Anyone else seeing rampant Satanic symbolism going on at the Granny's?

Not that this is anything new, but it's always interesting to see how blatant it is. Check out this adidas ad


Also remember seeing an ad for a bottled drink with the "ok" hand sign around an eye per typical.

Anyone else notice things at the grammys?

Other urls found in this thread:

>so I was watching the Grammys

Let me stop you right there.

Thanks for sharing user,

Thats pretty screwed up.

Have you seen the matthew mcconaughey taurus lincoln ads?

can someone redpill me on the birth of venus painting?

bump out of interest

i'm also interested in a source for biblical symbolism/ symbolism in art in general. i'm making art for my band and want to incorporate symbolism, but not degenerate satanic shit

Adidas ad is super creepy

Im not saying you are wrong, thuth is that I don't know

But don't you think that maybe you are looking to hard into it?
I mean yeah, that adidas ad looks weird, but to say its satanic its a too much imo

It's kinda like when feminist see sexism in everything

Anything that looks weird is satanic!! Congratulations you're a crazy fundie


Bless this man and his magnificent voice

Guys cmon

Satanic or not, it definitely uses occult symbology and appeases to the baser animal instincts of humans.

It's just greek mythos symbolism. The only redpill is that it was commissioned by the Medici family and that the reason for painting greek myth was that it was the only culturally acceptable way to show nudes at the time.

>A bunch of niggers been satanic

Why am I not surprised

Just watched. There is absolutely 0 "Satanic" symbolism in the ad. It's just glorification of those types of individuals, who are targets for selling adidas stuff.

Watch Jordan Peterson lectures

JordanA Peterson

this ad is weird as fuck.what is basically the message here?

All I care about concerning the Grammy's is that Beyoncé got her powerrrrrrgurl virtue signaling shit pushed in.

will do thanks

that's what im wondering

the kids with the dog heads means something too, fyi

You people are such fucking retards.


You dont see anything wrong with this commercial?

what an atrocious ad

what did they mean by this

>It's just greek mythos symbolism. The only redpill is that it was commissioned by the Medici family and that the reason for painting greek myth was that it was the only culturally acceptable way to show nudes at the time.
He said redpill not blue pill you kiddydiddler

This scene really made me think

Something isn't right here.

Niggers are the new symbol of peace, beauty, and grace.


The words in commercials literally mean nothing these days. It's like Nescafé's Dolce Gusto commercial

>There's nothing like creativity to reinvent a classic

Let that sink in.

the image though

It reminds me of a painting


You need to get out more.

It seemed to have ripped off several visual cues from The Holy Mountain.

LMAO That ad! It's absolutely Satanic! But I have to laugh at how truly pathetic Satan is.

There's a channel on jewtube you would like and maybe you could contact the guy and get him to explain the Satanism in that ad? I think it's Round $ Saturn Eyes

What a stupid fucking commercial. A shoe company acting like their badass.

But yeah a lot of major companies use occult symbols in their commercials. Always look for the saturn cubes.

Another crazy one are the Lexus commercials. Check this one out:

At the very end of the commercial on the far left in a gold chain, is that a mini Bogdanoff clone?

I was thinking of this ad as well. It complements quite nicely. Almost like it was directed by the same person? Who's down to look into this

Haven't you faggots seen the Alex Jones and Joe Rogan podcast?

Alex talks about how the elites want to merge with machine and become immortals.

They are trying to upstage God by replacing God with techonology and Satanism.

We must prepare for battle against the legions of Demons and Satanic worshipping Jews....

And to think that faith would be found in a board such as Sup Forums....


By the way, don't go to Youtube and read the comments, they are total cancer.

>Think anything with a black box is automatically satanic

Shit is my pc satanic too senpai?

Did you see that Lexus ad that used all the transhumanist imagery?

I'm seeing a ton of transhumanist and occult messages in commercials now. Weird shit.

I'm pretty spooped


costume resembles goddess ISIS

There's actually an extensive theory about that.

Look into occult saturn worship. Pretty intersting stuff.


Holy shit...

I get it now.

That is literally supposed to be Samaris, and her bastard child is supposed to be Lucifer.


Bad things are going to start to happen soon....


And to the non-believer....

You will soon see that God is real, and Revelation is real.

Prepare before its too late.


Bump for the end times

Serpent seed theory

I actually don't think that these people are true occultists or "satanists" or whatever.

I think they're fucking retards with too much money/time and they get into weird stupid shit.

NWO and transhumanism is real though

What city do you live in and who gave you that meme friendo?

You'd think it's silly to say that a cartoon frog posted on an imageboard can summon a God of chaos, yet here we are.

Yes, Keith Urban and Carrie Underwood performed inside a black cube of Saturn

Also, Beyonce's gold queen thing with the holograms and the appearing and disappering people...

My expectation was already that she would be trying to cast some kind of spell.

I just caught a few glimpes as i did not want to watch it.

This had to do with my lincoln post. The first post of mine, which everybody ignored in here. And has to do with Trump and his birthday. Basically. When Trump was born the Sun was between the horns of Taurus the bull and this is that symbol. He hates his own birthday. I think he's the snake in his let me in thing. And this is what the car ad everybody ignored is symbolising

post vid of underwood in black cube

The thing about them standing on their heads is most likely a reference to inversion.

