Hitler did at least one thing less wrong

They don't quit! Hitler didn't snub Jesse Owens? The Americans did?
I always thought it was true. How far do the lies go?

Other urls found in this thread:


Nice source

Go to wikipedia and look for "snub".
This blew me away. It was all a lie.

Hitler loved and respected blatant superiority. Sure he slaughtered Jews and Slavs, invaded half the world, and tried to create a master race, but at least he had the balls to own up to it all. Roosevelt just sent a hundred thousand Americans to camps in the desert, destroying their livelihoods, racially purifying the Pacific Coast, and killing some of them, and tried to sweep it under the rug of "national security" while he waged a merciless war of fire and blood against the peoples of an entire continent. FDR was a fucking monster who used and abused his own nation for the ends of their own supposed predominance. How many millions died because Roosevelt couldn't accept America having peers? Franklin Delano Roosevelt was literally worse than Hitler.

In my high school history book the little bio box for Jesse Owens said exactly that, that Hitler snubbed him. Good find on these photos op

>sure he salughtered

wrong again kike, most of the people in the concentration camps died from typhus, they only killed the people who broke the laws, and then only the bad laws, rape, murder, etc

Are Americans actually taught that Hitler snubbed Owens? That quote from Owens is literally the most famous thing about him.

Here's the source article, which links to a 10 min youtube video.

I just saw Styx's video too...

In Canada, that is the ONLY thing we here about him.

Well, I'll be damned.

"Owens said later that he was treated better in Hitler’s Germany than in America, where racial segregation prevailed.” (Daily Mail, 11.8.2009)"

I thought this was common knowledge? Hitler really didn't care either way about blacks, there were a lot of mulatto babies in Nazi Germany.

good man

>Hitler really didn't care either way about blacks
Though I think Hitler wouldn't take too well to Black Lives Matter.

What I don't understand about Owens in le nayzee germany may may is why they never mention the final medal count? Germany completely obliterated everyone back then.

>How far do the lies go?
It's all a lie.

Bear in mind, the thread photo may have been shopped, but the story behind it is real. Owens said he carried a pic of them shaking hands.

Look goy, Hitler was a druggie so he most likely gave all his athletes drugs. There was nothing respectable about him and you should be repulsed by anything related to him.



no they barely cover him at all

We were all raised on Jewish Lies.


he was not a fan

That image is photoshopped but Owens clearly thought very highly of Hitler which really should be enough to refute any ideas that he was snubbed.

I thought that was all everyone knew about the lad. "That black dude who won and the olympics and, like, Hitler got totally pissed because his aryan superiority theory got rekt right in front of him".

Hitler was always pro competition, he just wanted Germany to be Aryan that's all

>the jews used the nigger for racist propaganda..hitler did nothing wrong.

I have literally never heard it before. For us the entire story is about Owens showing Nazi Germany his ass. Roosevelt's (and the rest of America's) racist fuckery is sort of obvious if you read between the lines, but that's as far as it goes.

Hitler was a German Imperialist, and he didn't actually give much shits about race of people outside of his nations territory, heck even in his nations territory he didn't care if you fought for him

Heck I would wager the reason slavs where gona go bye bye in German territory was more as a counter revolutionary precaution than anything else.

Considering that a lot of people in Poland got their names germanized, and a lot of people were considered Germanic just because they had light color eyes.

On the other hand, this is how Jews in Israel treat Blacks.

Violent Anti African Race Riot Rocks Israel, Black Men and Women

Tel Aviv: Unsafe for Africans in Israel

See the difference

Hitler was annoyed by the win, but shrugged it off.
Albert Speer wrote that Hitler "was highly annoyed by the series of triumphs by the marvelous colored American runner, Jesse Owens. People whose antecedents came from the jungle were primitive, Hitler said with a shrug; their physiques were stronger than those of civilized whites and hence should be excluded from future games."

Hitler didn't really care about blacks because there wasn't a large enough demographic of them in Europe, they were rare, an oddity.

He did speak very negatively about negrofication of America, and degenerate negro culture (music and such) I'm sure if there were the same number of them in Germany back then as there are now they'd be off to the camps.

But historically it is correct to say negros were treated better by Germany (and Italy for that matter) than the US and most other colonial European powers like Belgium for instance.

