>mfw Canada is getting raped by multiculturalism and diversity
I'm here for you leafbros, make Canada great again.
Mfw Canada is getting raped by multiculturalism and diversity
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Checked. Thanks bro.
canada, I dont even mind you guys importing millions of east asians, they are a civilized intelligent people, but for the love of god don't let in these "refugees"
It'll be ok, Kek will
Make Canada Great Again.
We must remember the reason why we fight.
Fuck man, it hurts. I wish people like us had more political clout. We've got to do something.
Three of my cousins' families moved to Canada from China instead of the USA because they were too scared of US gun laws. Now they're getting scared of all the refugees coming in and thinking of moving to Australia. Canada will be a brown horde if this continues.
guns are banned in every major US city they have nothing to fear :)
Chinks are arguably worse than Muslims. I hope you dirty kangaroo niggers get stuck with those slants.
Chinese people are very afraid of guns anywhere. The fact that guns are still easily attainable terrifies my whole family.
Typical cuck Canadian.
This isn't a new thing or Justin's fault. I have no idea why people on Sup Forums blame him for globalists and liberal elites controlling Canada. Yes, he's made things a little worse but every previous government since the 1970s has been filling us with more Muslims and chinks and pushing for new radical anti- nationalist, anti- white, and pro- immigrant laws. The man who started this trend was Pierre Trudeau, not Justin. Canada has been on this path since 1971 at the earliest and 1989 at the latest.
I'm an international student here and it's fucking sad how delusional most Canadians (i.e. voters) are. It's like watching a really kind friend stab himself to death.
>chinks and pushing for new radical anti- nationalist, anti- white, and pro- immigrant laws
Chinese people don't vote for unvetted and non-skilled immigration.
People are waking up, slowly
Chinks are animals. They destroyed the housing market, they never integrate, they launder money, they bribe politicians. They even behead and eat people.
Fuck off chinks, we're full
>crime rates lower than the US and lots of Europe
>no terrorism, immigrants don't commit crimes
>Attack on mosque was worst shooting since 1989 for Canada
Pour le Christ et le Roi
>immigrants don't commit crimes
How fucking stupid are you?
>Chinks are animals.
"Animals" that have a higher average IQ than you.
>They destroyed the housing market,
So you're a Communist.
>they never integrate,
Why would you integrate into letting your wife get her bull prepped daily? What even is Canadian culture?
>they launder money, they bribe politicians.
No source provided. If this was true, there would be huge investigations.
>They even behead and eat people.
Wrong. This is completely fearmongering from ZERO proof
i love canadians
Canada murder rate: 1.5
US murder rate: 3.9
Most people here actually seem to believe things will get better and better. It's the most bluepilled place in the world.
deus vult
praise jesus
God bless (You); Atlantaen Anglo
Don't all these pizza threads make you want pizza?
I mean the food.
Man, pizza is so good. Especially if the dough and mozz are top notch and baked just the right amount of time
Last time I had bacon strips, red onions and feta cheese n(real topping. Not code words)
It was amazing. Wow. The salty of bank, creamy of the feta, the red onion for a bit of bite.
God damn I hate living in a communist country.
A pizza is like $30 for medium from a quality pie shop with delivery and cuck tip.
Fuck canada
Foreigners shouldn't be allowed to own property.
Another Canadian Communist.
If you can't afford $30 you seriously need to git gud. No seriously, git gud. that is about an hours work.
Don't. This cucked shit hole deserves every single fucking thing it has coming. I am moving to Florida in a year, good riddance. Trudeau makes me nauseated in his effeminate pussiness
/leftypol/ pls go. Pls. PLS GO.
Move to the US and let this shit hole suffer. I want to see Trudeau raped by a mob of refugees
>Move to canada from china
>move to australia from canada
what are they like
Daily reminder that all leafs must sign and share this petition.
We will be practicing Sharia by the time any of these cuckbags take notice.
Fuck off they're full
Good riddance, we're better off without pussy faggots like you.
Did you even read the article about the murderous cannibal being released? And if you move to Canada you better speak English go back to the shithole you came from.
we've never had free speech bruh. Just give up on this shitty pathetic excuse of a country. Move to America and help make it Greater.
>one article
Such a big problem. Every ethnicity has people who scam. I guarantee you that the number of whites that bribed the Canadian government is far higher than the Chinese number.
kek. Chinks are backstabbing insects and you know it.
