If you could develop or organize your ideal prison system to reform and/or punish criminals and offenders for your society, what would it be like?
If you could develop or organize your ideal prison system to reform and/or punish criminals and offenders for your...
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gladiator fights
A tree with ropes hanging from it. Simple, cost-effective. You can reuse the ropes.
If you willingly get sterilized you get a shorter sentence
You outcast them.
If they return, you kill them.
>implying anyone would violate the NAP in a libertarian paradise.
prison society they must live in total anarchy in an 100% max secure enclosure
I think our current system is broken because if you're in a gang or your big your somewhat safe. I think that we should employ some tactics that we use at guantanamo on high level offenders such as humiliation, scare tactics, etc. Prison is supposed to be something your scared of going to and right now the only people 'really' scared are people who dont dont gang bang or arent smart/strong enough to bide well
so basically
Is there some kind of significance to the different tombstone shapes?
The old ways.
No prison. Death, or banishment.
Running Man.
40 years wandering the sub saharan desert only eating Mana.
Have Mana stations and cameras all over the place so everyone can watch them rape and murder each other over nothing.
No mana stations near the edges of the desert to guarantee death of anyone who tries to escape.
GPS embedded into inmates for extraction when their sentence is up and to track down sympathizers try to break them out.
When sentence is over they just drop you off at the edge of the desert, so you have to trek through a bunch of niggers and muslims and earn money if you want to go back to your home country.
A-B testing.
Find the method that gets the most economic output post-arrest, compared with repeat offense.
Test as many of them as you can, all at the same time, and give funding and allocate populations according to results.
It's based on the deceased's genitals.
A big pit in the desert that people can just climb out of.
In the year 2017....
No jaills, no cells, nothing
They are put into a huge forest and are given mininal supplies and the ability to find more supplies (guns, ammo, food and tools to make traps) and 20 inmates must fight to the death and the last 5 who make it out alive are free to go.
After an experience like that, theyd be a completely different man.
A shit ton of hallucinogens and loneliness.
I wanna break their minds, not their bodies, their organs might be useful.
this plus mining for non-combatants. Can have some basic comforts but no free rides
>desert full of 60 year old, hate-filled, African/Mexican, pseudo-organized killers with a death wish against the government that put them there
Congrats, you've just created a new ISIS.
Over the wall
Get on my fucking level you pleb
Only house arrest and parole. Max 21 year sentence like in Norway
If you imprison your enemies they win.
prison camps
no tolerance for inmate on inmate rapes or crimes
No criminal should be a "treat" for another criminal. No one has fun, period.
Everyone should have their souls flayed and drained of life while all pleasures are denied.
Why do people applaud or joke bout prison rape. People who thrive in prison are having fun they wouldn't be having in society.
Murderers, rapists and pedos summarily executed, their bodies Soylent Greened and fed to the other prisoners.
Most of them will die from murdering each other, rape, lack of medicine, exposure. They'd be lucky to make it to 60 even then they'd turn into mummies.
And maybe make it into a safari where vehicles and weapons can self-destruct if hunters somehow end up dieing.
Violent criminals get sent to a prison mine in Northern Alaska where they work 14 hours a day. Further violence in this prison will get a person into a cold, solitary cell made entirely of cement. They'll be put on special "very hard" jobs.
Non-violent criminals get put into a normal prison in Iowa where they help grow corn for 12 hours a day. Violent people from here get sent to Alaska.
I would tell you but it's part of my novel.
Every prisoner has the option to learn a trade which they will pay for by doing hard labor (which is usually generating power for the jail and surplus is sold to the local power companies) and once they finish the trade and a rehabilitation counseling course that prepares them for and decides if they're ready to enter society again
They will serve the rest of their sentence on parole but are given a new job in their trade and if they behave well their sentencing is reduced further.
This is for first time offenders and offenders without any trade skills. Subsequent offenders will have to do hard labor regardless.
Tl;dr you either get made a productive member of society or you benefit society from the inside
Corporal, public punishment. Tyrone beats up Fou Ling, owner of the local supermarket? Tyrone gets 40 lashes in front of his entire neighborhood and carries his scars and nerve damage as a reminder not to do it again. His cleverer friends will see what happened to him and not attempt anything similar.