>Hitler did one less thing wrong

Hitler did nothing wrong, unless you count letting the Brits escape with their lives at Dunkirk out of sheer mercy, or his decision not to prioritize the armament of the free'd Russians who saw him as a liberator and would have died for him without question had he done so.

Fuck, this board might as well be an MSNBC.com comment section. You're all fucking normies.

>That image is photoshopped
Agreed, otherwise it would break the internet. The story behind it is what's important. More proof would help though.

Oh stop it shlomo. The Axis Powers which made up 14 multi-ethnic nations and a half dozen freedom fighter groups across the world came together in a coalition to fight against Jewish Imperialism. The Axis Powers went into Russia to liberate the Russian People from Jewish Imperialism and the "Red Terror" that had murdered it's way into power. (see 1917 Russian -Jew- Revolution)

Russian Cossack Divisions fought with the Axis Powers to liberate Russia

Your lies have no power here.

Half of the Axis allies gained territory out of the invasion of Russia that was not part of their original ethnic area, or were to gain territory outside of the ethinc area.

>Russian Cossack Divisions fought with the Axis Powers to liberate Russia

You do know that Russian Cossacks were Don Cossacks and other groups that at the very least wanted a heavily autonomous region out of Russia or a nation out of Russia, as they wanted in the Russian civil war.

Hitler only wanted to get rid of Stalin and communism because they were threats, and he hated them as well. That and recreation and reformation of the German Empire. He cared not for the Russian people or Empire.

Your subtle damage control isn't good enough. Because even if it was, how do you explain this Protip: You can't.

>narrative collapse

That picture of him and Hitler is shopped.

Pretty obvious.

>That picture of him and Hitler is shopped.
We know that, but it got the attention it needed.

>or were to gain

I love how allied apologists' arguments always come down to mind-reading.

>Because the nazis they were planning to X Y and Z and because all they cared about was A B and C; also we know they killed muh 6 gorillian even though there was no written or intercepted communication ever affirming such a policy, but they transferred their Jew-murder orders telepathically, so there! nya nya nya

Meanwhile you obviously know jack and shit about the NSDAP much less Hitler's personal belief system and priorities much less that of the wider Axis alliance.

We were all once confused normies like you. Keep at it and one day you'll stop being such a cucked shabboz goy faggot. Yes even you.

This is what we were taught at my school in Aus

>Axis allies?
>original ethnic area?
>gain territory outside of the ethinc area?
What a load of made-up gibberish.

No, you're lying. The Cossacks were Russian Loyalist (Russian White Army) who had previously fought against the Bolsheviks in the 1917 Civil War. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_movement

>Russian Nationalism and Patriotism

It's partially true, from what I've seen.

Hitler was nice to a nigger lets forgive him for causing a war that killed millions of europeans!!!!!1

Hitler wanted to give the Jews Israel before the Brits did, the problem was the internment camps had their food supply cut off. If the allies lost the war the Japanese would have been gorrillioned.

Do you know eduard bloch? en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eduard_Bloch
He was the jewish doctor of hitler's mother and hitler did everything to get him to safety. I don't think it will ever be possible to tell who the real hitler was

>Hitler was not gona reward his other allies the same way he rewarded the allies he could reward before Russia fell like Romania, Hungary and Slovakia, it would be completely impossible for Finland and Japan to gain Russian territory.

Can you get your head out of your ass for once?

>No, you're lying. The Cossacks were Russian Loyalist (Russian White Army) who had previously fought against the Bolsheviks in the 1917 Civil War.

The White Movement was a loosley unified group of forces that wanted to bring down the reds.

It was made up of both Russian Imperialists and people who hated Russia.

The Don Cossacks wanted a heavily autonomous region in the Russian Civil War, some Cossacks groups in the Russian Civil War, fighting on the white side even wanted own nations. Heck the Czech Legion, the main force of the White Movement wanted nothing to do with Russia.


You are just reading of Wikipidia there.

Doesn't explain this though Why does non-racist Hitler make you so angry?

>blatant photoshops are proof

the obvious shoop undermines the veracity of the quote

>Can you get your head out of your ass for once?
You're growing increasingly angry because your lies are falling apart. This is a common reaction. Soon you'll be throwing a temper tantrum and tossing your food on the ground cursing like a typical hate mongering Jew.

>The White Movement was a loosley unified group of forces that wanted to bring down the reds.