>tfw my canadian friends came to visit recently and I could hear the despair and hopelessness in their voice
Fuck you and your irrelevant shit hole of a country. Can't even call it a nation due to its lack of a concrete identity. You faggot canadians define yourself as "not american" because you have nothing but a big fat inferiority complex. Go enjoy you post-national nation state you faggot cuck.
>Just give up on this shitty pathetic excuse of a country. Move to America and help make it Greater.
Go fuck yourself. You want to pussy out, that's your call. I'm doing what I fucking can to steer it away from the madness.
I'm American, its not pussying out its going to a country that actually represents my values and cares about its national integrity. Go drown in your hoards of muslims you leaf faggot. Canada has never been anything more than a shitty america DLC.
They launder their money into real estate you fucking idiot. There's 10k plus houses in BC that are vacant because of those fucks. youve ruined Vancouver you faggot ass chink
Get raped by an alligator you fucking nu-male.
You honestly want Canada to go down the shitter? You're going to need another fucking wall you goddamn retard.
Virgins like you are the fucking worst.
>Canada has never been anything more than a shitty america DLC.
Parle pour le Canada anglo, James Wong...
How does owning a house and leaving it VACANT launder money? Do you know the definition of money laundering?
Regardless, supply and demand. Learn it.
hahaha fuck you. 24 years of living in this faggot country and I have figured you smug cucks out. The inferiority complex you pieces of shit hold deep inside is palpable. Go get drunk talking hockey and pass out in a snowbank you cumstain. I don't give two fucks about this country. It's still in love with Trudeau, it voted to stop bombing ISIS out of fear of enraging muslims. better question is why are you trying to save a doomed and categorically cowardly country?
taberkek, Thanks for that never seen it. There is no escape from the degeneracy of this country. Maybe far far north quebec.
Let us tap into the meme magic
dont worry, the Easterners- the ones that brought this upon us are taking the brunt of the attack. Fucking Ontario and Quebec fucking up the country for 2 centuries now.
Everything west of Manitoba should form its own country. lets see the east get on without our resources or equalization payments (basically part of our taxes is given to the east so they can have free shit)
send help..
Wiggers are the biggest problem in Quebec after all the fuckin abortions...trannies are just a joke...
Good. I hope the conservatives split from the self-induced liberal shitholes.
Plz America.. We used to be best friends
What happened?
I'm scared leaves bros, Trudeau is going to abuse the fact that we have no laws that protect free speech to crack us down. Here in Quebec everything is already being labelled "hate speech". Stay safe, and remember to keep fighting the good fight.
damn geniee is fine. I went to school it Ottawa. I used to hate you french fucks, now I realize youre the most based Canadians there are. You actually have an identity and you wish to maintain it. Unlike the rest of this cucked muslim loving shit hole of a country. I support your Independence
>Beheads man, not a crime really. He dindu nuffin wrong.
>Four pedo worshipers charged in kidnap and murder of mentally ill drug addict
>Another nigger in a 97%+ white city murders a white family
>Trucuck blames broken electoral reform promise on radical Kellie Leitch
>Canadas most pozzed school has at least a few jew wise folks
>No one wants them. But they will try to force us to want them
let's watch them try and enforce this
Can't wait for the real revolution.
When a record wildfire burned near Fort McMurray in Alberta near Canada's economic engine, the oil sands, Justin Trudeau turned down help from the USA, Mexico, China, Russia, Israel, Palestine, Australia and even neighbouring provinces to bring in 300 exclusively-black South African firefighters who had never used water to fight fires and had to spend weeks being trained to use waterhoses. They failed to do anything, ended up rioting over pay, and had to be shipped back.
An African Muslim Refugee who is a citizen of Somalia is the Immigration Minister
Our Minister of Defense is a turban-wearing Sikh / Indian citizen
>Our Minister of Economic Development is Navdeep Burns, a turban-wearing Sikh
An average Syrian Muslim Refugee family gets $43,000/year for free from the government while a homeless White man can't even get welfare ($600/month) because he doesn't have a mailing address
>Justin Trudeau has declared Canada the first "post-national" state with no core identity or culture
A Muslim MP is putting forth a motion to criminalize any criticism of Islam what-so-ever with mandatory jail time (Motion 103)
>October is Muslim Heritage Month in Ontario despite Muslims comprising only 1.4% of Ontario's population in 1991 (140K out of 10M) and being non-existant before 1980
October is also Muslim History Month (Nation wide)
>Whites will be less than 40% in Vancouver by 2031
Toronto was 47% non-white in 2011; today it is closer to 70% non-white
>White Union student posters (much like Muslim/Sikh/Chinese/etc Unions) were put up in Toronto; they were taken down by police and reported as hate crimes (???)
