Pol BTFO yet again by Boogie 2988

Socialized healthcare does work, Boogie WILL survive thanks to Obamacare.

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>surgery to remove fat

Why is this allowed?

it's a surgery to get a lapband thing

The thing is socialism would make boogie lose the weight

Does this guy have any legitimate medical excuse for being such a gargantuan fuck? Are people genuinely paying for this lard ass to not only be lazy, but to continue to be lazy?

Those things can be busted out if the fat fuck continues the habit of eating all the time. Which is likely.

God I hate Boogie. He radiates blind optimism and false words. He does nothing put on a cheery face for his droves of followers saying that he'll loose weight but he never does. It's made worse that he isn't that bad when it comes to actual video game stuff.

If he doesn't have the will to lose weight the normal way what makes them think he wont just go back to how he was?

Show some respect. He was CLINICALLY DIAGNOSED with PTSD.

Even worse, he constantly plays the victim, like it's not entirely his fault that he weighs half a ton. I fucking hate fat people so much.

most of the people that use them bounce back the moment they take them away.

Why doesn't this fat sack of shit lose weight if he's so concerned about his health?


He can't, ok? He eats ~2000 calories a day but still can't lose anything. His knees are busted so he can't exercise either.

you know what do

stop spamming this landwhale parasite shit


> He eats ~2000 calories a day
you forgot an extra zero.

i think he eats 2k calories in the first 30 minutes of his day

he should be put out of this misery with a bullet

not sure how puting boogies' walrus of a stomach in a choke hold is going to do anything

Uhh, no.... He logged his calorie intake. He eats 2k but still can't lose anything. What is he supposed to do???

Hey man, don't make fun of him. He's on his wifes diet plan which has succeeded as he's lost, like, six pounds over these five years!

Progress is progress, right? He'll take what he can get. Haha!

Because he's a sedantary peice of shit, if what he's saying is true (which I doubt) he should be eating closer to 1300 calories or less. The truth is the guy is addicted to food, and like any addicted he will make excuses for his addiction until he either beats it or it kills him.

Eat fucking less. He can also do sitting resistance exercises, till he loses enough to be able to walk. It's not impossible. He's just a lazy fat shit.

Nah, they'd execute him not gulag him

Can't even pull his own weight (literally and figuratively) how could he be a productive member of a (((true socialist paradise)))?

Why doesn't weight loss rehabilitation consist of putting disgusting fat fucks like boogie in a room where they're forced to only eat 1500 calories a day until they're normal again? Why does it have to cost billions when the answer is to just EAT LESS

>believing anything a fat says

>Boogie WILL survive
>Yet more tax money spent to keep Boogie alive for another month
Just fucking let him die, everyone will be happier, him included.

I hate this culture.

So I don't get this boogie fuck. I think in his videos he's playing a "character" but if he's just as shitty in real life what difference does it make?

Eating 2k for one day doesn't do shit. His body at that size burns at least 3k just by sitting around with that much fucking mass.

I'd wager a normal day for him has to be around 3.5k.

This. He's a fucking veteran you faggots, he fought for you cunts in a literal hellhole.

Yes, he's a fat POS but that's what happens when you don't support your veterans.

why should taxes be used to pay for fatty fatty 2x4 can't fit through the kitchen door's surgery?

Anyone else find it easy to not eat a ton? I don't understand how these people eat so much.

Kill himself.

I got a fat friend but you know what? He is actually fucking trying to lose weight and I'm going to make sure he sees the day when he can see his own weiner cause its hard to do something like that. Boogie is just a sad example of when positive renforcement and pussy footing makes a fucking freak.

A real friend would help someone be the best person in the world they could be even if it ment being an asshole sometimes.

He's supposedly a victim of a traumatic childhood

Yay keep filling your fat fucking gut you pig.
Gluttony is a sin.

Shit so he also got abused? Exactly my fucking point cunts, of course he's a fat cunt but he's trying to get surgery so he can get over it.

Remember he fucking fought and killed men for you burgers, least you could do is cut him a fucking break.

When have you been to the middle east to kill muslims?

If he was a veteran he would be getting healthcare through the VA, not obamacare

>obamacare lets fat fucks like boogie survive
Yet another reason why it should be repealed.

This. You can't bs the physics on this one.

The VA shafted him, if you watch some of his earlier videos. A lot of veterans get cut loose in your country, trump's supposedly going to fix it.

This guy makes major jewtube bucks and could pay for his own healthcare but he chooses to be a worthless bloated leech

there is literally no proof of him serving in the military

not even the army lets in overweight fucks with a history of depression

I eat nearly 2500 calories a day and I'm fucking LOSING weight. The fuck is this assholes problem?

He was not always overweight. Prior to serving in iraq and killing muslims he was fit, he came back and got shafted and cut off and turned into the disgusting fat slob he is today.

It's a great example of why a country needs to take care of it's vets.



Only if an injury is service related. Otherwise he is in the same boat as everyone else.

Exactly, but he had PTSD from the warzone and it got ignored because it was mental.

He explains all of this in his older videos, about a year ago.

He's still a fat fuck, don't mistake this as me sticking up for him. I'm trying to highlight how veterans deserve care though, after they've gone to kill muslims for us.

The closest thing to a warzone boogie's ever been in is when he mistook his wife's bed banging against the wall for gun fire.

The VA only takes care of you for anything if you have over 50% disability rating or anything you are rated for it is added up to less then 50% and the VA will fuck you over with ratings I lost 10% due to "The way they do math for adding ratings"
Anyway even if boogie was a veteran which hes not being fat wouldn't be rated by the VA and not service connected.

>it got ignored because it was mental.
You know how many times i got asked if I had any symptoms of PTSD? Like every fucking time I saw someone during my medboard process. I was discharged cause I fucked up my knees and leg by running and doing all thesoldiering activities. Not near a warzone at all and they still had to keep asking nonstop

Youre a fucking idiot dude. The guy was on disability before youtube and has never served.

>I fucked up my knees and leg by running and doing all thesoldiering activities
on a broken foot
forgot to add that

He fucking has mate, go watch his old videos he has all his army gear and shit from the war.

>We have the technology
>We can rebuild him

So why don't you post a link to the relevant video?

Astounds me that normal Americans think veterans get free medical care.


He's fucking lying

There is a 0% chance he accurately logged his calorie intake. No humans can defy thermodynamics.

Gotta suck up to the bureaucrats and medical officers to get a good rating before you can get free health care from the VA and even then its not good free care. My local clinic and hospital now is great but when i lived elsewhere for college oh boy was it shit wait times out the ass though my doctors asked me what pills i wanted and swore a lot so he was cool just every other part sucked.

>He logged his calorie intake

He's taking shits?

>He will survive
That's a good argument against socialism.

kekarooni you nerds can't detect sarcasm at all LUL