Why do they hate whites so much?
R/asianmasculinuty immense hatred towards Whites
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Penis envy
t. nigger
idk I'm downvoted all the time for trying to make sense in them.
They used to not care, but then (((they))) introduced media to them to force them to hate other white people and everyone caught on because it was trendy and hip
Dick envy. Fuck everything about us they envy.
Forgot a comma after fuck, it reads wierd.
They suffer from the same victim complexes that niggers and beaners do, despite facts showing them that certain Asian groups are more successful than whites.
>goes on reddit
>lol why does everyone hate whites??? xD
kill yourself retard
Why does user post Leddit shit here? OP is the most massive of faggots. For the sake of Sup Forums OP, KYS.
Wow you guys sound like niggers. That's why they hate us.
Asians are the only race not blacked and turned into retards yet.
These guys are weird.
They think they're masculine but all they talk about is hatred of whites, hatred of white supremacy, misogny..etc.
A truly masculine asian is this guy, a man who loves his nation, his people and will sacrifice himself when necessary to protect it.
That mentality is only prevalent in California or NYC if anything. Most of the time its either hood chinks or fob chinks that are somehow easy to market through liberal think tanks
Its dick envy and that white girls mostly don't want them. Hell white girls wont even comprehend dating Chinks or Indians.
Iv even spoken to girls about this quite a lot and most of them will say "No they are too short, smell funny and have small dicks"
Meanwhile a 6,0, average looking white guy can easily pull an Asian girl.
As an Asian myself i can relate to their buttrage and frustration but what i don't understand is why they are playing the SJW band-wagon and blaming whites for all their problem when its liberal-media and leftists who are the ones creating all these asian stereotypes and cucking all their women. As a matter of fact most of the cucking comes from self-loathing westernized asian women who act as proxies to the leftist-SJWs that are thwarting and disparaging asianmasculinity. If these asians guy really want to step up their game they need to control their women and fight back against leftists and other minorities.
>Star wars is Asian culture.
Also this
>why they hate us
>hate us
Suuuuuure, Zhang- I mean John.
I dont get why they're so anti altright when in reality the alt-right is super pro-asian.
Yukio Mishima is revered by white nationalists all over the world.
conspiracy time
(((they))) bred asians over the years to have small dicks
those in power had bigger
>i define masculinity as you sacrificing yourself for something i believe in
alt right is pro asian women. That's why they hate the alt right.
In a way /r/asianmasculinity don't understand that its modern Asian societies that have failed them because they created a socio-culture of fatalism and emasculation. If Asian-Americans really want to establish a recognized and respectable image they need to control and educate (tame) their women to not fall for the diversity crap and take advice and maintain an alliance with right-wing groups and participate more in Republican rallies.
There's literally no reason to but upset/frustrated, dude. You should make a difference with the self-hating Asian stereotype and you'll be easily more grounded and rational with everything. It's part of why I just simply don't care what other people think of me.
You really should be blaming (((those))) who control the media that purposely pits us against white people by force and through mass produced pop culture. Otherwise none of this shit would be a problem in the first place and I honestly think this whole race baiting would stop.
we don't even have that big of dicks.
6.5 inch masterrace checking in
White men who racemix are pathetic in my opinion 2bh.
I believe in the Japanese, Koreans and Chinese right to exist and advance in their own homelands, doesnt every patriotic Japanese, Korean or Chinese person believe this too? Im a patriot and I love my people, I consider anyone willing to die for their people my brother whether they're an Igbo in Biafra, a Korean or a native American.
>Asians are the only race not blacked
Yeah, they're being Whited at a much worse rate than blacks. I'm surprise they're not more pissed.
lol I got band from that sub for stating how asian men get white gf or wives.
You are like a monkey to us asians.
He thinks SE Asians are hard to fuck or something.
FYI : The biggest 'users' of SE Asian women in the world are East Asian men.
>its white peoples fault
>japan thailand south korea philippines taiwan china are also white peoples fault because they allowed it to get that bad
A lot of them are. But whats more pathetic is the most pathetic whites are taking their women yet they don't see any problem with themselves.
>"hurr school shooter tier whites r stealing our womyn!!! And its all your fault!!!"
there were two asian characters in Rogue One and they are at least potrayed better than the typical nerd and comedy junk stereotype. In fact even the lead actor looks kinda Hapa-ish despite not being asian to begin with
So what is with the stuntman crap?
The "alt right" hates non-white people, lol. They are not a friend to Asians unless they are simply just in their own home country, not in their countries. It's fine with me because that's the other issue at stake.. No one really has "friends" in the ideology spectrum. In the end we're just all in it for ourselves and Western collectivism purposely divides and conquers us. Thank (((them))) though for pulling the strings and being very good at it at least.
most of them got cucked by a white boi
honestly can you blame them though? you see whites on Sup Forums complain about white girls dating black guys, but white girls are among the most faithful to their race.
