My friend was talking to me about how hot it was, around 60 degrees down in Virginia

My friend was talking to me about how hot it was, around 60 degrees down in Virginia.

I jokingly said "global warming!" and he replied very seriously that it was global warming

Can someone explain the science of the atmosphere to me? Why are random individual warm days in the winter evidence of global warming? How does the carbon up there open the skies to the sun's rays for a day and then close them again? Shouldn't climate change accrue over a long period of time with the temperature rising slowly?

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Virginia fag here. Sixty degrees in winter is not out of the ordinary. Average temps in winter are typically 40-50F. A 10 degree spike is well within accepted deviations from the average.

Basically your friend is a faggot.

i dunno, but if global warming keeps giving me nice beach weekends in february here in south carolina im all for it

Central VA user here, this.

Are there any escorts that look like that in England?

Greenhouse gasses... it's like a greenhouse. Certain gases make the sun's rays or heat reflect back at the ground (traps the heat), instead of it bouncing back into space.

Miamifag here
By that logic the next Ice Age has already hit because it's consistently been in the 60s at night here

and about the fluctuations, I'm not sure. More research is needed. People falsify the research to make it look worse or to fit their agenda. Still need years of research to know what exactly is going on.

until someone can tell you with 100% scientific clarity that 1 ton of gasoline burned = x % temperature rise don't pay attention to them

fucking communists want global taxes to enslave the planet

Im in Northern VA, really? it seems really out of place for it to be this hot, especially in February.

Honestly i dont remember this sort of thing happening much at all... perhaps i didn't pay much attention to it.

DESU that's at least the case down in Hampton Roads, where I'm from. I've also worked outside a lot in all seasons, I'm well attuned to these things. Might be different in NoVa.

Agreed. 81 here today, shit's hot.

Chesapeake VA fag here. this

eyyyy chesapeake

practically makes us family

She's gonna need to duct tape her tits into that dress lol

Wait, you are telling me it gets hotter the closer you are to the equator?
Well, fuck me OP! I never would've expected such an anomally. Global warming it is no doubt!

shieeeettttt. Used to live in Newport, but moved to Chesapeake because I liked the area more.

From VB myself. I used to do work up in Newport News.

its hto as fuck here too, im at the peaks of the rockies in Colorado and usually we are having week long blizzards. This year its 50 degrees and all the snow is melting and i cant go snowboarding, what the fuck is this shit easy d

It's hot.
>Global warming

It's cold.
>Global warming

It's raining.
>Global warming

It's drough.
>Global warming

People are killing each other.
>Global warming

People are illegally immigrating.
>Global warming

really activated my benis

thoughts on Newport lol?

The short of the rub is this has been going on a while. We're now starting to see its effects. The climates are changing but people are just getting butthurt because it means that places like Miami will be cooler while places like Michigan will get much hotter. Well live and people's costal properties just won't be worth as much as they should. Some areas will experience more flooding but the coast will survive. The trouble comes from if we don't do anything soon then we'll end up like a mild version of Venus.

This is mainly what bothers me. I've never lived in a world where global warming didn't exist. I don't know if 100 years ago the winter had warm days.

Northern VA here, we usually have temps in February (highs) in the 20-40s depending upon arctic dips on the jet stream. 60s are not unusual they happen for a period of some days before a cold front moves through. We are just having a warmer winter than usual, happens every few years. Don't you remember the cold and snow of last year?

Getting there is a bitch (the tunnel curse is real).

It's okay. It's nice once you get NW of J. Clyde Morris.

The east end... Not so nice.
Professor Ian Plimer

Cover up your fucking cleavage!

The science of atmospheric changes is problematic at best. Currently retrofit modeling to deduce future projections is how they are ascertaining that there is a warming trend. This is then linked through correlation between the burning of fossil fuels, however there are no real guarantees. Climate modeling, even those that are based on geological record won't really be able to accurately predict anything on such the short term scale that we have been collecting data. Brief periods of increased temp are well within the deviations, and even something that occurs over periods of months, years, or decades is still a short term trend when modeled against the geological record. Looking at common cycle sets of permian core, there is a rise and fall of sea level of around 300 feet, which would indicate a wide range of temperature fluctuation. These have occurred repeatedly and predictably over 90000+- year cycles from the pennsylvania shale up to the tansill sands, which covers from 570mya to 66mya. Essentially it is best fit modeling of long term trend with short term data, nothing is concrete.

It reached 88F here in Dallas yesterday.

is it true that british slags are the biggest slags out of every country

They had worst winters back then.

