BLM leader claims white people are subhumans

>BLM leader claims white people are subhumans
>White people need white supremacy as a survival mechanism
>Claims blacks could wipe out the genetically inferior whites if they wanted to

Sup Forums BTFO! How will white subhumans even recover?

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We'll recover by wiping this racist off the face of the Earth.


kek niggers basically treat us like jews

More proof of why I hate BLM. I can not wait until they declare those fucks terrorists or enemies of the state.

>bi-racial identity crisis
>drank the we wuz kangs meme kool aid
>attention seeking

All we have here is a low IQ individual, she might pro create but her weaker genes will eventually die out in the ever changing high information landscape humans are currently facilitating. I understand and pity her fears.

Who "they" lol? American elites created this plague. Niggers could never organize something bigger than a tribe.

Just serves to show how retarded BLM is, Europeans easily conquered the entire continent of africa, USA is atleast has the same power as Europe, we could easily wipe their race off the face of the planet, but we dont while black people keep preaching white genocide

>wipe out the white race if we had the power to
>if we had the power to

>says island nigger satan

> she might pro create but her weaker genes will eventually die out
Lol stop with these retarded theories. She is a female, she can procreate any second she wants and your state will fund her broodlings.
However if you want to procreate even once, you 'll have to pay till the end of your life even if you don't succeed, even if the child is not from you, etc


>white supremacy means whites are inferior.

Holy Orwellian language Batman.

Whites will not survive while they embrace marxist concepts like condemning "racism"

The left was clapping their hands while whites are ethnically cleansed all over the world
Now our countries are almost fucking dead
The US is an election or two away from permanent democrat majorities

Can we hurry up and COINTELPRO these monkeys?

Why would you kill millions because of 1 retarded bitch? Kill her and those who fund her.

man oh man when does the time come to start killing these faggots, charlie hebdo their offices and then visit their families?

do we have to wait they do it to us?

>blm claims they want equality
>leader literally believes I eugenics

oh very nice pic user, saving, and yes i agree

there are too many peons working for these people, they are easy targets, and impossible to protect.

these people must start to die violently, working for soros need to be a FUCKING SCARY PROSPECT because you know not only you will die but your family too

Africa was conquered by whites fucking forever ago, colonized it, left, and then it all went to shit once the white people left, do you really think they have anything on us?

there's so many things about this crap i cannot even comment on them all, so fuck it. i'm just gonna go be white somewhere else

hes right. Your people are killing themselves off , once the numbers get low enough, the negro will outnumber you.

Completely agree.

Whites are too fucking compassionate. Probably the easiest race to stab in the back.

Yeah but the negro is being outbred by Mexicans and Asians. The negro will never inherit America and will always be a second class citizen.

That's what blacks don't understand, even if whites die off every other race hates them until they can use them for a cause. Even George Lopez the cuck said he would never let his daughter date a black.

This idea comes from Nation of Islam and pre-Hajj Malcom X btw. They believe white genes are recessive and blacks are therefore superior or whatever.

Of course you would try to back them up, blacks are the most racist people on the planet, i know because i have been to plenty of those areas and out of 100 people, only about 5 will be decent while the rest would try to fight the white boy intruding on his territory

It's because unlike whites they are never punished for racism.

What is the only reason she isn't picking cotton? Because white people freed her defective ancestors from cotton picking. So she could be a defective nigra on a mic!





No they do get punished, its their behavior thats their problem. They all have that ghetto nigger culture and try to fight the government whenever possible. even if their own people are dying and the government tries to find the killer, they would never tell them who it was.

Well they are fearful, paranoid, and superstitious (typicaly). Things associated with LOW IQ.

>be 13% of population
>start race war

all this projecting is making me wanna go to the movies

> paranoid
> associated with LOW IQ
Not really.

According to that logic the Lion is inferior to the Zebra because it relies on superiority in order to survive.




None of these things are associated with low IQ.

Much as I want to laugh at BLM, Yusra Khogali is legit mentally ill. She's nuts and mean-spirited and horrible, and everyone knows it.

Must suck to be an American Afrocentrist. You're 22% white and by your own admission you're inferior to niggers in Africa who subsist off mud.

What did he mean by this?

nothing new y you know yakub

This is the type of shit that makes me genocidal. Jews and poc bring it on themselves, I swear.

I dunno man Lagos looks pretty decent


Send them back with all of their inventions and contributions. I'd love to see how that turns out.

why is google so racist? i just wanted to learn about 1st world countrys made by black people BUT RACIST BIGOTED GOOGLE JUST TELLS ME THERE ISNT ANY WTF ITS GOOGLES FAULT WEWUZKANGSNJKLNF


>whites are subhumans
>subhumans dominate the world
>the world wants to be like us
>subhumans have higher iq
makes sense

>White people need white supremacy as a survival mechanism
Isn't that what the KKK has been saying for centuries?

