Kill babies, its completely normal

I have been waiting for liberal progressives to embrace this.

Looks like u brits will be the first to sacrifice your offspring in the name of progress.

Parents should be allowed to have their newborn babies killed because they are “morally irrelevant” and ending their lives is no different to abortion, a group of medical ethicists linked to Oxford University has argued.

The article, published in the Journal of Medical Ethics, says newborn babies are not “actual persons” and do not have a “moral right to life”. The academics also argue that parents should be able to have their baby killed if it turns out to be disabled when it is born.

The journal’s editor, Prof Julian Savulescu, director of the Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics, said the article's authors had received death threats since publishing the article. He said those who made abusive and threatening posts about the study were “fanatics opposed to the very values of a liberal society”.

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Forgot to add this is satanic even if satan is not real this is sick. All liberals kys

i agree with the disabled part, cuz people shouldnt have to raise literal degenerates. but the other parts are stupid.


It's hard to find compelling arguments for a pro-life position when its proponents use 'satanic' unironically

>not “actual persons” and do not have a “moral right to life”
>Julian Savulescu
>born in Australia
This is just an Ausfag IRL trolling, he knows it will cause a shitstorm or opposition and tears

But it's completely logical. If you think killing "fetuses" is okay, then so is killing infants. What's the difference? And comatose people and elderly who can't provide for themselves are next on the chopping block. That's the type of morality abortion leads to.

They've come full circle

infants cont live without care from their mother therefore they are not living humans.

Fact: countries should be allowed to have their non-white, homosexual and leftist population killed because they are “morally irrelevant” and ending their lives is no different to a very very very late term abortion

t. self taught philosopher

People on welfare cant live without government therefore they are not living humans. Lets kill them first. See how that works u libfag

this. Although I'd rather care for a nice retard than a screaming leftist any day.

Only a bit longer until it's not only okay but morally right to genocide Conservatives.

Liberals are so desperate to keep their wealth and power. Just read the bible and about ancient civilizations who went through this sickness.

Pretty much a large mass of wealthy lazy individuals come to power, they want to maintain their power because they fear the lower classes will over take them, so they kill newborns (especially males) in attempt to cull the population.

It's all about control. And guess who advocates much of this shit? The boomer generation.

Once you fags realize not all but the majority boomers are mentally ill and don't care one bit about your future in this world, you have just taken a very large red pill that was obvious and in your face for a long time.

>this frog is unironically an atheist
>this frog wonders why Achmed is conquering his land

>fanatics opposed to the very values of a liberal society

At least they're direct.

They wouldn't have to deal with retards if they didn't wait until they were 45 to have children.

Meanwhile, during a time of mass drownings that everybody has already heard of many times because it's pushed like hell, a picture of a dead refugee baby face down on a beach in a posed photograph causes leftists around the world to wank themselves off 'round the clock as though it provided any new insight into anything at all or gave us any new information about what was going on in the Mediterranean.

I mean FFS. That could not have been more of a manufactured and disingenuous outcry. Meanwhile, this is not degeneracy. I just wish people would be consistent DESU.

Black Lives Matter so it's not the same you racist.

B-blacks commit most abortions.



>Kill babies, its completely normal
Killing babies is illegal, fuckwad.

We need a sensible eugenics program to prevent unseemly shit like this from happening.

Hey suckdick! Do u reading comprehensive much?

I just thought of an argument against the "it has no brain function so it's ethical to kill it" line of reasoning. It's no doubt been thought of before, but anyway.

Ask them if they were told their mother was in a coma where she experienced next to no brain function for a few months, but after that she would be fine. Would they just kill her instead? They probably wouldn't. So why would you kill a unborn child that's a few months away from consciousness?

I'm trying to think of justifiable reasons to kill your kid and honestly the only reason that I keep coming back to is because it's convenient.

>liberals always scream about how slippery slope is a fallacy
>abortion being used to justify murdering more babies
When's the cutoff for "moral irrelevance"? You could argue a person is "morally irrelevant" until their brain fully develops in the mid 20s.