That's just for crimes like assault and robbery though. For more severe crimes, murder or rape, for example, Tyrone would be executed or castrated in public.
The prison system as it is now is fucking awful. Gangs, rape epidemic, drug dealing within the prisons.
slave labor for the men where the better work they do the less time they have to do labor
women are sent to slave training camps we're they're brainwashed/tortured into submission and then sold to the highest bidder to be slaves for the rest of their lives
if a female slave commits a crime they're just killed
punishable offenses for women include infidelity, accusing a man of raping them, trying to get an abortion (if they actually succeed in getting an abortion they're publicly executed), recreational drug usage (including alcohol and caffeine) (men can use those freely), and posing as a man
This desu
It's a a shame prisoners are let to sit on their assess all day in their shitty cells where their minds degrade to the point they will never integrate into society. They should instead be taught to work hard and to be dedicated to fix their broken lives. What better way to do that than 12 hours per day in the mines or building roads depending on the sentence
if i was president this is what i would do:
minor offenses: fine
major offenses (male criminal): deport or execute
major offenses (female criminal): raped by me and other government officials
>slave labor for the men where the better work they do the less time they have to do labor
>I dindu nuffin!
>castrate/hang Tyrone
>Tyrone disn't actually do it
What do?
>prisoners taking labour from hard working decent people
Fuck you commie
Make prisons shitty again
I agrees, ahmed basharpasha, allahdebedi!
>prisoners have to pay for their cell with hard work
>if they don't they're executed
> Coming from the guy who's prisons are the nicest and most successful in the world and look like this:
>minor offences
Put them in a stockade for a day and people can throw shit at them
>more serious offences (robbery, assault, etc)
Break a few of their bones on a big wheel.
>major offences (sodomy, murder, rape)
Public hanging.
labor camps. send them to the mines to repay their debts to society
LSD and the Amish.
Put them in space
Jettison if they give you trouble
Make it comfortable and "okay" to live in for first offenders, with white-collar work at a quarter minimum wage, counseling, opportunities to better oneself etc, but any escape attempt is instant execution and a second prison sentence gets you the shitty cells and shit blue-collar work instead
>all these state labour faggots
You fucking retards
neck yourself commies
Jeb!'s goblin wife commits treason.
You and your boys really capable of raping that?
hang him for lying, double hang whoever did the crime then let tyrone be sentenced for him
>no distinction between severity of crimes
>traffic tickets count the same as murder
>all criminals are drafted into army as cannon fodder for wars
>take over the world
>no one runs red lights anymore
kek this could make a great sitcom
They are very shitty in bulgaria already, it just turns them into mindless animals when released into public
>Our prisons look like they were built in the 17 century
>2 meals per day consisting of molten bread
>food is so shitty in order to prevent them from gaining muscle mass, they finish their sentence looking like holocaust survivors
>cells are cramped with 6-8 niggers per cell
>full of gypsies who shout and bang all day and rape whiteys. Their favorite pastime slapping each other until one of them gives up/gets knocked out
>constant rape and beatings, the guards don't give a shit and just beat their skulls in if they make too much noise and disrupt the guards's game of cards
>only allowed to onlyb piss/shit once per day at a specifiedbtime for everyone in a bucket that' overfilled with shit/piss from the ones who went before you whenever the guards let you to. If they want to they can let you sleep in your own shit and piss
How in the fucked mother of jesus are these people ever expected to turn into productive members of the society upon the end of their sentence?
Depends on what they did.
honestly this sounds great but you just need to add a few things
a) don't actually ever release them.
b) reinforce walls and truly isolate them
c) underfeed them even more until canibalism. judging by your flag, you guys are probably one or two missed loafs of bread away from that aniway
let the problem eat itself out!
So you would let the 5 most dangerous of the pack, scarred by that experience free to go in society, just betting that this will transform them in a good way? I can't see that going awry.
They would be forced to participate in the economic system they have damaged.
They would be assigned a job — manufacturing, or tech support, whatever they were suited for. As compensation, they would be given clean quarters, adequate food, access to entertainment, and be treated well overall, with job placement assistance after they served their time.
If they refused to do their job or acted up they would be immediately placed on Nutriloaf and placed in solitary confinement. After a hitch in solitary they would be eligible to try the work system again.