A concept quite popular in left hand occultism.








They are trying to wake you up to the truth before it's too late!


He is trying to tell you......

"The Sands of time are running out".

Please heed these final warnings.

How much time is left?

Who knows how long.....

>elites use shoe commercial to summon false gods, using edgy shoe commercial.

no, must be only you, and your fellow schizo autists

>left hand
Fuck off. Zionist right wing. If you wanna be solomon magicians you can fuck off with your frogs. Refugees. And muh reft ring

jones has good taste.

Rogan is part of all of this he shows it on his clothing sometimes. And obviously so is filters-cuck. Muh demonic dmt!

>Leaf gets triggering when the left hand in brought up
You fuckers are the worst posters.

I guess it doesn't matter now that Saturn/Moloch/Cronus is weak as shit compared to Kek.

Ehhhhh fux wid it. Imma go join the military so that at least when the end times come I'll have a gun or something.

What the fuck are the "Grannys"?

What the fuck are the "Grammys"?

I dont want any of your dirty Pajeet fingers

Left hand path shit.

Inversion of everything, literally everything.

>Snoop Dog
Golly Gee

Saturn is the deity of time. When you see a saturn, they are simply talking about the power of time.

>nike check

Like how the left political wing enjoys the amalgamation of YOUR left and right? Because that statement is opposite to what actually happens. Left magic. Right. White. Black. Doesn't matter. It's all the political right's. The golden rule is not a rightist concept and this is what they call a mental illness when they say liberalism is a mental illness. Dont try acting righteous.

Look closer. The main thing is the direct bastardization of western civilization's european heritage

They literally are saying the new Birth of Venus is a black woman sitting in the middle of technology


Learn to speak fucking English you degenerate.

You know what's worse? The Creation of Adam painting on the Sistene Chapel showing God with a girlfriend

This reminds me of that time my sister wanted to have practice sex to prepare for her date. She came home after school one day all flustered and said that her crush would only date her if they had sex after dinner. Mind you she was 16 and this dude was 19 (got held back a few years), while I myself was 11.

She told me to put on a suit,light up some candles on the dinner table and microwave a spaghetti TV dinner. I didn't have a suit so I put on my dad's which was hilariously oversized,even if I was pretty big for my age and did as she asked. I love my sister so I didn't question much but when she wanted to practice kissing after eating I got a little nervous so I backed out a little. We ended up doing that thing the dogs did in Lady & the Tramp which made it a little less awkward.

My sister had never had sex before, and obviously neither had I. She had no real formal sex education (bible belt) but had seen a porno flick after sneaking into the theater last year. I'm guessing that's where her knowledge came from because she had some pretty detailed requests, asking me to take off her bra and rub her breast,and in turn she would take off my pants and poke my weiner. We went to her bedroom and she gently tied me to the frame with her bra and took off her underwear. I didn't know what was going on and I didn't have any real sexual attraction to my sister but I got a slight chubby and she got on top of me and slid it in her vagina. She told me that she'd do all the work because I didn't know how and kinda started jumping up and down on my semi.This scared my penis a bit so it became flaccid and she was tired from all the movement so she kinda just laid on top of me with my penis in her for about thirty minutes before she told me to release. I thought she meant pee because I didn't know how to ejaculate yet so I peed inside her and then she cancelled her date because she thought sex was gross.But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes

the libinal parts of the black woman are hidden,
just like how minoraties are represented as good human beings while being denied their more human, libidinal, side.

gee, who would think the establishment are the real racists... not me :^)

>it was the only culturally acceptable way to show nudes at the time.
They celebrate the historic subversive nature of hiding degeneracy

beady cunts are very much into this nerdy shit, occultism and whatnot.

One of many examples:


Coincidence? I think not.


t. schizophrenic

What the fuck is this supposed to say?

This is some high tier meme level shit.
The elites are fighting back.

>the grannys


Take that abomination and fuck your mother with it and then eat it and shit it out and then eat it again

CTR is here already, wow

the problem here is that it is not a true venus, as both breasts are covered and the libido is thus suppressed

So that guy on the left carrying that bitch is going on over to that redhead in the middle for a threesome but that bitch on the right is trying to cockblock him by covering her up.

That you own all magic and besmirch the non magical political wing by confusing terms like left hand and black and white magic. All things of which are pushed by you RIGHTISTS and not this left hand shit you keep blabbing about and pretending other forms don't do the same things or that you dindu nuffin.
t. illiterate pissbed president

kek my bad, posting from my phone

This image doesn't seem exactly like another one? A biblical one? I know you can get there.

uhh Adam and creation?

I honestly think that these tech companies just want to freak people out.

We should just make fun of them instead for all of this occult retardation

The way they hold their hands tho. OP is right, we are dealing with the illuminati here.

>Sexual Imagery
>Goddess of Love
>Introduced it to humankind
>Shell symbolizes the vag and sexuality

>Possibly a reference to God's love for mankind

>Turns tinfoil up
>Gets large amounts of empty vessals for urine
>Realizes how many vaccines you had
>Fap to cat boy hentia

Calm down Alex Jones.

I don't understand. You're saying that was also an effort of subversion?