste, and something that is to be expected of the regressive left, the reaction on the right that it's a White Genocide propaganda piece was overblown.

Maybe it didn't hurt their stocks, but it did show liberals that white people really ARE growing sick of this shit, and are starting to boldly show it.

Also spot my 20% gains

The market is always right, don't fight the market with 'logic', what's 'right' is what the market says

i hope that turns out well for you mate

oh you're shitposting

The only time I pay for movies is at movie theaters, that where they get their investment back and profits.If its an old movie you are just giving your money to some (((bureaucrat))) on hollywood stealing the money of others' people labor.

I never protested or cancelled my account although I think the show and owners of netflix are gay and pussies. I've never seen it advertised on my dashboard, although I don't use netflix too much because their selection is garbage.

And you would be stupid to not have invested in netlifx a few months ago. Too late now for huge gains but still not a bad time to buy in.


Just felt like dicking around. Going in to 2nd year finance lol, all I know is my annuity formulas lol

>He thinks people here are so stupid they would pay to watch television shows.

Nigger are you this new?

I boycott shows on Netflix not Netflix entirely.

I just purchased 2 extra netflix subs for family. Just to support netflix.

>344 p/e
>a good idea to buy in

are you offering options on your house?

kek, do you think there is a version of poe's law for finance? something like "if you can't tell if someone is joking about the market or not, it's in a bubble"?

>there was an organized protest of netflix

We can't boycott shit we don't own.

It won't show until they are forced to report a loss of subscriptions/earnings to their investors.
Expect us at the end of the quarter.

What does that even mean.

maybe you should backtest that using quantitative methods.

That he shitposts on Sup Forums and believes he is hurting netflix.

Do you know how much gay shit is on netflix. The fuck i care about some sjw show i am waiting for iron fist and stranger things s2.

p/e ratio doesn't matter at all. What matters is if the stock is going up or down. Overall % increase is what really matters.

>boycott only started recently
>such a boycott wouldn't see any effect until they release next quarter's earnings at the very least
>another liberal jizzmop getting ahead of themselves and talking about BTFO'ing people, all the while BTFOing themselves
Honey, baby, sweetie pie, poopsie kins, darling, you're a faggot and you don't belong here


Netflix could lose 20% of their subs and their stock wouldnt budge as a direct result for weeks and prolly not till the earnings report.


now that's b8

i would say that's bait but i can't really since i already fell for it

i could, but at the same time i could also backtest my esophagus using alcoholic methods

>yeah, let's just keep paying for netflix even though they're trying to rally people against us
Go away NIDF, you backwards nigger-tier shit inhaler

Why do you think p/e matters?

follow up b8

why do you think foundation matters?

.47%? you think that is a big change? are you retarded, or do you know nothing about math and or the stock market?

y u accepting b8

So that things don't fall. If the stock you're invested in starts to fall then you could just sell it.