Dindu Hate Threat

I live next to a raging Dindu. Don't understand how he affords it, but by God, if working with one doesn't open your eyes to how fucking stupid they are, living next to one damn sure will.

He has a gaggle of dindu females screeching like autistic sheboons over there and I'm ready to fucking kill myself. Help me fambros.

Also, Dindu hate thread.

Also, trips decide what I do about the sheboons next door.

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interesting. when the females of a race have too much testosterone running through their systems, no male - including members of their own race - can find them attractive. very interesting.

we need to find a way to get sheboons more estrogen so black males will find them attractive again.

D/L Tone generator, attach strong speaker to computer, pointed out window at house. Generate around 5000 Mhz tone at nog house. sound will drive them crazy.

>wat do about the sheboons next door
impregnate them. all of them.

is this a frequency that whites aren't suppose to hear? cause I can hear it


like this idea

but I don't want to get aids fampai

shit, I forgot to add images




OP needs to start a fire.

Try to get laid with dindu female

Olive Oyl put up quite the fight.

someone upload this with the sound of angry chimpanzees in the background

Does double d.ubs? Outrank trips?



Jzs and you guys are having babies with these monkeys? Holy fk

I live on the 4th floor of an apartment complex, and a couple years back a pack of welfarians moved into the ground floor apartment below me. Pretty much every single day and night would just be constant jungle jams, accompanied by a lot of hooting and hollering. It also almost always constantly smelled like weed.

They were evicted less than a year of having moved in.

Living around niggers has a way of waking people up. How do you think trump won, even though America is darker than it's ever been?

what a vibrant and rich culture

every fucking time, 1 vs 1 fgt, when they lose the other niggers jump in.

may as well just shoot them

The M means million. That's 5000 million or 5 billion hertz. You cant hear that retard.


holy fugggg senpai

Bake them a cake and say nice things to them

Yea but I grew up in a white neighbourhood and went to a white school growing up and all the kids were trying to be hardcore gangsters and fights would always turn into brawls
The only difference is they don't try to kill each other but still I got gangbashed 4 times in HS by white dickheads who were like the wannabe black kids, they hated me because I always stood up for myself when they tried to start shit

I see street fighting or just fights in general seem to have lost their pride and fairness, you hear of people always getting jumped by groups of cunts if they are abos, whites, blacks etc.. To have a weapon for self defence seems more necessary now than it was 20 years ago, I can fully understand why Americans don't want to give up their guns,

If they all ganged up at the start I can understand that. At least there's a form of fighting side by side of your friends, strength in numbers logic there.
But the fact they ALWAYS try to it act as though it's an honourable 1 on 1 only to throw that away the INSTANT their friend loses the upper hand pisses me off to no end.

>jungle jams

Jeez dude is she literally shitting out a gorilla?!

niggers have a high twinning rate, that looks like it could be quadruplets



They have a lot of Test AND est. Making them stronk, AND emotionally unstable.

They need sedatives.

They look sexy to me. I'd fuck any of them.

t. shitskin

Yeah I wonder who's to blame for the sudden and rapid surge of white men who now find SheBoons attractive? hmmm I wonder

Superglue his lock every week until he moves