What would Sup Forums think of underground cities?
Underground Cities
What if the roof collapses though?
Well you're probably fugged
Post out your cost analysis, plus the general logistics for all activities (such as eating & shitting) for any significant population, say, over 1 million per city.
We'll wait.
Exactly, why build it underground then if any relatively light earthquake could become fatal to the city?
Underground cities are cool but what about underground countries?
Massive heating and lighting costs.
Food logistics would be the same as a traditional landlocked city, assuming the underground location is equidistant to agriculture.
No reason to do it outside of surviving a nuclear holocaust, however.
The pic in OP isn't likely how they would look though, they wouldn't have "roofs" or traditional construction, they'd likely be similar to downward skyscrapers interconnected via a system of bridges or tunnels, and cities are already affected by earthquakes, especially ones in Japan or other seismically active areas. They get around the danger by building seismic dampening technology into structures. See the Tokyo Skytree for example.
I dig the idea. But the hole thing might take too much time to lay the groundwork.
It saves space for urban centers without blocking out natural sunlight. It could also be used to get around zoning construction laws regarding traditional vertical buildings.
I've heard Zion is where the party will be
>trying to hard to be Australian
Just let it come naturally
Natural caverns would probably work as the foundation is already there.
Ventilation is going to be a big issue though.
No OP, you can't live in your mother's basement forever.
See A yank out aussied you
Us based blacks wouldn't be able to survive without the sun. How do you solve the vitamin deficiency problem for us based black? BBC?
Vitamin D supplements/fortified food or milk, they're cheap as shit senpai.
I dont even like to take the subway... Why should anyone would like to have a life with no blue sky, rain, wind...
i could easy kill my self after a week in there.
lighting yes, heating no. Ground temperature is like 55 degrees Fahrenheit, you wold save money on heating and cooling.
Seems way to complicated, why not instead build floating cities? That way you don't have to dig out a gigantic fucking cavern.
You could build it so it's only temporary or so that it would be easy to get to the surface. It isn't an underground prison or anything. If anything it would probably start off as an underground extension of a previously existing city and be used for supplementary activities.
> Massive lighting costs
Yes, although lighting technology is getting cheaper and more efficient
> Massive heating costs
No, completely the opposite, if anything heating is probably the argument most in favor of it. Underground temperatures are extremely consistent, don't fluctuate much, and vary between 55-70 degrees near the surface, there would be very little need for external heating, the natural temperatures are perfectly comfortably livable.
Instead of a blue sky they could decorate the ceiling literally however they want. They could use fiber optic wires to create a starry sky that lasts forever.
Lighting would be no different from lighting in a normal city at night time, 24/7. There could even be blackout times for sleep where all the light comes from non-grid sources, like handheld flashlights.
Underground temperatures are in general not very volatile and within a comfortable range close to the surface, ventilation could be handled without too much overhead. Additionally underground caverns would be nice but initially I think it would be a better idea to build under already existing crowded urban areas since the need to lower crowding, vertical sunlight blocking, and the investment potential are already there.
It's the future. It will fix the population problem and also allow us to have a controllable climate. Also protection from nukes.
Canada has an underground city and it's just fine so far.
That's what they really use to generate our electricity. Towers and masts pulling electricity out of the air.
No, I want space colonies.
That isn't mutually exclusive with having underground cities, you know.
would probably have lots of mold issues due to poor air circulation
We have to build a Geofront somewhere.
Kek wills it, thy will be done.
Like you mother's syrup drenched pussy?
It would be the same as other meme cities like Venice: cool in principle but stinky. In the underground city's case it would be dank and musty, huge problems combating mold spores and other bacterial grime.
Like where a frog would live?
Mayhaps thrive?
I don't think she uses syrup down there
too sticky, doesn't slide very well
It's simple, just make underground cities exclusive for whites.
the greeks used them to resist /hide from the turks
no. it's oppressive and unnatural.
> Mayhaps
Anyway, like I've said before, the construction of such a city would likely be interconnected vertically downward projecting structures, there's nothing stopping you from building a zoo or special zone or habitat building where something like frogs or other particular flora/fauna could live.
Cartbon dioxide.
>not carving out your home from great mountains
>Not being a dwarf
Subterranean plants would solve that issue.
i'd love to live a world where i can go outside and take in the sunlight, perhaps enjoy the tress/plants around me, and then retreat back into my den of logic and things.
fuck you and fuck the regressive left. i'm a classical liberal and i want freedom of speech and thought for all people. fuck you for trying to silence everyone who disagrees with you.
> Subterranean plants
Gonna need a light source senpai, not much natural light underground.
What? What are you talking about?
trying to respond to crazy makes me sound crazy
Sunlight can be piped in through fiber optics. It'd be like a water supply but the pipes go to the surface. I've already planned out an underground dwelling
UV light for greenhouses could work, this could also go with growing food as well. And there are species of underground and cave dwelling plants that don't require light.
