If you participate in, or facilitate the worship of a false God, you are violating one fifth of God's most firm commandments.

If you do not believe you worship a false god, yet invoke his name - EXAMINE WHERE YOUR VALUES LIE.

Other urls found in this thread:

Jewgod is weak and obsolete

Is YHWY not a meme?

Failed your get faggot, praise Kek, may you be punished for your insolence.

KEK is busy with flood, he won't even knowledge your weak God

Kek is not really being worshipped it is just a standard verification/authentication procedure developed by the sharpest minds within Sup Forums

If Kek is a false god then why does he keep blessing us while Christian Europe is raped by Islam?

All part of the Plan.

he hath spoken

YHWH is the demiurge fool KEK is the light the resides beyond all dimension

I unironically worship kek and he has blessed me with great wisdom

>bearded Jew with Hebrew instructions points guys which way to go
>from Old Testament/exodus, part of Jewbook the Torrah

But Jews studied the peace bs like this together with the Talmud, specifications on killing and raping goys and goy children older than 3, eating goy children

The Bible is an instrument to cuckold whites, and every turn-the-other-cheek messiah is Jew infiltrant.

Go and cry out to the gods whom you have chosen; let them save you in the time of your distress.
Judges 10:14 ESV

You bow to a frog granting numbers on a holographic website: will it save you when the shit goes down?


Kek created all through the primordial darkness of chaos. So Kek created your selfish god. Bow down to your true creator.

Christfags BTFO!

Checked. Shadilay brother.

For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things.
Romans 1:21-23

You would choose to forgo the glory of a life under the blessing of God?


You bow to a fictional Jew invented by the enemies of whites to further our own demise.

Digits confirm Jew satanism

Kek gave me 4 trips today, one of them helped the pony oj 4cc

I am pleased
blessed be thy get

Very ambiguous digits

I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me.
Psalm 101:3 KJV

How fickle are your minds and your hearts, to be conned into damnation by a clerical generation of numbers.

>thinking that christianity is not an offshoot of essenes

The best kind, the kind that kills jews.

Essenes a sect of Judaism

there was no such thing as judaism at the time of christ

I am a pretty religious guy, I guess,
but I think this kek stuff is pretty great.

I am not sure anyone doesn't believe that the Lord is really in control.

Are you saying we risk DAMnation OP?

kek won election,

>your god does nothing to prove his existence
>kek puts trump in white house
>i love jesus the most though

Right now we're killing their enemies for them represented by crypto Jews and controlled by Israel.

Praise Kek

Praise Kek lads, Christcucks btfo yet again.

The Jewish desert gods are growing weak
Praise kek

Patently false, read Wikipedia

>Following a religion with Jewish roots

The old gods are returning lad.

>false god
According to whom?

The egyptian gods were the original gods. Moses, an escaped convict, invented a bunch of ghost stories that spooked the egyptians. Knowing the power of their many gods, they knew it would be incredibly stupid to fuck with a force that might potentially be on par with their own deities, true or not, it wasn't a safe wager. The egyptians pretty much said 'fine, take these assholes and don't come back'. Then, Moses, leading a bunch of cunts on the back of a ghost story, realised he was fucked, that people would blame him for their plight, so he embellished the story to say 'this is what god wants' to deflect the shit away from himself.

I don't idolize anything. I certainly don't idolize gods that were invented literally hundreds of years after another religion has already been established.

Praise Kek

praise kek

>taking a meme this far

>old hebrew alphabet

this picture always gives me the thickest boner

thanks abbo


Kek has spoken

>pray to (((God))) in 2008
>McCain loses
>pray to (((God)))) in 2012
>Romney loses
>pray to Qek (PBUH) in 2016
>Trump wins AND Republicans win Congress

The only false God is your Jewish sand wizard. There is only one God, and his name is KEK!

>There is only one God
Monotheism is a Jewish lie.

Take heed to yourselves, that your heart be not deceived, and ye turn aside, and serve other gods, and worship them;
Deuteronomy 11:16 KJV

For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths.
2 Timothy 4:4

Look at yourselves. You really have lost touch with reality.


Find yourself a better thing to do.

What doth life
Kek 14:88

No, you.

there are hundreds of commandents

We are free to worship Kek.

If Kek was truly a god of power, why didn't hillary Clinton drop dread from all the corruption and greed and lies?

her life means that more and more people will be indoctrinated.

Kek worship motivated thousands of NEETs to shitpost on Twitter. It had some effect, however small.

