Oh dear lord kek I tho am at your merciful whim. Praise me with your meme magic that of though is all most powerful...

Oh dear lord kek I tho am at your merciful whim. Praise me with your meme magic that of though is all most powerful. Let me wield tho your mighty sword of dankness to shield thyself from those whom dare challenge.

Other urls found in this thread:


Holy shit the meme magic is real.


Woah. kek wills a Pizza Raid?

Does kek approve?


What is kek trying to tell us?

can you give me a quick flooddown, kek?

increase the release

What does kek want us to raid?

Kek. You are being summoned for tho mission

unplug the glug

finish them off

cant, stop, cant stop with rock

does kek wish for us to raid those whom question kek's powers? whom dare challenge us?

Increase ICE potential?


confirmed winrar

how shall we increase ice raids kek?

stock tumbler?

stock twitter?

The elite.

anyone know how to increase ice raids?

kek meme magic gather my fellow Sup Forums elites to show your mission.

We can all call in a fake bomb threat to a certain address. And have that family deported?

We need the san andreas fault line to cause a huge earthquake


what does that do?

meme magic is real

well trips ofc kek seems to be down for the dark ages.

Kill Commiefornia, we must lube the fault!


Meme magic is motherfucking real.

Praise KEK

> lube the fault
>> lmfao

Won't the dam do that?

shall we show more support for trump for increase in ice raids?


kek is everywhere

holy shit the meme magic is real



holy fucking shit

idk wat to do with myself
im lost for words

You have been called upon my son.
He will guide you forward.

>it's a newfags go gaga over a scriptget episode

> thank you



California will be the first thing that gets destroyed in the coming conflict.


We raid reddit with Kek's divine glory and make the dream of Kekistan real.



We find out who this is.

And raid them with ice.

Executive order that states aiding illegals is treason.

people who are found help illegals are to be deported

let loose the doose

shall we raid pizzagate

Bless you almighty Kek

If I get digits then we raid a website of the next poster's choosing. Praise my lord Kek

You have not lived until you have eaten a Kek Kebab.
Sweet dreams.