I mean I don't think global warming is a total hoax. There's no way that humans aren't impacting the climate in some way, but I don't think it's the apocalyptic shit people cry about. And I think we're just sort of contributing to climate changes that would have happened naturally anyways.

kek, the east end blows. Still though, would rather deal with that than Chicago, Baltimore, and other shit tier cities.

Yeah, but it's easily the worst ghetto in Virginia.

Richmond fag here, it was fucking 80 outside today in the middle of winter what the fuck

the main argument for global warming is rising CO2 levels, they think the more CO2, the hotter earth will get, but in reality, nature has negative feedback loops for too much of one thing. so in reality, nothing happens. earth is just hot right now because of being hot. not CO2.

BC canada fag, west coast. Coldest winter with the most snow ever recorded in my area this year. Last time we had even 3/4 of this snow was in 1996.

Accelerating is the word.


I wonder if British birds would find an Aussie accent sexy or just dorky/quaint.

>tfw can't get 10/10 (British) sloots because no money to visit the UK

Yeah it is. Hopefully purge happens or something. Other than that I have no idea how someone could fix that shit kek

Fairfaxfag here and this is atypical weather

>mfw even the worst models of global warming only show a 2° increase in the next 50 years but every hot day is blamed on global warming

NoVa fag here. Normally it hangs out around 30 to 40 near the Potomac. But I guess 60 isn't that weird for a winter high.

Richmond here as well, was hot as shit. Rain cooled it off though. Not sure what these tools are talking about with 60 degrees.

I'm from RVA and the whole "Virginia has all four seasons in a week" meme is far older than people talking about global warming.

Ayy where in fairfax I'm by mason

Sorry but the threshold of proof is not whether it can be dumbed down enough for you to understand it. To use another example from shill-suppressed science -- lung cancer exists, whether or not its victims understand the exact biological mechanisms behind it.

>tfw UK 10/10 is 5/10 to the rest of the world.
Seriously. Is foetal alcohol syndrome contagious there or something?

It's second only to potato nigger accents in their book actually

Antarctic sea ice reached a new record maximum recently.

The fiddling with temperature data is the biggest science scandal ever.

Most data shows that global temperatures are actually steady, and in some cases declining.

NASA and NOAA have dramatically altered the US temperature record, and they are doing the same thing in other countries, like Iceland and Australia – almost always cooling the past, which creates the appearance of warming.

We've had 3 record highs in the past 2 weeks though. Maybe in past week?

>Can someone explain the science of the atmosphere to me?

even professional climate scientists are far from a complete understanding

kek a lot of fellow VA fags. I'm so proud

>Why are random individual warm days in the winter evidence of global warming?

They aren't. Majority of both sides of the political scale are just sheep. People see global warming as the cause of weather anomalies because that's what they've been conditioned to see. But that doesn't mean global warming isn't real.

>Averaged as a whole, the global temperature across land surfaces for June 2016 was 1.24°C (2.23°F) above the 20th century average—tying with 2015 as the highest June temperature in the 1880–2016 record.

You may think "wow big deal 1 degree", but as a global average, that is huge.

Individual days or a few days of anomalous temperatures can be blamed partially on climate change, but nothing is quite that simple.

I'm 2000 miles from home and it's making me miss it.

It's confirmation bias, that's what pop science has implemented into your friend and the public at large.

>one warm day
>hurr it's global warming
>one cold day
>hurr it's climate change
>lots of rain
>climate change
>no rain
>climate change
>lots of snow
>climate change
>no snow
>global warming

Basically the idea as held by the public is a loosely tied together narrative made specifically for the general public to be influenced by.

First by saying modern science agrees FULLY on it occurring, an appeal to authority and a misrepresentation since most data and arguments aren't funded and therefore don't join in the debate on the realism of climate change.

Then they use shame on those who deny it, discouraging social conversation from occurring that may change minds or raise skepticism in new groups that believe in climate change.

Then they use fear of a horrid world and e guilt that "you did this with your driving and modern life!" to cement shame into denying the narrative/

Then they use social proof, eg "Everyone knows it's real why are you arguing against it you stupid right winger nut?" to make the confirmation bias stick and never have it repealed.

Everything in nature, society and the fields others don't understand becomes apparent confirmation bias for the climate change narrative. The right does similar things in denying it but it's because playing to persuade people is a whole different game than playing to educate people. Your friend is just a victim of this narrative game as we all are, to convince them place a confirmation bias into them by suggesting they look into facts that are solid and wholly question his own confirmation bias.

