Cato > *

Cato > *

The Economist is almost buzzfeed-tier regarding politics. Utter crap

Vox, Jezebel, ThinkProgress are biased as hell, as recognized here, but I would consider to be of the lowest quality.

>Black Lives Matter
>High Quality

RT is horrible

only larping shills approve of that site

on that kys

infowars doesn't even belong on the spectrum
anyone who says otherwise is a shill

Infowars is a perfect way on getting GENERATION Z into the right.

I say move infowars up near WND or Red State.

Its on the interdimentional specutrum. We cant conceive of it

uh oh hope ur prepared for "CNN SHOULD BE IN THE BOTTOM LEFT"

NPR being slightly "leans left" is laughable.

>the blaze
>right wing
Isn't that the Glenn Beck faggot?

>not in bottom left
>bbc & WaPo
>not hyper partisan

>Vice is at leans left

Thats old Vice, new Vice is around where Vox is.

it feels like just last year when vice would make cool documentaries that no one else would make
i miss old vice

shane is a fucking jew

>media matters
>not "literal propaganda paid for by PACs"-tier
>high quality

their tv arm has good-ish content (the bumps and interludal commercials are total dogshit though)

Where is Daily Stormer?

>High quality

Seems reasonable.

Have the unedited version of this image?

Why is Drudge report even there?

I find that NPRs actual news reporting is pretty unbiased. They dont pick and choose over major stories and dont tend to have any commentary on their actual news stories.

However whenever they get to the talk show and human interest portions of their programs its all leftist garbage.

Most should be farther Left