Red pill her on first post being best post



color people stay mad

How did you "redpill" her? You didn't convince her of anything or change her beliefs. She merely agreed with you.

that's why I put a fucking ???????????????

you aren't from here, you should leave

Whats the story with this bitch. Ask her if she believes in free will or determinism.

I don't think any liberals truly believe in free will. If they did, they wouldn't be able to explain-away the anti-social behavior of American blacks so easily.

praise kek

Are you trying to make the worst post ever



Everybody who posts about this antifa slut should kill themselves

you're all thirsty af

SJWs are still liberal but nowadays like to set themselves apart from liberalism to seem hard. They associate it with white privilege. They are preparing their minds for Communism, which is obviously not liberal but always preceded by rampant liberalism.

Exactly. The concept of determinism seems to be the core premise that leftists construct their beliefs and propositions upon. I'm sure not even half of them know it either. It's so evident in how racial they are, how they view wealth distribution, "privilege".

The lack of shopped porn of this girl disturbs me.
I feel you faggots have genuinely fallen for this girl.

Why do you text like a retard?

You didn't redpill shit, she'll forget that conversation happened in half an hour.

The proper way to red pill is face to face at your house with no distractions whilst leaving your copy of mein kampf on the coffee table to let her know you mean business.

Get nudes

Kek wills it

nice english retard

Post entire convo

this, she'll forget about it within the day and post something about Bernie Sanders within the next few days.

Please dont do this

whoa bro did you just redpill all of Sup Forums?

Do people really talk like this to girls? Jesus. Hide your power level. Sad

Ok now give her the quick rundown

nobody should suffer that cringefest that you know is coming

To their credit, you'd have to be an idiot to genuinely believe in free will.

Mods need to ban these threads. The faggot commies couldn't gain a foothold here so now they;re trying to meme some ugly dyke non-stop to try and spread their faggot commie shit


>Gosh I just love sucking on some cock while I preach about my intelligence
Fixed that for you.

Someone redpill me on if she's even hot. I mean, she's crazy, which is kind of how in a degenerate/Jew-y way, but is she A E S T H E T I C A L L Y hot?