How to quit being politically obsessed?

I picked up on following Trump a year ago through the primaries and all that and it was good and fun back then.

Now browsing Sup Forums and reading conservative news outlets is literally all I do.

No more friends. No more vidya. No more movies. Aside from working 9-5 (inb4 wagecuck) and working out 5 days a week I literally just focus on the "news" every other waking moment.

My life is shit now. How do I stop caring?

>inb4 you're here forever

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Congrats, you are now level 2. You still have ways to go but getting there.

This shit is exactly what I am trying to prevent, finfag

Perhaps try reading books, or find an outdoor hobby like hunting or fishing.

Your life doesn't sound like shit to me. Focus on the positive aspects of it. You're no longer wasting your time playing video games or watching movies (jew propaganda).
You're a lot farther along than most I would think.

Take some pride, caring about the world and wanting it to be better is arguably better than vidya.

Keep following your path. You are on your way out of this matrix user. Ask for help being released before you sleep tonight.

im in the same boat. ive learned not to try and control what you care about, but care what you naturally care about.

you're here forever, wagecuck

This is impossible. Even if you went back to playing vidya and shit and hanging with friends you'll notice everything is political these days and all of it will get on your nerves

True on both accounts. But I guess a better way to describe it is that I literally have no friends now due to my political views. I used to have a ton. Was captain of the rowing team. Now I'm "the racist alt righter" and a social pariah because I accidentally showed my power level a few times.

It's lonely as hell, Sup Forumsacks

There is no going back.

Listen to this:

Thanks user I'll give it a shot

Accumulate enough money and power so that politics does not have an affect on your life.

Dude harden the fuck .

About half the white millennials in the country voted Trump.

Walk around and meet some folks.

Problem is none of them are in school, they're all working instead.

>I literally have no friends now due to my political views. I used to have a ton.
Unless you were an annoying douche about your views, which would explain why you have no friends, those people were not your friends in the first place. You may have seen them as friends, but you were just one more warm body for them to socialize with, until it became inconvenient to them.

I don't like commies, but I was friends with one until he moved away and we lost touch. He was not a douche about his views and respected other's views as long as you actually presented well thought-out and educated rebuttals to his arguments. Once the heated debate was over, he could hang out and be friendly, and never held grudges from prior debates.

I have another friend who went from center-of-the-road, to leftist as fuck, and we still get along. We can make fun of each other and know none of the insults come from any place of malice, even though we disagree about virtually everything.

tl:dr If you were not acting like a douche about your views, then those people were not your real friends if they ditched you only over your different political opinions.

Pretty sure this isn't the place to ask that

Get some pussy you queer.

This. Put the redpill to use and make use of it in every way possible.

Buddy, at this point all you can do is give up and accept that life isn't going to be the way it was 60 years ago. Don't save for retirement, don't have kids, if you get married, be damned sure that she won't divorce you (you really shouldn't get married).

Don't even aspire for higher wages, because that just results in higher taxes. Would you rather make 25k working part time with a 15 percent tax (netting you 21250, plus government benefits) or 50k working full time with a 40 percent tax (netting you 30k, plus no benefits)?

Enjoy what you can, user. Friends, family, and small things, like used cars, motorcycles, video games etc.

We have 130 trillion dollars in unfunded liabilities. That is literally double what the entire world produced last year.

Just sit back, and let it all go. Stop fighting it. It sucks, but it isn't your fault. You aren't responsible for the way that this country turned out. So sit back, enjoy your family, your friends, your hobbies, and work the system as best as you can (as there is no shame in this anymore; thanks to democrats, it is less honorable to be productive than it is to leech on society).

And most importantly, be happy. Go ahead and take a vacation to a national park. Go rock climbing, or drive a motorcycle across the nation. By getting out there and enjoying life, you are winning. The government can't confiscate that, like they can retirement accounts, bank accounts, or property, and you are enjoying life, something the extreme left is incapable of doing. Feminists don't enjoy their life. Black rights activists aren't ever happy. They've devoted their lives to being perpetually unhappy, and are doing their damnest to spread it to you.

So don't let them win. You can't change the political spectrum. You can't force productivity. But you can find happiness in any situation.

I love you, son.

Someone has been reading Aaron Clarey's books.

There's no going back, famalam.