I'm 3/4 Europeans (75%), and I say race-mixing makes some damn WHITE kids!!!!
I'm 3/4 Europeans (75%), and I say race-mixing makes some damn WHITE kids!!!!
Hey crater face.
Holy shit you're ugly.
>1/4 spic
poor you sucker
>shit facial genetics
>is okay because muh white
It'd be more beneficial to the white race if you didn't reproduce.
post boipucci. Why the fuck do we call it that?
what is your quarter? native american? turkish? clearly something ugly...
Fucking gross
What tribe?
You look like a Brazilian soccer player
No clue. My mom is from Mexico.
Yea you are ugly as fuck. Nice illegal alien mustache you have there too. You should be deported for having that mustache alone.
You look like typical Sup Forumslack. You will fit nicely here.
you dont look white, you look like a burger
He would look white if he lost the spic stache. That's the only thing making him look nonwhite
>it's another muh heritage I'm not an ugly mutt episode
You look like a fucking dope
>I have to share this with everyone... I ran into a friend I haven't seen in a very long time earlier today.......we made some small talk, and then she said to me, "How do you like what's going on with that SOB Trump...I said, "What do you mean"! She said, "Don't you watch the news"? I knew then there was going to be a problem...I said, "Of course I do". She said, "well then you know". I said "yes". she said, "and"?, I said, " and what", I thought here it comes,... I was right!!!! I couldn't help myself but I started laughing...she said, "what's so funny"? I then really started to laughing. I couldn't help myself.. I just got into a laughing fit!!!..She said, "oh no, you're not one that drank the orange cool aid, are ya"? I couldn't stop laughing because she had this maniacal look in her eyes which made me laugh harder. By then, she said, that she was sorry that she ran into me because I ruined her day and walked away shaking her head....and by then , I was hysterically laughing...I left the store and bought nothing...lol... Oh Well, another friend I lost!
>Can't grow proper facial hair
Is OP ugly? As far as I can see he just need some acne cream.
OP looks like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Whether you're a fag and find him cute, that's you man.
That guy was like, 5'0.
I've found a lot of mixed white/American Indian have acne problems...
It's about the balance between oil production and pore size being fucked genetically
I'm 20 and full white (and a little bit Sephardi Jew so that should make it thicker right?) and my facial hair game is weaker than his, and my facial hair is like blonde
>oy vey, i'm 100% white goys!
>can't grow facial hair, though.
kys nigger
sorry pal
you're not white
>1/32 Sephardi Jew, which is watered down hair Semite blood with some Slav and Latin
>The Rest is Spanish, German, Anglo-Celtic, and Swedish
>can't grow facial hair
really makes you think
Friendly reminder Sup Forums is a Latino board
I'm 1/8 Spanish (directly from Spain to US) , does that make me Hispanic? I know I wouldn't be Latino
He's handsome though.
he doesn't look bad if you take out the acne.
very asymmetrical face
Yea but bearly
Everybody is ignoring the fact that this faggot had the balls to show his face.
Guys, we need to cut off his face and wear it. You feel?
those are scars.and some of them are flesh wounds, meaning he picks at them like some OCD chimp