Only 7% of white women and men marry outside their race, while 37% of asian women do so. (In the U.S.)
should be renamed /r/vancouver
No we vastly outnumber every other human race on earth.
Lol stupid white man evemtually you all will be asian as a genetic majority its just math
2.1 billion of us breeding with 560 million of you equals ASIANS.
>what i don't understand is why they are playing the SJW band-wagon and blaming whites for all their problem
Because it's much easier to talk others down than pull yourself up.
>self-loathing westernized asian women
You're buying in to their memes a bit too, though. It's not fair to call all Asian girls with white dudes self-loathing. Don't get me wrong, plenty of them are self-loathing. But plenty of women in general are self-loathing. Men too, for that matter.
I agree that SJWs are in practice the real enemy of basically every group, though. Except for extreme degenerates and globalists looking to manipulate people.
Someone show this guy all the JAV/BLACKED crossover porn.
>its modern Asian societies that have failed them because they created a socio-culture of fatalism and emasculation.
WTF are you talking about?
1) 99.999999999999999% of East Asian women are with other Asian men
2) East Asian countries (and most other countries in Asia) are homogenous
3) All Asian societies are patriachal to the max with zero feminism.
Do you live in same REALITY I live in because you are fucking delusional if you see the above.
and what about all the White girl JAV porn?
>I agree that SJWs are in practice the real enemy of basically every group, though. Except for extreme degenerates and globalists looking to manipulate people.
So true.
Jesus Christ, these hideous chinked-out gooks are the biggest faggot loser betacucks on Earth. I don't know why they don't all just commit suicide; they're hideous, socially-inept retards. They should all be gassed for their own good.
You white people look ugly to us.
>The "alt right" hates non-white people, lo
no it doesn't god dammit, i'm a pretty fuckin fashy goy and love real diversity, the kind found in countries that have strong borders and ethnic identities.
I wouldn't want to fuck her
>be Sup Forums nigger to asian women
>be /asian masculinity/ nigger to white women
One and the same
>people still believe in the based aisans meme
>while 37% of asian women do so. (In the U.S.)
US =/= The world you stupid dipshit. Worldwide, Asians (as classified by the US government) number close to 4 billion.
FYI : 43% of US-born Asian men are married to non-Asian (White) women.
There is literally no reason for asians and whites to dislike eachother. You are only motivated to hate eachother by ((them))
Its your fault if your monkey american white culture wasnt so destructive to brain cells american asians would act more like us mainlanders.
>2.1 billion of us breeding with 560 million of you equals ASIANS.
A world full of soul less genetic fuckups, how frighting.
If youre so frustrated then why don't you go back to China?
Do you expect us to believe that
>3) All Asian societies are patriachal to the max with zero feminism.
Not South Korea. These countries still have feminists, those feminists just don't demand open borders.
Congrats, Xiaoping. Lmao, everyone knows gooks and chinks are absolutely HIDEOUS beady-eyed low-test spergs. You can claim whites are ugly all you'd like, but it won't change the fact that 1) you're retarded and wrong, and 2) you're the one who's the hideous autist. White women (i.e., the standard in beauty) are repulsed by these small-dicked chinky gook beady-eyed pan-faced losers hahahaha
fucking idiot why do you think I said the U.S.?
/r/asianmasculinity is 99% asians in the west who realized how unfaithful their women are. very few native asians on that sub
I literally am completely unaffected by it.
never forget
>(((alt right)))
is kike psy op
Much better than a jew controlled planetary dystopia ala you stupid white pussies. Daily reminder this jew controlled world is your fault.
these women are being paid for this. theres millions of asian prostitutes who are fucked by disgusting old obese white men who fly into Thailand and the Philipines (I hope dutertes deals with them desu).
Asian and whites should be brothers in our struggle for the survival of our people. Theres 800 million whites and 1.4 billion asians, ofcourse some of us will exploit each other but in the grand scale of things out interests are aligned.
Only monkeys care about how dick pleasing their women are, white men are such pathetic males that they worship their women disgusting.
its pretty clear r/asianmasculinitys goal is to divide Sup Forums (which has a lot of asians according to hwndu)
Never forget, the Jew fears the samurai.
We have no intention of ever coexisting with you, were it not for your military all of your land would be occupied by us.
Then you are the minority because a lot of self-identified "alt right" people (the people who think of themselves as a movement) want the white ethnostate, in which I have no opinion towards but they'd probably call you a cuck and tell you to go back with a comment like this.
lol weebs and their noble racism.
Its just asian men talking about how worthless those wild animals you call white women are.
i dont like white people either but you insectoid fucksare even worse off. Your women racemix like mad
lmao, this is a hidden subreddit, i was just trying to search it cause as soon as i saw it i was gonna post some shit about how cucked china was, but u cant find it by searching, only by typing the thing into the address bar
someone give me that picture of how cucked china is, i think i have it but just in case
see how fast i can get banned from this gay ass place
It's like they were just born to be ladyboys.
in my experience the people that say this sort of shit are like half white half asian and grew up in america
this 'cultural copyright' thing we're seeing is more a western trend.
