Sup Forums is a Christian board

>Sup Forums is a Christian board
>Sup Forums is red pilled
Choose one.

What's her name again? I know she had a tumblr or something, I've seen other pics

Don't know.

Irene Heidenreich I believe.

>tfw no qt3.1488 aryan natsoc gf

Get the fuck back fedora faggot.

>those tits will never nourish your children

>athiest birthrate is below replacement while christian birthrate is well above
>Atheists overwhelmingly vote liberal while christians overwhelmingly vote conservative
>bonus round: atheist vote exactly like jews

Now watch the atheists squirm trying to justify the fact they are objectively, empirically, the most blue pilled demographic

Sup Forums is a Christian board

Yup. That's her.

christian family values + no religion beliefs = ultimate redpill

This is the main reason I'm staying in my church, along with cheap college options.

>Sup Forums isn't just a bunch of random people with random beliefs

>worshiping a Jew

Christcucks, everyone.

And those family values are based on?

Best combo

Can we just call them European family values? Leave the Semitic cult out of it, Europeans had nuclear family structure since the ice age.

fear of god and his punishment

Are you saying family values without religion are impossible or what? Can you expound upon what you were trying to say?

You mean like before Christianity when Greeks had state enforced gay pedophilia, assigning little boys to grown men to be their sex slaves? Where have those family values gone today when Christianity is gone?

this is a satanic board you are a god we are gods.
wake up fool.

Anton pls go

>Europeans had nuclear family structure since the Ice age


Are based on the knowledge that the nuclear family, as a moral, intellectual and social development structure, is the most successful and healthy. Don't need to believe in God to know what's best for humanity.

>muh pederasty
>all of Europe was a few Greeks states

I used to be an atheist until I witnessed Kek's meme magic first hand.

John 18:38 - "What is truth?" retorted Pilate. With this he went out again to the Jews gathered there and said, "I find no basis for a charge against him.

No its a fucking degenerate pill faggot

Christ is the truth

>nuclear family structure since the ice age


>Christ is the truth
You know it is not.

Atheists BTFO!

nice crutch lad

I would also believe in a fairy tale engineered by the Romans to control the Jews if I were as weak as you

Do you worship Kek now? Or do you pray to God enlightened by the now revealed existence of a spirit realm? God blessed us through Kek