Supported by..
>British Empire
>Empire of Japan
>French Republic
>Kingdom of Greece
>Kingdom of Italy
>United States
>Republic of China

The Russian White Movement were essentially Russian Patriots fighting against Jewish Imperialism. The only thing loose here are your lies and false narratives. Both of which collapsed a long time ago.

>Hitler was not gona....blah fucking blah blah

Again with the mind reading. I guess when you have no actual facts on your side that's where your (((history))) inevitably leads you.

So the Axis Powers in WW2 photoshoped their multi-cultural soldiers. Oh ok...

FDR was a racist and literally worse than Hitler. Some role model, Democrats.

Not even black people like BLM, leaf. MLK is rolling in his grave right now at what African Americans have become.

Pretty sure there was some shitty movie i saw about Owens at some point that had Hitler being jumping up and down mad that he won.

>So the Axis Powers in WW2 photoshoped their multi-cultural soldiers

The story behind it is real.

>You're growing increasingly angry because your lies are falling apart. This is a common reaction. Soon you'll be throwing a temper tantrum and tossing your food on the ground cursing like a typical hate mongering Jew.

You got an argument there?

>The Russian White Movement were essentially Russian Patriots fighting against Jewish Imperialism. The only thing loose here are your lies and false narratives. Both of which collapsed a long time ago.

M8 can you stop being assinine?

The Russian White movement broke up when the leader stopped all negotiations with the Czech Legion, got arrested and shot. After that the white movement mostly disbanded.

It wasn't even that many Russian patriots.

The Polar Bear Expedition, French Expedition, Japanese Expedition, Czech Legion, Greek Expedition, Polish Division, Cossak Forces put together were more numerous than your ussian Patriots.

>Hitler was not gona do the same thing he has done before and what any leader in history has ever done, because fuck logic

Do you have some arguments?


nearly everything (((they))) told you about hitler is a lie

You're autistic, you think Hitler would really shake that negro hand? It was a publicity stunt and a notable take-that to the US.

>muh racist Hitler
>narrative collapse
Check out this sperg.

Damn why did they have to fuck up a good mans legacy?

>All I have are assumptions about what someone was going to do.
>Asks for arguments.

When will you shabboz goy learn shame? It would do you good. Or are you a literal kike?

Nice photoshop

The book, The Book Thief a lot of high schools still make students read, has it saying that.

Hitler respected those who presented themselves as superior. Owens was an excellent Olympian. Hitler respected that.

Still didn't want blacks in Germany though (but then in that era, no white person wanted them in their states.)

Do you have any more arguments? your previous arguments were dismantled. You're basically sperging out now because all you have left is your hatred. There's no real facts or intellectual substance to your theories. If you can even call "oh they were small" a valid argument to begin with.

2.4 million isn't small. Even for the time period. So you're wrong again.

You were proven wrong because Russians did indeed fight with the Axis Powers in order to liberate Russia from Jewish Imperialism. I have proven this with fact, not assumption as you have provided. Video proof: youtube.com/watch?v=SlSynKXB8RM

So, the false narrative that Adolf Hitler and the Axis Powers in WW2 were out to kill everyone who wasn't German is debunked. Simply not true. In other words propaganda. Like WMD's in Iraq. 100% false fake news.


In high school I was taught that Hitler went into a fit of rage after his Aryan athlete defeated by a black man and had the athlete killed. No joke. It wasn't until college that my history professor told us that Hitler called out the United States numerous times for their meddling hypocrisy on the situation in Germany and ignoring their own race relations at home.

>Hitler respected those who presented themselves as superior.
I'm sorry, are you 6 years old?

We literally just had a good goy movie called "Race" released like last year. Whole thing is about evil white Nazis getting blacked.

This. Hitler hated all jews and communists because they were rats who expected to get living without effort. Slavery years in US had proven that black men could work hard. This olympic winner was a good example of hard work. Of course hitler would love him.

I found the dirty, hook nosed kike!

>Sup Forums wastes an entire thread talking about niggers instead of talking about how to use this story to meme Blacks into supporting Hitler
I'm not mad, just... disappointed.

why are niggers so entitled


Hitler didn't give a shit about other races as long as they weren't living in german soil

Have you read any of my post? It is essentially a masters class in doing exactly that.

This is factually untrue. Hitler was part of the multicultural Axis Powers in WW2 fighting against Jewish Imperialism. It was a world wide effort

lol are you seriously this stupid? Does physical evidence play no role in your world view?