That's as much impact as any god has ever had.

15 Have you allowed all the women to live?” he asked them. 16 “They were the ones who followed Balaam’s advice and enticed the Israelites to be unfaithful to the Lord in the Peor incident, so that a plague struck the Lord’s people. 17 Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, 18 but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.

Numbers 31 15-18

>Worshipping the Demiurge

Praise Kek

If you believe in a abrahamic faith and take it's text as the literal word of god then you submit that god is omniscient. Psalm 147:5. You submit to his control of everything through his will alone. Colossians 1:16.

If you accept this you accept that all information is both known to god and predetermined by him. This means that choice and free will are an illusion.

Relax a bit.

All the abrahamic "holy books" have this kind of garbage in them.

The narrator of Genesis admits the existence of other gods by referring to them in the plural (Elohim). We're cast from the garden solely because if we were to eat the fruit of the tree of life, we would "become as they are". With moral knowledge, we're half gods ourselves. No reason to ignore Kek. He seems like a pretty cool guy. Forbidding people to worship your peers and threatening them just seems vindictive and childish. Better to save your energy for a mature god.


It's His will that I come and pester the Kekkites a bit, I guess.

It really is sad, I am only trying to help.

>he doesn't know the ten commandments apply only to jews
>he doesn't know that the original text of the commandments contains no numbers, line breaks, or punctuation
>he doesn't know that when read in the original form, the commandments are clearly rules for internal behavior of jews amongst themselves and does not apply to jew-gentile or gentile-gentile relations

Also, 'kek' is a World of Warcraft thing.

I means 'lol,' but its a translation of Orcish.

It hasn't been around since the beginning of anything, it's just a joke. Don't worship it.

"Kek" has been around a lot longer than that, shitfeaster. For example, it's the Turkish word for cake.

The god of Abraham rose up from the dust of Egypt.

This is an old path tread anew with it's own understanding.

It see's Christianity largely for what it is. A bulwark against the darkness of Islam. However even the faith is being shaken by the anti-pope currently and the invasion of Europe.

It's just a prank bro.

Checked for Kek.


Christianity is literally 'my wife's son' the religion. Is it any wonder why evangelical Christians are the most cucked people on earth? Literally inviting grown men to live with their wives and children, disgusting. At least liberals only pretend to want to do that. Christians actually go through with it.

There are many kinds of Christians, friend. I certainly don't condone adultery like that.

>Giving a shit about YHWY

God: apparently did some stuff a while ago

Kek: accurately predicted the election of Donald Trump

Kek 1, God 0

>Judges religion based on bad examples and misinfo
>Disregards billions of people throughout history who have experienced the promises of Christ fulfilled in their lives
>Abandons freedom and grip on reality to praise a cartoon frog named for a decade-old joke.

Yah, nah, you guys are not close to convincing me.

Kek is the only demonstrably real god there is.
I'd like to see your pathetic god elect a president.
Useless loser never does anything except appear in food.

Wow, that's a short time frame you're living in, bucko. I'd offer a cure for your tunnel vision, but something tells me you'd refuse.

Just one question...

Is bringing a 17 year old poor boy from Africa into your home a good and Christian thing to do?

You have a universe of circumstances to provide for that hypothetical for it to be properly measured by any ethical standard.

you are somehow right but in this comment there is the word immortal god
>immortal God
pick one

I believe in One God, The Father, maker of Heaven and Earth.

Daily reminder that filthy Jews are superstitious about numbers...

Most Christian dogma admits that the soul is immortal, without having to be God. Whether or not you believe Jesus was a part of a Trinitarian Godhead or not, 'immortal' isn't too much of a stretch. Certainly God is immortal.

cant tell if meme, shitpost, or bait.

Last I checked, Egyptians were making up gods long before a bunch of jews were.

Daily reminder, all abrahamic religions are jewish religions


Go in peace.

Fuck you, praise kek

Do no read the ESV brother, it has been compromised. Read the KJV and quote from it instead.

>not knowing that kek is actually an Egyptian ogdoad god.

if digits kek is real

>as if that's better.

I knew the NIV was no good - I was worried about ESV, too, but it reads well. Thanks for the warning.

since i got my Kek statue my life has changed for the better. Not even memeing my life is 100% better and i did not even have a shitty life before

I believe in the one true god kek the almighty, who's shown us his power over this last year whilst your fake kike god has done NOTHING to help Americans.

Praise kek!

Do you think the Kekkites were the only group praying for the election of Trump?

The one true GOD made it so. His arm is long.