Here's the catch: the only way out would be through the work system. Any time spent in solitary wouldn't count toward time served. You'd have to be productive during your time in prison, or you wouldn't be able to escape.
>kill your own economy
The dindus could be used as free labour to fix/build roads, dams, public buildings, etc. Then the money saved from that can be dedicated to ther things or lower taxes. The roadfags will just find a job bulilding houses, no biggie there
Dude modern day Gladiator bouts would be so fucking rad
Sign me up for those season tickets
Front row splash zone, no plastic poncho for this cowboy
>Hello Mr hard working law abiding citizen, I am sorry we have no jobs for you because you cost too much money compared to criminal labour.
Neck yourself commie nip
im glad you asked.
Barracks with standard support and education facilities.
Inmates over 10 y/o will perform close order drill and organized PT and recieve education.
Upon 17 years, inmate will serve remainder of concurrent sentence in
either RRC or LRC.
-All offenders under 14 years. (feloney segregated).
-All Non-Feloney offenders 14-17 years only.
Standard minimum-security prison, with access to private support
facilities. Prisoners will perform on-site\off-site labor (Public work only)
and receive self improvement classes, group therapy, organized PT and
education for basic English proficiency.
Detox Ward and SA Therapy is mandatory for all inmates testing positive for drugs or alcohol.
RRC Code Violations can result in discharge to LRC.
Good Behavior parole for 4/5 time served.
-Adult habitual offenders of sumptuary laws.***
-Adult non-feloney offenders sentenced to incarceration.
-Adult feloney offenders against property under $1000.
Barricade, Minimal Barracks and field grade support facilities,
preferably adjacent to a rural worksite.
Can be contracted out for organized private work for
half minimum wage paid to the State per prisoner.
LRC Code Violations can result in Extra Punitive Detention. (w/ Time added)
Good Behavior parole for 4/5 time served.
-Adult offenders against persons except simple assault and battery.
-Adult offenders against justice or the sovereign. (except Contempt of Court)
-Adult habitual feloney offenders. (All classes)
-Adult feloney offenders against property in excess of $1000.
-Adult offenders convicted of using a firearm as an aggravating factor. (ie. Armed Robbery).
-Discharged military felons for remainder of sentence.
-Discharged RRC inmates under violation for remainder of sentence.
-Adult offenders of statutory rape.
intake would work like this......
Upon arrival at the prison, prisoners are to be photographed and required to give detailed autobiographies, beginning with their childhood and ending with their arrest. After that, they're heads are shaved and they are stripped naked, and their possessions confiscated; uniforms are then issued. Inmates are billeted and secured in open-bay field-grade barracks without furniture or fixtures. The prisoners are then taken to their barracks and remain leg-shackled. They are to sleep on the floor without mats or blankets and are forbidden to talk to each other. A waste-bucket is available for prisoners at night and sanitized daily.
The day in the prison begins at 0500 when prisoners ar ordered to strip for inspection. The guards checked to see if the shackles were loose or if the prisoners had hidden objects they could use to commit suicide or attack others. The prisoners receive a bowl of rice-bean-milk stew and one orange three times a day. The inmates are to drink a quart of water en masse at four scheduled times daily. Drinking or eating outside of schedule is a serious infraction. Prisoners are to work 12 hour shifts (0600 - 1800) daily with one 15 min lunch break. Prisoners are to be in their cell for sleep by 2100 daily. The inmates are hosed down daily after evening inspection, and are innoculated (PB and Influenza) annualy. Prisoners receive one-hour of corrective education daily.
The prison has strict regulations, and remedial action or sanction will be imposed upon any prisoner who breaches discipline. Almost every action must be approved by one of the prison's guards. Daily schedules are tightly regimented. Guards and prisoners are not allowed to converse. Prisoners in different groups are not allowed to have contact with one another. During any movement, prisoners are to be shackeled to one another at all times. Punishment for infractions can range from punitive work detail, to intensive isolation, enhanced restraint, diminished rations and sleep deprivation. Collective punishment is also execised to encourage self-regulation amongst the prisoners.
Most prisoners held have signs of sociopathic behavior. These prisoners are to under go intensive counseling sessions. Treatment is designed to make prisoners confess to and recognize whatever wrongs, failures or transgressions they have ever caused and then to build positive social traits and construct a plan for functional living. Prisoners that are non-responsive to treatment may receive Electro Convulsive Therapy (ECT) and\or a regular regime of Benzodiazepines to assist the counseling process. Some prisoners may elect for Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) to correct their sociopathic behavior in return for a reduced sentence.