The main thread photo is your dream meme.

Well you're just a conspiracy theorist who believes in the holocaust. The holocaust never happened. It was a lie, in the same fashion as the WMD's in Iraq was.

These types lies are commonly used to justify War.

i think this was at the very end of the war, you know when Hitler knew he was losing and had to replenish his forces.

> (OP)
>I thought this was common knowledge? Hitler really didn't care either way about blacks, there were a lot of mulatto babies in Nazi Germany.

hitler blamed jews for trying to "negrify" (and slavify) germany. he also thought france may end up becoming fully negrified

I don't follow your reasoning there. Why would you assume this?

i dont think Hitler ever intended other "inferior" races to serve his army.

he simply got desperate at the end of the war and started to recruit everything that can hold a rifle.

I dont know much about this subject, so please feel free to correct me if im wrong

All evidence was found by the Soviets; Americans never found any supporting evidence.

Do you really trust Stalin?

The photo is shopped in order to shock people into learning the true story. When people look into it for themselves they learn Hitler did shake Owens hand. It was Roosevelt who snubbed him.

The narrative is "Hitler is Racist".

Ok, so even further proof debunking this accusation is located (Multicultural Soldiers in the German Wehrmacht)
and again, youtube.com/watch?v=SlSynKXB8RM (Russian Cossack Soldiers in the German Wehrmacht)

>2.4 million isn't small. Even for the time period. So you're wrong again.

M8 the forces i mentioned are added to the White Army in most counting.

>Do you have any more arguments? your previous arguments were dismantled. You're basically sperging out now because all you have left is your hatred. There's no real facts or intellectual substance to your theories. If you can even call "oh they were small" a valid argument to begin with.

M8 you haven't done shit to dismantle my arguments, or my main point. Which is that Hitler cared not for the Russian Nation or People, and he clearly didn't.

>So, the false narrative that Adolf Hitler and the Axis Powers in WW2 were out to kill everyone who wasn't German is debunked. Simply not true. In other words propaganda. Like WMD's in Iraq. 100% false fake news.

Where have I ever implied that?

>Video proof

M8 I have disproved that like 3 times already. The Russian Cossack division were Don Cossacks and other Cossack factions that in the Russian Civil war wanted a heavily autonomous region, and in some cases independence.

And I am surprised that you keep falling back to that, when you have stuff like the RLA.

You need to work on your shop skills.

very true

yours on the other hand - is it magic or sorcery i am seeing?

Jew sorcery.

IE a very expensive ad campaign by a NGO.

Google Unhate

Those pictures are most likely from the years when Nazi germany was actually on the offensive and recruited like minded people from the countries they invaded in the different fronts they fought in.

What you are probably thinking of is volkssturm, which was almost entirely comprised of Germans

>M8 the forces i mentioned are added to the White Army in most counting.
You clearly have lost your train of thought.
>M8 you haven't done shit to dismantle my arguments, or my main point. Which is that Hitler cared not for the Russian Nation or People, and he clearly didn't.
Not an argument. I proved he did care by accepting Russian Cossack forces in order to liberate Russia. (See youtube.com/watch?v=SlSynKXB8RM)
>Where have I ever implied that?
>M8 I have disproved that like 3 times already. The Russian Cossack division were Don Cossacks and other Cossack factions that in the Russian Civil war wanted a heavily autonomous region, and in some cases independence.
You have not disproved anything. You just keep repeating yourself like a broken record. You are wrong. Here is why, the Russian Cossack's fighting in the German Wehrmacht were previously known as The White Movement. You can learn more about them here en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_movement

You continue to spiral downward into profanity and your emotions because that is all you really have; your blind hate.

hitler liked the bbc

Owens said so himself.

The kikes tricked you good son.

>poorly-photoshopped picture with the word OHIO right next to Hitler

I feel like this is no coincidence...

>Jew sorcery.
ah the lengths they will go to.

>Not an argument. I proved he did care by accepting Russian Cossack forces in order to liberate Russia.
>You just keep repeating yourself like a broken record

M8 if we are linking wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don_Cossacks#February_1917_Revolution

Two large parts of the White Army, and two largest groups of the Cossack German Units, wanted highly autonomous or independence during both the Russian Civil War and WW2.

Not to mention that your whole argument is based of accepting a fighting force willing to do what he wanted, no leader in the history of leaders would say no.


very red pill.