Has Japan gone too far?
Has Japan gone too far?
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>Has Japan gone too far?
Nope. Needs to go way further so this shit is affordable. 3k is way too much
Lets petition the company to make one of then download it and take video of ourself wanking and pissing on it and forward the links to
Japan is always giving me hope for the future. I fucking love the high development insanity of it. It's the kind of civilization you can only get with a high level of average intelligence and philosophical positive nihilism
>Feminist autistic screeching can be heard around the world now that men who thy would never even look at are finding happiness in a hologram of their waifu.
>in the future you will defend your virtual paradise with your waifu, your bros, and their waifus from the leftist hordes
>project a 2d image on clear plastic
>call it a hologram
Why is japan not the tech-utopia it used to be? Anyone could make this.
is this rance?
>I have to share this with everyone... I ran into a friend I haven't seen in a very long time earlier today.......we made some small talk, and then she said to me, "How do you like what's going on with that SOB Trump...I said, "What do you mean"! She said, "Don't you watch the news"? I knew then there was going to be a problem...I said, "Of course I do". She said, "well then you know". I said "yes". she said, "and"?, I said, " and what", I thought here it comes,... I was right!!!! I couldn't help myself but I started laughing...she said, "what's so funny"? I then really started to laughing. I couldn't help myself.. I just got into a laughing fit!!!..She said, "oh no, you're not one that drank the orange cool aid, are ya"? I couldn't stop laughing because she had this maniacal look in her eyes which made me laugh harder. By then, she said, that she was sorry that she ran into me because I ruined her day and walked away shaking her head....and by then , I was hysterically laughing...I left the store and bought Oh Well, another friend I lost!
>literally Siri
If youre so fucking impressed with what Japs do you should go fucking live there already and ejaculate every single time you look at a jap letter.
Its cheap to make, its just that the creators are asking a lot for it to get their "investment" returned.
I would be okay with having some spybot recording everything I say if I could get my own 2D waifu to live with.
They need to make one that can give birth to white human children
And being an isolated island nation.
No joke going to buy one
Let us know if she'll show you her underwear if you ask.
Bet she'll be to big of a prude for that
>no pantsu? See you in six months.
We haven't gone far enough.
When can I get one?
Don't breed white man. Masturbate and waste your seed. Don't work out. Keeping jacking off to lolicon and traps.
Remember! Japan is /ourguy/ anime is "redpilled!"
I think some models are coming out later this year.
solves all the problems
who the fuck needs women anymore
god in a few more years i wont have to talk to girls on tinder for a week before getting laid
can you imagine? just load up whatever pop stars face and go to town. i will never voluntarily speak to a real life female again.
Assblasted roastie detected. Who gives a shit, after artificial wombs are made we can make the perfect man. Pretty funny considering most people have some type of genetic defect in their dna.
you are right. anime are degenerate. but Sup Forums is the entry door. if that can make some user come here and then embrace hardship they'll get along fine.
reject anime. many degenerates, very sad.
Haven't seen this in ages
Thanks nip-bro
Women are well aware what they have to lose once their vaginas are devalued.