Employment skills etc.

>moralcucks getting triggered over this

imo post-birth abortion should be legal until about 4 years old when the child's intelligence is starting to surpass that of an animal.

You seem very narrow minded and perturbed by this. Would I be right in assuming you have some kin that are Ministers?

How about I post birth abort you, you fucking shit stain?

What about if the baby has down syndrome or autism?

>”I have been assured by a very knowing American of my acquaintance in London, that a young healthy child well nursed is at a year old a most delicious, nourishing, and wholesome food, whether stewed, roasted, baked, or boiled ...”

You are not? And no im not religious at all.

This is beyond fucked up.

The only situation in which I can agree with euthanizing a child is that if they have a some sort of disability that leaves them in constant severe pain and unable to ever function. Something like this

Even autism and downs syndrome are possible to deal with.

>"They say you die twice. Once when you stop breathing and the second, a bit later on, when somebody mentions your name for the last time."
T. ed Gein


If we killed all the "autism" babies Sup Forums would die

*wipes dust off of genuine sharpened katana on my wall*

come try it fucko

Buddy, have I got a story for you...


If they start killing new born babies I think it will truly be time for a revolution.

I mean, at that point if you don't fight back you are complacent.

I've read a modest proposal lol. Meant sauce on the pic. All for killing babies talk too

Sauce is from personal collection

Finally. Just like Hitler wanted.

This is just going to get worse guys. Advances in biotech, AI, automation all threaten human dignity and new ethical dilemmas will appear.

I'm really sorry I was ever an atheist. I feel like a religious awakening is the only bulwark against this.

Automatically kill all babies in the lower 50% percentile IQ-wise according to the parent's IQ since they're likely to be a burden on society.

t. all non-white kids and liberal offspring are automatically killed based on author's logic

Please consider:

Brits why?

>The academics also argue that parents should be able to have their baby killed if it turns out to be disabled when it is born.

Oh shit, published in a legit journal wtf lol

These satanists, notice how one of them is literally names (((Minerva)))?!?!

The Female Uterus already does that, if not at a rate higher than even the lower 50%.

>some people aren't really people and it's OK to kill them

Oh gee yeah, can't see THAT precedent getting misused at all.

Before abortion was wildly accessible women would kill their newborns. A lot of prostitute's were guilty of this. This was when the only form of medical abortion was an infusion of peppermit and oil. I could see this happening again if abortion and pills become illegal. Women who do not want children don't care to murder them, a teen gave birth in the bathroom during her school dance and slit it's throat on the paper towel dispenser immediately after. Some women shouldn't have the right to get pregnant but it happens.

At first there was triggering, then
>Should be killed if disabled when born

>in ethics

Oh look, its a non story about some faggots causing deliberate controversy to stave off the feelings of a wasted life that pursuing a fucking professorship in fucking ethics brings.

>>killing babies no different from abortions
They're right: It's still murder.

laic shitstain. Everything is your fault.
Enjoy gorging on lava hot demon semen when You're dead.

>Violating the NAP
Just wait until one of those babies pops out of the womb with a thumb nuke.

This. Funny how logic works, eh.

>It's a medical "ethicists" with an elementary level understand of philosophy try to use "muh brain functions" as a justification for murder
>Murder of fucking infants nonetheless
Biologists and people in biology related fields need to stay the fuck out of philosophical debates, and this is coming from someone working on a P.A degree by the way. If we went off of the level of consciousness in a living organism to determine if it's okay to kill it then any time something falls asleep I could say it has ceased being self aware and killing it is perfectly fine. Also it's a stupid fucking argument even on a biological level because mammals are designed to give birth to greatly underdeveloped young since it provides an overall advantage to survival so there's nothing naturally wrong with babies anyways.

Yes, but they are advocating killing babies while abortion is legal.

Oops. Our bad. I guess the communist-time abortion ban really upset him.