Are we back to being civic nationalists again, Sup Forums?
Are we back to being civic nationalists again, Sup Forums?
We always have been.
Only when we can use a minority to spread our agenda.
Nah, but I won't look down upon this negress for being smart enough to like Trump.
I don't care if it's for sane politics or retarded liberal politics, spouting your opinion during a fucking award ceremony for unrelated shit is retarded.
heartwarming, if it isn't a bait and switch at least
I dunno man I don't think anyone actually thinks being a 100% white country is a realistic goal. Its more of an ideal we should get as close to as possible.
Yes, ethnic nationalism is for basement autists
Depends entirely on whether the Left can refrain from anti-white politics. If it cannot, then the Right will react with Ethnic nationalism followed by balkanization. If the Left can control itself, and refrain from anti-white politics, then the Right will not 'rise' back into Ethnic Nationalism as a response.
I don't have high hopes because there are powerful people who are significantly invested in anti-white politics, and unless they are stopped, the Right will respond with greater force as a reaction. Trump is a blessing-in-disguise for the "Civic Nationalists" by preventing the nation from overheating from the excesses of the Left.
It's an uneasy peace for race relations in America, one in which foreign powers will take advantage of, and one which isn't necessarily stable.
>I have to share this with everyone... I ran into a friend I haven't seen in a very long time earlier today.......we made some small talk, and then she said to me, "How do you like what's going on with that SOB Trump...I said, "What do you mean"! She said, "Don't you watch the news"? I knew then there was going to be a problem...I said, "Of course I do". She said, "well then you know". I said "yes". she said, "and"?, I said, " and what", I thought here it comes,... I was right!!!! I couldn't help myself but I started laughing...she said, "what's so funny"? I then really started to laughing. I couldn't help myself.. I just got into a laughing fit!!!..She said, "oh no, you're not one that drank the orange cool aid, are ya"? I couldn't stop laughing because she had this maniacal look in her eyes which made me laugh harder. By then, she said, that she was sorry that she ran into me because I ruined her day and walked away shaking her head....and by then , I was hysterically laughing...I left the store and bought Oh Well, another friend I lost!
>ywn have passionate intercourse in the missionary position with her with extensive touching and kissing
why live?
>I don't think anyone actually thinks being a 100% white country is a realistic goal
Krautistan is almost worse than Sweden these days.
I agree. I think we should have strict policies regarding racial demographics such as restricted non-white migration and controlling non-white birthrates. By far, our biggest dilemma is liberalism. If we find an effective way to combat liberalism then a small amount of non-whites shouldn't be a problem.
>Implying I want eternal anglos, serbs or Germs in my ideal country.
Countries should be segregated based on more than skin color.
Europe should only allow Christians from the middle east. Not Muslims.
I think we're gonna see a lot more of this. Being in the entertainment industry is all about attention. With everyone full on hard left, supporting Trump instantly gets you massive attn. I had never heard of this woman before today. I bet her record sales go way up...which is ultimately why she wore the dress.
Or here's a better idea. How about no people from the Middle East.
Those tattoos are disgusting, and so is her nigger hair
always have been fum
You do that, we don't want more religious people here
I'm fine with this.
fuck off mohammud
there are going to be half a dozen anti white anti trump acts during the ceremony
having one nobody countersignal is a win
but yeah, i'd rather have nothing
enough conservatives start making noise and liberals might chill with the shit during apolitical events
I like how everyone talks about how "brave" these celebs are for speaking out against Trump. Brave is wearing a fucking MAGA dress to the Grammys.
>By far, our biggest dilemma is liberalism
>a small amount of non-whites shouldn't be a problem
You're so close to figuring it out.
You need Christianity to combat Islam now, sven.
worst thing about her are the tats
People think fascism is possible in the US kek
Best we can get a is a morally just conservative society
>tfw no mocha gf
Only allow East Asian and white immigration.
t. Immigrant that has parents who own a business and contribute to the economy
This. I think completely barring off third-world migration, deportation of illegals, and destroying welfare abuse would be the best way to fix this fucked up situation. More or less destroy all outlets that enable this abuse of our generosity, while being strict on not letting anymore in. Incentivize self-deportation, and incentivize white birthrates. I think this is all stuff we can achieve realistically, but then you have of course people like who probably believe "rounding up and shooting foreigners on sight" is a valid plan
By all means be passionate and ambitious, but don't stay realistic and don't get carried away.
Diaspora Jews and people of other ethnic groups who do not submit to white rule should face expulsion.
>don't stay realistic
of all the typos I could make. DO STAY realistic, of course
Go be a leaf somewhere else
We need people with spine who aren't afraid to stand up for secular values and the foreign forces that threaten them