I'm not upset at all I used to be one of those that hated myself but realized that there is no point or value in any of it. /r/asianmas in a way is controlled-opposition probably created my self-loathing liberal hapas in order to keep Asian men beta and frustrated instead of waking them up from reality.
It nobody's fault they are fucked. Asian countries, especially East Asians, fail to develop a sense of social-masculinity and individualism within their family structures and because 90% of don't realize what is wrong with them they hold in their anger and insecurities.
I live here and know that most of those subreddits are based here.
>Because it's much easier to talk others down than pull yourself up.
And thats exactly how leftists and SJWs are using /r/asianmas as a way to pull down asian men. Reality is their enemies are themselves.
>You're buying in to their memes a bit too, though. It's not fair to call all Asian girls with white dudes self-loathing.
Of course not all Asian girls with other non-asian dudes are self-loathing but the vast majority are. I see no concern or anger over any of them though as most those of relationships tend to fall apart quite fast.
You're talking about the assassin right? Killing a socialist sounds like protecting your country.
>Not South Korea.
You must live in a different workd if you dont think South Korea isnt patriarchal. India has elected women leaders but that doesnt change the culture there.
>who realized how unfaithful their women are.
You bring up stat about Asian marrying out which is because of
1) Mail Order Brides
2) War Brides from US servicemen in US military bases in the US
3) Asian adoptees by White families in the US who were mostly female raised in White neighborhoods. For examples since the end of the Korean War to the 1980s when adoption from South Korean government was made harder, approx 250k (mostly female) children was adopted by white families in the US.
>The "alt right" hates non-white people, lol.
are you dumb
even hitler himself greatly respected east asians and their civilisation
>i speak for all asians
Because Asians are sick of white racism
They're not considered very manly compared to the average man.
They get mad at us for it because we're considered the norm, because it's our countries.
If they want to manly, they either have to change their genetics to make themselves masculine, go back, or stop being pussies about it.
You have to go back.
Because according to Canadians or Californians or New York City people, that represents the entire world to them. Liberals haven't seen other countries so they remain ignorant of other cultures, surprisingly their birth ones.
But (((mass media))) is largely to blame for this.
Wtf i hate Asians now
I dont care what you perverted western asians think, spending time around these white monkeys has made you defective.
they're still pissed off their countries rolled over and opened up like two bit whores as soon as a gunboat arrived in their harbour
It's only a minority of Asian males who think like this so virulently.
In general Asian people White oeople Indian people and Hispanic people can all get along and pretty easily form genuine friendship bonds and mixed race friendship groups .
It's only black people who pretty regularly have a problem and resent and dislike whites as the norm not the exception.
Asians adapt to the culture around them and right now we live in a grievance culture.
Put them in clean water for a year or two and they'll come back to life.
/r/asianmasculinity would disagree with you
why do you think "anna lu" and "uncle chan" is part of their vernacular? they're talking about american born asians who "take part in the white supremacist patriarchy"
old white men marrying mail order brides is only one facet of the issue.
Asian men also marry outside their race too so I don't know why you chinks are complaining
>western asians
dude come on
also you're in the fucking bahamas
>In general Asian people White oeople Indian people and Hispanic people can all get along and pretty easily
take a trip down to the americas and your opnion will change quickly
If Asians get in on identity politics they'll be truly unstoppable. They're the only race that can compete with us in economics, innovation, and intelligence. Imagine what will happen if they gain a major foothold in our politics and media.
LOL who cares
>controlled opposition
That is what pretty much all of these subreddits are. Something created by someone who wants to divide and conquer everyone and turn everything on its head.
The more you invest in controlled opp shit the less happy you'll be with yourself.
I live in China.
That whole board is awful
They are misogynistic as hell but complain about microaggresions
It's really strange
Same reason many of you hate minorities. They're losers and need to scapegoat whoever they can to explain their own failings.
Only if they live in their own country, read it again, Hans.
Please don't brand Asian libtard as Asian, they barely Asian anymore. Their insecure coming from the Western culture. Try check Asian in Asian countries, most of them are okay with white ppl.
This is why American politicians never pander to Asians in the slightest btw.
Well if white countries are so bad why don't you fuck off back to China, Korea or whatever overcrowded shit hole your ancestors escaped from, then?
>anna lu
>uncle chan
Fucking chinks I swear. Why is it always them who behave like separatist niggers for the most part and not poor SE niggers?
>Why do they hate whites so much?
It's completely normal for different races to hate eachother, and whites are the only one with the defect that makes one behave otherwise.
And now you have to compete with asian guys for white women
So why do you use a vpn? If you are so proud of your people why not show it?