
British people are cucks especially their politicians

I mean in all seriousness they're actually using the "Hitler" and "duh holohoax didn't start in 1 day hurrr" like armchair reddit intellectuals

Virtue signalling cuckolds getting on their soapbox. I actually wish Trump would put a trade embargo on us just to watch London collapse within a week.

I'm so fucking mad fuck ME1!!!

>There is literally a place called "cuckfield" in the UK

It's beyond the point of parody now. They're calling for Trump to be banned from a state visit, when only a few months ago they were hosing the Crown Prince of Kuwait and the President of China in these hallowed halls of virtue and morality.

Its all Churchill's fault.

blame JS Mill

he thought it would be a good idea to let females votes

God I fucking hate the English..

I feel sorry for you guys

Take care

Funny how they draw parallels with the Holocaust while all Muslims want to wipe out Israel and hate Jews.

PS. All Muslims Ive met idolize Hitler

This is fucking unbelievable. They immediately start to refer to the Holocaust. Those people are maniacs

WTF I thought they had Brexit

Whats worse is that these people do not represent the opinions of the British population in the slightest. Who is this government for exactly?

Themselves. Has have, always will.

>Emily Thornberry
absolutely disgusting lard

Of course, they don't show May completely BTFOing Corbyn

holy fuck is this really britains parliament wtf

America, obviously.

We couldn't very well infiltrate our own government first, could we?

Ah, no. Its London's parliament or whatever system that governs the city

Fuck off CNN

You're just a shit version of us

No that's Lambeth Palace, the residence of the Archbishop of Canterbury. It was some event Khan held with the good tolerant Bishop to commemorate Ramadan with some Muslim community leaders.

Most of the discontent being voiced is from Labour and the SNP, and at this point those parties are literally communist.

> Thornberry.

She's the white version of Abbott and everybody hates her.

Holy fuck. UK is so fucked. I was right the World deserves a fucking Asteroid. Hang these dumb cunts and that slick haired faggot crying about facism. Bring back the True House and the Hanging city. Where corruption was dealt with. This is fucking sad. Liberals need to fkn die before they destoy Countries with limp wristed fists. Fkn madman

Whatever happened to sober British rationalism? Britain created the largest empire the world had ever seen by seeing the world for what it is and adapting accordingly, not by idealistic thrashing about and whining because the leaders of other countries don't perfectly conform with British ideals.

>is this really britains parliament

I think it's too late, mate. It's in their pocket. The only thing that can save us now is something that would cause the whole system to crumble. And it couldn't just be in one nation, it'd have to be across the western world.

The only thing that would do this is a great depression (ideally even worse than the 30s one), a massive natural disaster (eg supervolcano or asteroid, as you said), or nuclear war.

It's sad that we have reached a point where we would need an event that would kill millions of people in order for things to be shaken up enough for real change, but that's the harsh reality of the situation. Until then we are in shackles and at the mercy of our masters.

>not by idealistic thrashing
have you ever heard of Hobbes or Locke? And their social contract bullshit?


>Caring what Britain thinks.
Sup Forums is an American board. Foreigners fuck off.

I'm not referring to philosophical contests between rationalists and empiricists, I'm talking about Britain historical approach to its place in the world, which was marked by, if nothing else, a clear eyed, steely disposition about the way things are and the ability to distinguish between between the achievable and the unachieveable. The Brits used to be pragmatic. It's the hallmark of their common law.

Now they're driven by feels. But that's true for most of the west. It's just so at odds with the British personality.

Holocaust comparisons give me a hard-on. I have to consciously remind myself that Trump sadly isn't radical enough to actually reverse the current demographic projections.

Commie infiltration. Nobody is immune.

As someone pointed out above, those hysterical MPs are from Labour and SNP. Both insane far left parties.

>Labour and SNP

The parties of mass immigration who would rather our limited NHS resources go towards helping health tourists who don't pay a penny in than on the elderly who spent decades contributing to the system.

Pay them no heed. They screech and cry at the sight of our people getting the care they need, they moan and wail at the prospect of leeches being drained of their ill-gotten blood. Whilst they yell as loud as they can about how callous and evil we are for not turning our National Health Service into an International Health Service (free to all around the world but paid for only by UK taxpayers, mind you), they brush off the sight of our elderly being forced to wait on trolleys due to resource shortages as us just not having the proper" perspective".

These people live in an entirely different mental world than the common man does.