They always look like such sour, soulless bureaucrats.
Noah Lee
textbook example of
Isaac Phillips
Agreed. If they looked like John McCain's daughter, I might be able to fap more.
Ayden Wood
get out. come to Australia. We welcome all white people
Cameron Fisher
>they keep bringing in 750k shitskins a year!!!!!! this is false, it's around 250k (not all are brown). still too high though
Jackson Sullivan
god damn
would make her my POW if ya catch my drift
Adrian Butler
wtf she has a black sun necklace is she a pagan nazi?
Jayden Martinez
>born in 1985. >26 million at the time >~1.5 million are non-white >grew up in beautiful white modern utopia >mfw still the same number of whites and all growth has been from shitskin immigration >mfw they are deliberately ruining our country >mfw they are overwhelming us >mfw I am witnessing our slow destruction >mfw we will end up like Rhodesia or south africa
Andrew Evans
You forget the number of TFW, and the foreign students who apply for permanent residence
Aiden Sanchez
Get out of Canada. Or maybe, just maybe, you'll be able to fight them off...
Blake Cruz
Nicholas Brooks
I live kind of like this but where I lived in Florida had niggers but not as much as they are now. Only like knew a few of them and then as time went on it just grew and grew.
Julian Robinson
You're going to have to build a northern wall. Immigrants are the ones our government panders to and they will open the floodgates ever more.
Christian Hall
It'll soon be known as Red October when the blood flows.
I went to Canada one time (oldfag warning) when me and the lads just turned 19. We drove up through Buffalo and entered Niagara.
Nothing but whites, we decided to skip >muh drinking and just drive around Canada. We admired how it was just like home - the neighborhoods, the roads, the restaurants.
We decided to maximize our comfy and found ourselves driving until we found a little town called Niagara-On-The-Lake.
We thought the excessive hyphens must be adorably Canadian and then spent the rest of the day there. It was the comfiest place I have seen in my entire life. I wore my Pittsburgh Penguins gear and got into a few conversations with locals, told them I was from Pittsburgh and it was exactly what you thought Canada would be.
This was in 2001 (pre 9-11).
I made the same trip again in 2016 and wanted to recreate the same trip I enjoyed. It was not the same. Just a massive amount of absolute shitskins. Not the same friendliness. It was not the same country I remembered fondly.
I'm sorry, Canada. I don't hate you Leafs, I genuinely feel sorry for you.
Dylan Howard
This is like how I felt visiting france in 2005, and then again in 2015.
William Jackson
Canada, are you even a country? Unfortunately, you failed to handle your freedom properly, go home.
Noah Edwards
I love you leaf.
Holy Alliance soon.
Eli Morgan
can't you move to a small town and get a normal wage job? small towns should have inexpensive houses.
Mason Jackson
Trudeau embodies the policy of acquiescence that western liberals demand.
The sloot that introduced the bullshit m103 bill is only in her 30s too. Who the fuck elected that no experience fuck trumpet. You country is fucked.
Jason Gomez
I work in Niagara-on-the-Lake and it's still pretty white. Usually have fish and chips at the Legion there every week. Just avoid the fuck out of the cities and it's all good
John Kelly
Is that real? FFS leafs have you no respect for yourselves?
Jeremiah Torres
Jordan Hernandez
That's good to hear lad. I didn't make it back to Niagara-on-the-Lake the second time we just stayed near the Falls. Second time through was just shitskinned beyond belief. I wanted to leave Canada not stay.
Noah Barnes
that's not mccain's daughter, she's blonde and fat
Logan Taylor
Move North. Stake a claim.
Jackson Powell
Fucking saved.
Grayson Robinson
actually 90% are non-white and 300K base now, s 350K+, and they want to up that to 500K soon private "refugee" sponsorships are unlimited and will likely be 100K+ this year TFW's are 200K all non-white and foreign students are 82K/year, all non-white
Dylan Jackson
were at 25M whites 11M non-whites now Before 2030 we'll be 25+M non-whites
Adrian Carter
Fuck bros, we've gotta do something. It's fucking killed me inside to watch my childhood neighbourhood become infested with shitskins. They're even thinking of bulldozing our old outdoor rink.
Nolan Kelly
All that land...
