Is Steven Crowder a smart guy?

Is Steven Crowder a smart guy?

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he's kind of cringy, but hes ok

Suburban retard

nope, sucks dick of Republican party all the time

no he's a retarded cuckold

He's a big guy...


No. He's not truly redpilled

For example, he's against abortion.

I feel like he might actually be a smart guy pretending to be an idiot, but I'm not sure.

Even idiots can say smart things sometimes.

No, but he is educated.



>Is Steven Crowder a smart guy?

I thought we were genetic fatalists here, he clearly has the face of an untermensch. Look at his interpupillary distance, that is not the interpupillary distance of an intelligent man.

He is witty, but that's about it. Average intelligence at the most. Hes is just an asshole who has half a point.

Steven "Gas the kikes" Crowder is alright


He voiced the Brain from the children's show Arthur, and the Brain was smart.

He's Canadian, what do you think?

Holy shit i see what you mean. He looks inbred. Jesus fuck.

way too fucking extreme

He's not a retard but his sense of humor is downright cringy shit for someone who calls himself comedian. I watch his shows on jewtube, but rarely I am actually feeling amused enough to smile, yet alone laugh. So, he's alright but don't expect high-class comedy.

Even david duke disavowed Steven crowder on FTN, this guys has way too much baggage

What's his views on Trump?

I stopped following him a year ago.

He is a Canadian living in the US who access to 100% universal healthcare a short drive away. He is a hypocrite for decrying the same right for his mainly US audience.

He didn't support him in the primaries, but supported him after he won the nomination. He's mostly on Trump's side now.

There is no way he isn't fucking Not Gay Jared. They are fucking regularly. I'm sure of it.

I like Sup Forumss reaction to this. He is a pointless asrehole.

Fishing for views, huh?

He disagrees with a lot of what Trump said but at the same time recognizes the fact that Trump at least tries to do shit he promised and knows that Hillary would be worse.

Nah, Crowder's a quite conservative christian working to support his stereotypical family. Got wife and everything. I suspect Jared's more of an employee even than a friend which isn't a problem on its own since it also doesn't mean they hate each other.

He can be pretty funny. He's no ben shapiro or anything but he's pretty reasonable.

smart enough to realize he cant talk about the JQ without getting blacklisted from basic bitch republicans and his subscriber numbers would drop

shapiro is not funny at all you kike shill

he is too young to be smart... and he is wasting too much of his time to create content based on his (30

I've known men with similar personalities.
He's the type who was told he was a really smart kid too many times by his middle class parents. He has no retention when he goes on a subject and talks in such a matter-of-fact and arrogant way that there is no way he can reel it back if he's wrong, so he does so many mental pretzels that I can't help but cringe when I see his stuff.

And he takes the "muh principles" meme to an unholy level, while being a complete hypocrite on things like Jewish behavior.

He's a basic bitch Republican. Delusional on how things work, while not having to deal with things like diversity, and seeming to need gratification, which is why I think he gets on his knees every time he talks to nobodies like Shapiroso much that even Shapiro gets visibly unclmfortable.

yes, but his anti-Semitic views should be shunned

He spergs out for his audience too much, but he's alright other than that.


no one that blatantly fascistic and racist could be considered a smart guy. he needs to cool it down

He's okay. But he's the same kind of cuckservative that would've rather someone like Cruz or Yeb over Trump. He's getting better though as he has realised (via the alt right no less) that people will respect you if you don't back down and you champion conservative ideas, you don't need to keep apologising to keep people happy.

>hurr durr atheism is evil look at stalin mao and pol pot

Good post

I've also noticed he's kind of shitty to his staff, he told one off for saying Nigerians do all the internet scams and then a minute later called the middle east the asshole of the planet.
Shills too much for his stupid fucking network

>Look at his interpupillary distance, that is not the interpupillary distance of an intelligent man.
it checks out

Yeah he is.

When he does information clips like this:

You know he knows his stuff.

Holy shit, looked it up, you're right


Was skeptical during the primaries and on the campaign trail, now full-on dickrider who would rather swipe at low hanging fruit than actually criticize Trump and his cronies for their fuckups.

Unequivocally no

Also, he has a wife much better looking than him

An olsen twin?

Probably because the Democrats bring nothing to the table.

hes just milo if milo was a bro, and milo is a dumb niggerfaggot kike anyway


isn't this the guy who wants to wipe niggers and spics off the face of the planet?


who ignores demographics

I wasn't talking about him being funny I was talking about him being reasonable/logical. Please kill yourself at the soonest convenience

He's unfunny

wasn't he on He will not divide us one night?

Yes, with Dean Cain

for you

Maybe, but his interview with el rato was banging

It's 3d chess mate

By being against abortion it makes liberals (and blacks) pro abortion.

It means more black babies aborted. So less niggs in America.

He has some good content.

Search go team Israel good content.

>muh degeneracy
>crowder is a cuck

pick one pol

crowder is hilarious

love his impression


he's much better than trevor noah or that other guy who is only known for saying "Do it" to trump running for POTUS

They look like brothers.

wtf he married supermodel without a small loan of a million dollars from his father?

make-up, fool