This results in usually an angry reaction, but plants the doubt that can with nurture grow into a new idea than the one he currently holds.

so why reduce CO2? do you know what the official explanation for the period of global cooling from 1930-1970 even though there was a massive CO2 spike?

>aerosol sprays reflecting sunlight back into space


>Virginia has all four seasons in a week
they say that shit in every state you go to.

What? You seem to be doing the exact same thing. Climate change exists, just there's a disagreement over whether its man made or not. Wouldn't it be better to do a Pascal type wager? Or develop science for better energy sources (no coal) so even if we're wrong and you're right there's still a winner (America and science)?

trees started budding the last week of january here in georgia. slightly concerned over the lack of winter we've had the past 3 years

I'm actually out of state as well. Attending an out of state college, and I can't wait to return during the summer break.

four days ago it was 36 and humid, yesterday and today it's been 17-19 and cloudy

the weather is very erratic these last few years

So I've actually run experiments and this is the skinny of it.
CO2 and other gases are particularly good at trapping heat (in the brownian sense). These gases are labeled 'greenhouse gases' since they insulate heat similar to how greenhouses do.

CO2 is released in large quantities whenever fossil fuels (oil and coal) are burned. Other sources of greenhouse gases include cow farts and sawed down trees.

The effects of this increase of heat-holding in the atmosphere is NOT the "Day After Tomorrow" apocalypse that is presented but it's still fairly damaging. First, it will be warmer on average year after year and so certain infrastructure will have a hard time keeping up (consider how hard power plants are pushed to Air Condition houses in humid regions over the Summer. Imagine those power plants being pushed even marginally more).

The second is that, with the creation of more warm fronts but maintaining similar (if not higher) levels of humidity in the atmosphere, you get more varying and more extreme weather outliers. Snow, heat waves, rain and even tornadoes in certain spaces will become more rare but more extreme when they do happen. Again, the main issue with any of this is that our infrastructure is designed around the extremity of these bursts, not their total annual capability.

So things like roads that would be able to withstand a certain amount of rainfall won't be able to deal with an inch or half inch more in a single burst than what they're designed for

Now for solutions: The first that a lot of people like to push is lowering our use of fossil fuels and increasing our use of renewables. I have no issue with this, given that solar now employs more people in the US at this point than oil, but it's only half of the issue.

The other half is actually removing the CO2 from the atmosphere and there's been less research done on this end of things.

Same but I'm so far away, I can't come back.

The question is whether the average is rising as well as if the days outside of a single standard deviation of that average are increasing as well

>removing the CO2
Plant more trees?
Induce plankton blooms?

Those should hold us for 100 years before we can hopefully find something better.

Science is an iterative process, but it's better to be safe than sorry.
Get CO2 levels down as much as is healthy for the planet and within human capability. See if that helps.
If it doesn't if the planet is really just heating up on its own, then we move onto the discussion of whether we ought to interfere more or just redesign aspects of our infrastructure to accommodate.

lmao you deployed or something?

Your so called "global cooling" is fake news.

2000 miles is a long way.

What the fuck

basically this:
what's really interesting is when most of the left talk about the global warming problem and using some form of taxation to solve it (carbon units, etc.); it never is them collecting money to directly work on any problem that they've concretely defined. The money always goes to liberal cause celebres which always translates into some form of wealth redistribution that fits their arbitrary moral code (ie: helping illegal brown immigrants with a lower middle class living standard over white working poor citizens with sub-poverty living standards) AND ALWAYS results in them expanding government bureaucracy that is expected to never be reduced.

Climate change as it is real and as we understand it are two different things.

If we are to take action we need to find a way to make China stop its own pollution than sabotage our economy and think that'll stop China's rise to compensate for our actions.

The pace and tracking of our effect on nature shows it is there but very very minimal than what it is made out to be, we need a hundred to two hundred years just to increase global temperature one degree or two at current rates.

Why don't we focus on using 'unclean' energy to boost our economy so we have the funds for a wide subsidize launch into green energy? Why must we damage our domestic economy and focus on getting energy from other nations that per capita pollute far more than us instead of just supplying our own needs and our own transformation to be independent of foreign energy?

Climate change has been used as a political ploy against nations and against the nations interests in favor of international networks of companies and policy controlling importation and exercising of energy resource. You really think no one in the worlds sphere wouldn't jump on an opportunity to take over the world with consent of nations at large? That's how climate change policy is being operated. This is a really good series

Trees take too long, but you were onto one of my two solutions with your plankton booms: Algae.