And what about the housing fags? They suddenly have an excess of labour and drive down wages.
Fucking commie fags never learn that your can't artificially manipulate supply and demand without negative effects.
I'd rather be hung than have my bones broken in all limbs in a non-surgical way senpai and bleed to death slowly due to massive hemorrhaging and blood loss.
I concur. Keep me a seat, i'll bring food
There would be no prisons because everything would either be legal or punishable by death.
dont you have corn to shove up your ass?
Why not just blow their brains put instead of wasting precious resourses on maintaining 300 year old prisons and bread to watch a bunch of gypsies being subhuman and fuck each other? They do that in public anyways.
Generally unpopular opininion, but I think the Panopticon in your Pic would be less cruel and more effective at maintaining order an control in a prison than the current system of shared cells interspersed with periods of isolation.
Not too sure if it would be as cost effective though.
And of course an ideal prison system would have the prisoners working, stick a prison ontop of a working coal mine and just watch the offending rates drop and the GDP rise!
This is why your damp island is so limp-wristed, Muhammad. No imagination.
The clients who received the products/services would pay full value for them. The prisoners' unpaid salaries would pay for tax breaks, education, and job training for the useful in society. Prison labor would be used for the jobs that illegal laborers do now.
My laughter rings uncontrollably in your head. Closing your eyes only increases its intensity.
thats some serial killer manifesto shit right there
we have atleast one like that
Large scale prisons mostly run by machines built by mechanical engineers.
The only reason prisons are expensive are the "risks" taken by guards such that they get 150k a year. Just design a robotic system and phase them out.
Also anyone cause doing certain crimes beyond and doubt like murders caught on tape, Immediate headhshot then set them on fire. Get the punishment cost down to 5 bucks or less. Maybe some lighter fluid or gasoline to help it along.
Nah its cool lad, I get ya man.
Who gives a fuck about labour being forced into unemployment because it can't compete with prison workers if you get cheap shit.
Neck yourself commie
gotta have dreams
>wages are driven down
>housing boom because cheap labour
>real estate prices plummet
>some housefags turn to some other construction job/switch to services
>real estate prices are down so people start buying
>consumption drives prices back up and everything goes back to how it was + free dindu labour
Capitalism is a beautiful thing desu
Unemployable short person detected
Base the legal system on one question:
Is this person welcome to live amongst us in society, or not? Deportation at the State's convenience, after any appropriate prison term, is the alternative.
This is simple enough for anyone to keep in the back of their mind, guiding theor decisions.
Answering the question is still difficult though.
The murderer is not welcome. The repeat offender of minor crime is not welcome.
This deportation outcome would be a separate, extra layer on the normal legal system. Basically it makes living in a given society a luxury not a right.
Just send them here.
>Generally unpopular opininion
Why? The panopticon is a great concept
I worked in a prison.
It just redpilled me more than anything
I think sjw's should be sent to prisons and hang with these "poor people who are just victims of society" and all that shit.
>where they help grow corn
I hope that corn is for them to eat and not the population, Would you trust a criminal with your food?
Fucking kek you retarded commie
You build a shit load of houses with no demand for them, people aren't magically going to occupy them.
Look at post war northern England for that example retard. Labour oversaw nationalised effort to construct housing to help Britain recover from the war, but retarded socialist that they are thought they could predict demand better than the free market and booooom
Manchester and Liverpool are slum cities!
Fuck off commie
If people needed more houses their would be more demand for them and that demand would be filled by the current labour force as their is profit to be made, you can't artificially create demand unless you fuck over the current labour force and reduce their pay/replace them with slave labour, which is all kinds of fucked up for the working class you red cunt.
Don't you have niggers burning down your cities to worry about boy?
I will never understand this. When were fascists ever afraid? The ones that died at war sure weren't.
One prison, a large on, in Antarctica. No cells. Just one giant room. Supplies dropped monthly. Public live stream available of the entire prison, 24/7.
Kill all multiple offender.
The rest should have after their imprisonment a microchip deep in their ass following their every step. Normal citizens can you use an app to track them and avoid them.