So Donald Trump's advisor has said that the president doesn't believe that the judiciary is 'supreme'. This means he'll likely violate the constitution and resign or be impeached. What happens then?
So Donald Trump's advisor has said that the president doesn't believe that the judiciary is 'supreme'...
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It isn't supreme though. Judiciary was suppose to be weakest branch, because all they did was uphold the constitution. They've grabbed so much power they're legistrating from the bench. Meanwhile the legistrative branch has become the weakest.
reminder that trump is agnostic.
reminder that OP is a faggot.
America elected trump, he represents the people.
>uphold the constitution
You mean make sure everyone is making legal decisions?
The electoral college elected Trump
Oh, the judges are going to impeach him?
the three branches are equal, none is supreme.
The judiciary also does not have the power to write laws. The 9th circuit (which has become a political group, due to intentionally political appointments) is totally compromised and ~80% of their decisions are overturned.
Given that they made no references to the law in their ruling against Trump's EO shows that they simply don't care about the law. The EO was 100% within the President's power, and the courts didn't even try to refute this.
The fact the popeis Catholic and he prays to mary is idolatry in itself. Get fucked.
and good thing too, otherwise California would be the one deciding the president forever.
Yes. However they're suppose to be above political divide, and Judge solely based on the constitution. Which clearly the 9th Court didn't do. They instead went with MUH FEELS, and were against the ban in the first place.
They already formed an opinion without hearing the legal arguments.
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>Hurrdurr I have no argument so let's pick on something minor
>executive and legislative branches all agree on the travel ban
>judicial doesn't, and hinders the progress of the plans
I'm not gonna argue with someone who hasn't even taken the time to learn how to properly spell the key words in his argument.
cuz u cant nigger
haha people get so upset when you point out their ignorance.
>The Judiciary is supreme
Nigger, They could literally be impeached by the Congress and Senate tomorrow if they voted to do so. Did you even take a Civics course? Of course you didn't you millennial faggot.
>I'm not going to argue
"Gonna" is slang, not a real word. If you're going to be a grammar Nazi, stay true to your ideals. If you don't, you're a faggot.
not an intellectual argument
>legislative has become the weakest
...seriously when was the last time those fuckers actually passed a bill?
The same thing happened in 2000, al gore won popular vote. This is not a popularity contest, only electoral matters.
yes because the big cities really represent the entire country
I still managed to spell this slang word correctly, thats the thing buddy.
I don't come here for intellectual stimulation. I do however come here to watch people who think they have it all figured out argue with on another.
Reminds me of when I was a kid at the zoo. Chimps flinging their shit at each other.
come back when you learn how to reply properly monkey
okay friend.
please continue your intellectual conversation
The 9th Circuit can be overruled on any number of levels, they're in no way "supreme"
it isn't supreme. no branch is supposed to be supreme over the others.
should be
should be
>Reminds me of when I was a kid at the zoo.
What reminds you? This sentence lacks a subject.
You're a piss poor grammar nazi. These chimps at least act like chimps. You're a chimp who pretends to be human.
BTW, better video of that portland protest
>when those antifa faggots get tackled by police and the crowd goes wild.
Well no, they are suppose to be equal. The Law is supreme and even the president is ruled by it.
However the judges are not above the law themselves to change it as they see fit, Which has become a major problem since civil rights.
The liberal judges think they control unrestricted power when it comes to muh oppression. Even for non-citizens apparently.
ayyyy man no reason to be so mean.
>The Vatican isn't one big ostenatious megachurch
What happens when the judiciary is being unconstitutional? The other branches need to defy them to reign them in
the judiciary isn't supreme and it isn't grounds for impeachment you stupid fuck.
judicial tyranny isn't constitutional
Civil War is next
In the past, your presidents have outright ignored the rulings of the Supreme court. In fact, Lincoln is praised for it.
>He believes that the judiciary isn't supreme
So did the authors of the Constitution. My goodness. Learn some history. The Supreme Court doesn't have the power of judicial review expressly delegated to it and Presidents CAN AND HAVE defied it in the past.
What happens next is that America will be in for a shock.
Too bad Trump doesn't have Eisenhower's mindset
>“Whenever normal agencies prove inadequate to the task and it becomes necessary for the Executive Branch of the Federal Government to use its powers and authority to uphold Federal Courts, the President’s responsibility is inescapable.”
Read the federalist papers and see why a mob of the people should be kept weakened.
I'm sure the Catholic Church is worth billions of dollars. Maybe the Pope should spread the wealth and stop settling child moleststion cases
>So Donald Trump's advisor has said that the president doesn't believe that the judiciary is 'supreme'. This means he'll likely violate the constitution and resign or be impeached. What happens then?
OP. Get better news sources. Her'es the VERY NEXT STATMENT.
>“We don’t have judicial supremacy in this country,” Mr. Miller said. “We have three co-equal branches of government.”
The people losing their shit about this are chumps and morons.