It is the number one producer of O2 from CO2 on the planet. Design a sort of algae-based filter that can reach the altitudes of highest CO2 density in the atmosphere.

The second potential solution is a weird engineering experiment I got 3/4 of the way through with a friend. It's a sort of turbo-jet UAV that, instead of using jet fuel to provide thrust, uses a copper alloy that reacts with CO2 to produce Oxygen and an electrical current to power an engine that pushes air enough to keep the UAV in the air.

I'd like to see the former solution if we're being honest. It uses nature for its intended purpose while taking care of a human externality.

I agree that the left's particular solutions to climate change are sort of dumb but it's almost definitely actually occurring and it's man-made.

The examples given in the posts you quote all fail to understand the nuances of meteorology and how an increase in warm fronts and a warming of cool ones adjusts weather patterns.

all of you idiots that think climate change (i won't even call it "global warming'" is as simple as measuring the temperature in the winter and saying "my it is hotter/colder than it should be today so global warming is real/fake!"

We are just emitting a lot of carbon. And also mowing down a lot of trees that suck that carbon out. It has been estimated that about half of the Earth's mature tropical forests—between 7.5 million and 8 million km2 (2.9 million to 3 million sq mi) of the original 15 million to 16 million km2 (5.8 million to 6.2 million sq mi) that until 1947 covered the planet[101]—have now been destroyed.[10][102]. So it causes the weather to be unstable as the temperature inevitably rises due to more carbon insulating the earth and reflecting radiation inward. Plus general earth and water pollution. It's just bad, and it has been noticeable within the last 10 - 15 years if you live near the coast.

Global cooling also occurs, the big debate a couple of decades ago wasn't whether one existed or the other, the causes for both are known.

What was unknown was which would be the stronger global effect, and it turns out it was warming.

go to bed aaron

>reverse image search using google
>see suggested best match

Did you do this, OP?

EXACTLY so if you fags are so concerned about carbon tax then why not start investing yourself in solar, give that 5 or 10 more years and I bet an average sized house, built with the proper insulating thermal mass, could be totally off the grid. I wonder what will happen when electricity is no longer a hot commodity

Not quite.

Tazewell VA here, this is unusually warm. At least average. By now we've usually had at least 2 straight weeks of 20 F. Its really pissing me off, needed a cold week to hang beef for awhile now, we cant afford to feed this many mouths right now

Who is this?

True, I'd go hard on China as well, if not more than America. I would also try to favor American based (or at least economically based) companies that promote nuclear, wind, thermal, and other sources of energy. I'd rather see more nuclear plants built in the deserts than trying to get cute with a problem.

how would they measure it?
And do we know if they're promiscuous with men who aren't black?

It almost hit 80 across Tennessee and broke several records.

It's global warming, retards.

People voluntarily move to Chesapeake?

Solar won't power a home 24/7/365 any time soon, without a major breakthrough in the technology. They hit the wall years ago, and haven't made any headway since.

You're literally talking out of your ass, and everything you posted goes against the current technology, and the potential technology of the next 5-10 years.

But, a leaf - we expect it from you.


I've had a few

Chesapeake's okay if you like stale suburban developments and traffic.

>my suspensions = CONFIRMED
Finland ranking #1 proves that HAPAs are the sluttiest of all groups of ppl.

Hapas. Not even once.

It will, but it's largely dependent on your energy usage and your location.
I have a place in Colorado that is pretty easily powered by solar. I don't host a family in it, maybe 2-3 people at most and it's rare for every light to be on in the house.

The issue, again, is infrastructure. Powering your own home with solar is like saying you'll power your own home with a generator, forever. Solar cells have the added disadvantage of taking up a disproportionate amount of space compared to the energy they provide.

My solution is that it ought to be a third-party company that has a mixed system of solar and nuclear: Solar for the day and Nuclear for the night and to compensate for what Solar energy lacks during the day.

In addition, a handful of panels won't fully power your house but it will take the edge off significantly (assuming you have the land or infrastructure for it)

Was 20 below one night, 40 above the next day. Fucking Minnesota constantly melting and refreshing bullshit.

Environmental Scientist here. Climate science is in its infancy. Although man is contributing to CO2 emissions at an "alarming" rate, I don't think that is the biggest concern. Man's concern should be water consumption, deforestation and ensuring we don't pave over good fucking farmland. Don't cry wolf over shit you haven't peer reviewed (i.e. Climate Change methodologies and methods).

Pepe's cousin, Chuck.

What kind of super Slut is that ?

Feels britbongy am i right ?