That's fucking genius, I've never heard of that before, anymore info on that?
yah, such as mushrooms. i want food, water and electricity for my sweet computer XD
My thought exactly.
>tfw I won't live long enough to visit the cities in the clouds on Venus
Trying to meet your weekly (you) quota before its too late?
Ffuck yeah that's my shit.
Big underground city in a big placid dark underground ocean. I wanna be a zee captain.
oh wow xDDDDDDDDDDDD a lIBTURD oh wow oh owows XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD my anus sim ade happy by this!!!!!
go musturbate in your momy nigger buase ment
ASLO< dear OP you fag
UNdergrund city suck, yto long to dick with penis.
MIght have to send asians to explode into arabic columns.
Canada's greatest achievement has always been to be "just fine"
Probably the best hope for Conservatives is a life underground
Forgot pic
>zee captain
Muh nigga, has that series even updated in the past year? I had to start reading metro to fill my Russian dystopia void.
Unsustainable. No sun energy, cost-prohibitive infrastructure maintenance costs.
Mount Weather, Denver Airport, etc.
praise kek!
Parts of CA might become underwater cities soon.
I'd say that any underground city would probably exist for the purpose of mining, now would such a city have enough exports to purchase such things?
completely degenerate
Idk about any series I just play the game
Wait is there multiple things with characters named Zee captain? Or are you referring to the metro game?
What if I farted?
I'm talking about the unterzee from fallen london/ sunless sea
Ventilation, water pumping, gas filters, wall/ceiling reinforcement cost of narrow shafts already costs too much that it makes many mines unprofitable.
I guess it depends on depth, ground water layout, local geology and so on, so maybe its possible to find some sites for small town and not waste budget of whole country on it.
>loose boulder falls from ceiling
>annihilates entire neighbourhood
What series? Sounds cool.
>narrow shafts
Speak for yourself, Ivan.
also, no fuel burning or combustion of any kind...
>still no movie adaptation
Oh, I was talking about a Russian webcomic series called Romantically Apocalyptic where an insane person has lost their identity and refers to themselves as Zee Captain (shit German accent) I've never heard of that game
I feel like an open pit mine city makes much more sense, because that'd get a rid of those costs, and the only reason such a city would be completely buried was if it was extremely deep, it'd require better technology than what we have probably.
Romantically Apocalyptic is a Russian dystopia webcomic they have their own website simply named Romantically Apocalyptic, if you're referring to Metro it's Metro 2033 is also a Russian dystopia about life after nuclear war in the Moscow metro system.
Closest you'll get already exists, underground networks in areas with warm average temperatures but wild variance into freezing (ie toronto).
Or, mining towns/cities where the bulk of the mining is operated by small business (like, one guy and his hole) located in hellpits of heat where the mine shafts are cooler than the surface so they just dig their home into the mine shaft, later leading into a market for dug out houses that are far easier to cool than normal ones and can often the extra cost can be paid for by the opals mined from digging out the home. Pic related, coober pedy.
>small town
I'd be down to live in a 100% white underground mining town of 20,000.
Ventilation could be a pain, water pumping however would be easy, as gravity will do the work if you source the water from the surface.
A natural cave is unlikely to suddenly cave in unless we put extra stress on it.
Seriously though, Barron could could've play Artemis, we need this to happen those books were great.
I forgot to mention, Metro is a book series and a game series, the game was based off of the book, the book is a much better story, it has everything from mutants to underground nazis.
FUCK! That was a great book!
But there are NAZIS down there!
>water pumping however would be easy, as gravity will do the work if you source the water from the surface.
No, water pumping is needed because underground tunnels are flooded all the time. You pump water OUT of your town, in very big quantity.
There are a few in Russia
well... they are anti nuclear fortresses, a different purpose same meaning I think
Oh, I understand. Like a sump pump, but on a super large scale.
Could we build the buildings on top of concrete stilts, leaving a large open area for water to be stored and used? I'm not a very educated man, so tell me why this wouldn't work.I don't know how quickly water accumulates under ground, and I don't know what it would take to keep the water safe for use.
Well if Armored Core games are anything to go off of, you would be easily controlled underground, so much so the kikes could grant a super computer kike tactics. If you think it is bad now, it would be a whole lot worse underground.
... is that one heading into Mexico, or just really deep?
Thinking back...those books were pretty redpilled for a children's novel. Not nearly as much feel good, mary sue bullshit as all the other stuff.
One of the few things I remember from the books is the author always describing Artemis' bodyguard's guns in a lot of detail
We already have the technology for this. it is just cheaper to grow crops on regular farms.
t. podesta
And typical entrance. Gonna be a sad day when the opals run out, all this shit is just gonna fill with sand.
Why would you want to live in a giant terrorist weapon?
I laughed harder than I should have.
Bioshock 4 waiting to happen.
Cave systems are actually pretty stable.
To Monterrey and probably to Mexico City.