Elijah Rodriguez
"Any race except caucasion"
Oliver James
Kaffir Kops
Ryan Turner
Jesus Tits lad now that goes too far.
Every Canadian boy and girl has a given right to fucking learning how to skate. This disgusts me.
Thomas Sullivan
take it Mohammed and Wangs dont make good soldiers
Isaiah Carter
>3.2% of the population >getting 8.3% of the months in the year
Henry Hernandez
I saw one of these last time I went to London for a concert. My buddy yelled nigger at some brown guy on the way home lol
Chase Thomas
Buddy hasn't been seen nor heard from since
Colton Sanders
I bought a house in my old neighborhood about 7 years ago and these days every house that goes up for sale is purchased by a family of 3rd worlders.
James Miller
the funny is part is Muslims were 1.4% of the Ontario population in 1991 out of 10M Before 1980 there were 0
How the fuck can they call it Islamic Heritage month? In the bill in the legislature they say Muslims have contributed to Ontario for many generations yet they didn't arrive until a generation ago?
Liam Cook
The Diversity Division is very disciplined at rounding up and disappearing whites
Charles Richardson
Start your own Canadian rebellion.
Oliver Carter
Charles King
Jaxon Rogers
>he cares more about zionism than high right wing hydro prices Hydro was 4 cents per kilowatt for 100 years. Deregulated. Sold to Saudis. Like the wheat board with your $4 bread and now you pay $300/month for hydro at 38 cents. Delete your thread fucking greasy rabbi
Jack Bailey
Thanks common law
Austin Ramirez
In Quebec residential hydro is 5.8c/kWh
Samuel Williams
No you bigot, you can't have sex with an animal if it involves penetration.
Hudson Robinson
Yeah because like our healthcare they are socialist and didnt botch their formula for taking losses to sell it to America too like a bottom bitch. Our healthcare is cheap. We live longer than most. And we cured ebola. Right wingers cannot in to economy. Why is an invisible hand real. Then they spit on the Bible and call themselves the wing of religions and of morality
Colton Jenkins
the supreme court left it to parliament to legislate; they struck down the entire section
No crown prosecutor can bring beastiality charges at present.
Sebastian Murphy
t. Pierre Trudeau's Wife's Son
Noah Ross
there is nothing wrong with having both a free market and some nationalized services apply according to the situation is the best option not just "hurr duur everything free market" or "everything should be socialized"; both these ideas are retarded
Hunter Parker
Come to the US. All whites she relocate here, buy cheap land and guns, and help us kick out all the shitskins.
Canada is a lost cause. Once we reconquer the US we'll take the rest of the Americas.
Samuel Fisher
hopefully be there within the year, dual citizen and was just waiting incase Hillary won
Bentley Miller
everything is OK
Josiah Myers
your done for move to co.
Logan Brown
>inviting them here we're full
Sebastian Long
Inviting them to USA at all.
Uh no.Remember how the soviets marched people into the siberian winter to die of exposure.
Cheaper than bullets.
Jack Torres
Don't worry my friend, a purge can't be further than 10 years away, we are at a boiling point.
Xavier Myers
White people are GLOBAL MINORITIES, and I'm about to start acting like one.
Jason Hughes
Try and move to American.
Matthew Rogers
Even Toronto was comfy back in the 80s. Everything was clean and new. It was a city that held so much promise. Now it's mostly degeneracy and third world failures.
Eli Johnson
Many America States are bigger than European Countries. If you imagine each State is a Country then there are some good ones still left. Just move their and let the rest of America rot til the next revolution.
John Ramirez
Texas is bigger than Germany. Just move to a good state, pretend it's a country, and fuck the rest of them.
Hudson Bennett
We cured and i didnt do shit
Kayden Green
Then why are you yellow and shit coloured?
Daniel Bennett
Carter Wright
Will we make it to 2019?
Mason Miller
thats an elf
Lucas Ross
You managed to find a great spot. Locals in South Ontario know that if you want to stay in Niagara for a few days, you're much better off staying in Niagara-On-The-Lake.
Anything 45 minutes+ away from the Greater Toronto Area is still in pretty good shape. Maybe the tri-cities area is going next. The liberals are trying to make sure that those immigrants coming in actually spread to conservative towns to change the votes around here.