>calls for genocide
>that's not the title of the article

MSM playing free damage control again

>race war begins
>Oh yeah time to kill whitey!
>Bix nood
>blacks start pillaging
>then they do the worst thing they could for themselves,they start killing those who provide for them financially
>white people defend themselves
>kill blacks by thugs and antifa by the ass load
>blacks and antifa turn tail and hide
>aww shit son too late now
>commies get registered as terrorists
>put in camps
>America is great again

>"Your people are killing themselves off"
United States Black on Black homicide rate:93%

>How will white subhumans even recover?
We start by retaking Constantinople, then the holy lands


I'd fucking like to see them try.

Soros really wants that race war
Think about this though, when it does not happen, and he is on his death bed, he is gonna be so mad his plans failed

they want reparations. That's it, I'm not kidding. Everything they do is because of gibs

Not so shocking that he has been funding anti-gun orgs like IANSA, is it?

Gabon is actuaily a nice country because they have oils.

Can we compile a list of high ranking BLM people saying anti white stuff and promoting violence towards police?


> wipe out the white race if we had the power to

Thanks for saying it in the open. That's what is needed for white people to become ethno-centric again.

Also: many blacks are a resentful people.

Is Canada even exist, or its just a meme country like Sweden?

This. What do you think the asians, and even mexicans, the legal ones anyway, would do? I'm positive they would not be helping the blacks

>literally every important invention/discovery/idea was invented/discovered/thought of by a white person

Actually, there is a name for this: evolution.

They're trolls. My fav of their work was when they stormed into the pride parade, called it racist and started issuing demands, which the city council quickly agreed to.

It's not like Sup Forums doesn't claim the exact opposite every single minute. Blacks lashing out at whites happened because of the rising alt right movement. The left and right fuel their hatred against one another.



I bet $50000 that it was someone on Sup Forums who made that

Wew, that takes me back.
.....I've wasted over a decade on this Samoan spear fishing forum...

Tell me how these niggers want to end racism if they keep sayin shit like this ? Fuckin subhumans. I hope slavery will be back.

>recessive genes are weak genes
When will this moronic meme end

Classified as terrorists when?

Hispanics would cull the weaker Hispanic side, like they always do.

he funds pretty much all commie orgs and orgs that want to undermine people's rights and freedom. He is the most subversive Son of a bitch alive right now. Hopefully Trump will label all his shit he funds as terrorist groups so we don't have to deal with this divisive shit anymore.

We've been fucked by leftist governments pretty bad since the 60's, though the roots really go back to the UK fucking us over to prevent us from becoming like the US.

They didn't even storm it. Pride literally gave them THE FIRST FLOAT as a sign of goodwill even though BLM has nothing to do with the pride parade and as soon as it started they stopped moving and started protesting, holding up the entire thing.

>Claims blacks could wipe out the genetically inferior whites if they wanted to
The level of delusion is astounding, even the limited technology we apply to warzones in the name of limited collateral is miles beyond anything Africa or black people globally could muster. If it ever did come down to the mythical no holds barred race war black people would be so outclassed it'd be like shooting deer from a helicopter.

>tfw too intelligent for civilization

It's their inferiority complex that fuels this. They see how successful whites are and then see their race and the state it's in. This makes them feel beneath whites. Then they want to bitch and moan all their life without actually acting to make it better, they will always be like this.

>monkey mad that ancestors didn't mate with neanderthal & get superior intelligence: the post

Good lord the ahistorical minds on people. It was happening long, long before Trump's election dear.

>literally wipe out the white race if we had the power to
>entire continent of black people but no empire


George Lopez has no say in who his daughter dates.

it's certain that they will wipeout whites in South Africa.

All it requires is overpopulation -> one food shortage -> angry Blacks -> target all outsiders to the tribe.

It's predictable social dynamics.

Is this the woman that believes melanin gives you superpowers, or the woman that is under investigation for embezzling money from UoT? I can never remember.

I think it's the one who needs snackbar's power to not kill/cuss whitey.


I fucking hate how these people try and twist language

>don't worry..race war coming soon...i'm investing in rope.

its true, and Sup Forums has known this for a long time. It is why racemixing results in white genocide, the white half of the child is recessive

I think we'll get over it when we rule the world.


> Prior to 1994, immigrants from elsewhere faced discrimination and even violence in South Africa. After democratisation in 1994, contrary to expectations, the incidence of xenophobia increased

How the fuck do you even pronounce that?


i live in toronto. If someone could help an user out.

>be african
>discover fire
>last thursday

Gee whiz and (((((they))))) still wonder why Trump won.