You can go to put whatever gender you like on your Ontario ID and the government is working to eliminate any mention of gender on government documents, including passports
you became a Trudeau post-nation state. Best of luck, Us Americans are going to need a northern wall too.
Canadians are actually superior because we're the most polite people on the planet, leading the way in evolution of the human race.
Also we are geographically on top of America, as well the world, THE WORLD IS OURS
>I used to hate you french fucks, now I realize youre the most based Canadians there are. You actually have an identity and you wish to maintain it. Unlike the rest of this cucked muslim loving shit hole of a country. I support your Independence
J'apprécie tes compliments, James...
Well being a post national state literally mean that there is no meaning to being canadian aside from living on this soil, and paying absurd taxes to this government.
Otherwise canadians are equally polite, and Allahu Akbar terrorists. Except the polite canadians arent having babies and the allahu akbars are, and guess what, theyre incredibly hungry to create a new national state...
so can yo figure out where this leads you dumbfuck/ ?
Canada needs to break up into 3 or 4 countries. it's too fucking big and Toronto shouldnt decide the entire path of half a fucking continent .
>tfw went to the "best" Leaf University for a while but transferred back to Switzerland because the liberalism was too much
Typical Asian. Australia hasnt existed since WW 2. I visited once and thought I was in India. All the white people I met were high on bathtub meth. At least where I live we have mountains and all whites
Look in my face, stare in my soul
I begin to stupify
Look in my face, stare in my soul
I begin to stupify
Look in my face, stare in my soul
I begin to stupify
Look in my face, stare in my soul
I begin to stupify
Look in my face, step in my soul
Look in my face, step in my soul
Look in my face, step in my soul
Look in my face, step in my soul
Look in my face, step in my soul
Look in my face, stare into my soul
Look in my face, stare into my soul
I begin to stupify, BLLAWWWGGGHH
thank fuck im in northern ontario.
pretty sure the rest of the country assumes we're like the south but its completely different.
north ontario best ontario
leads to me moving out of toronto since we sold our home for $2.5 cuckbucks. FL will be a nice change. Total 180 from the cold and cucks
Right wingers have never been pro-Independence and now left wing liberals are realising that having an indentity is racist so the Independence movemenet is pretty much dying, it scores under 35% in polls. At least, more and more Quebecers are taking the red pill.
>thank fuck im in northern ontario.
>pretty sure the rest of the country assumes we're like the south but its completely different.
>north ontario best ontario
Le French blood...
jesus christ we are fucking pathetic. I am sorry for the shit you experienced. Y'all make nice watches
Sikhs are based as fuck, we need more of them than anyone. They hate Islam on a hole nubble leba
quebec is the alabama of canada
Yeah dude, take the Quebec pill
>quebec is the alabama of canada
Albertan detected...Alabama is a fuckin shithole full of niggers and methheads, Québec is way better, James Wong...
>Y'all make nice watches
Thanks. Dont get me wrong most people were very nice but they make their misguided liberalism too in-your-face. It's strange because it was supposed to be a place for smart people and yet they're so easily lead. Shame..
okay never been there
The meaning of being Canadian is often found in the diametrical values we have with the united states; mutlculturalism v. the melting pot; absolute freedoms v. freedoms in checks and balance. Its a careful balance between individual, as well collective national rights and duties.
Post Nationalism is obviously some globalist crap scam, I hardly believe any Canadians buy into that, in so far as negating Canadians values as previously mentioned. That ideology does not represent the masses
in 1931 there were less than 700 muslims in the entire country...
let that sink in lads.
>okay never been there
So submissive...
Yes, we're on our way to becoming >60% white like America. Shit sucks.
I stand corrected fuck that shit
vote to reduce controls and government spending kanukistanis!
capitalism can save any nation
even usa or kazakistan or australia or thailand!
capitalism always works and works FAST
I'm happy about what's happening in canada.
I hate canada and I hate all canadians, especially the french ones.
When canada passes its anti Islamic bigotry law we'll be able to get the entire nation banned from Sup Forums.
All we have to do is inform their authorities that we're a site that spreads anti islamic bigotry.
Goodbye forever canada
My mother befriended an elderly woman from Switzerland who moved here to be with her son. She's going back home this year because she can't deal with the all the fucking Arabs. What did we ever do to deserve this invasion?
>What did we ever do to deserve this invasion?
People stopped thinking critically. Let emotions and the media take control
He's right. Immigrants don't commit crime, minorities do.