*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*

Other urls found in this thread:


*teleports behind you*

Hope you realise nobody cares about Beyonse. Your salt is delicious though.

"move, niggers"

*Walks around them*

Hello my queen.

"kaffer waars jou pas?"

>we wuz the wall an sheeeeit

"litterarly who"?

>"I challenge you to a Pokemon battle! 6v6, your weaklings against my E G Y P T I A N G O D type pokemon!"

id stomp the filthy blacks and take the white girl.

*throw flaming hot cheeto's everywhere and they disperse.*

kill 1,3,6,7
rape 4,5
paper bag 2

go to hand out job applications. and watch my path clear instantly.

*kicks queen nigger in the stomach as hard as possible*

*unsheathes katana*

this would actually be pretty funny if it was not so sad

Really, the white one? no way it looks like a dude

I'm sorry but I'm not attracted to a single one of you


Are those really dudes?

*cocks glock*

I'm a neckbearded NEET. all of those women would consider me way below their class, and would find me incredibly creepy.

So I'd get all up close to them. I'd make sure to never touch them. Then I'd start saying things like

>I masturbate to you every night
>Can I smell your hair
>No need I think I can smell it if I get up close like this
>Slight hint of strawberry. I like your choice in shampoo
>I have a fetish for pregnant women

And generally along those lines. I'd have a nice giggle and eventually they'll get out of my way.

*keeps on driving*

Give them all white children.

I really wish she and Jay-Z would just get into a car accident or something already.


>whip out muh dick
>already fully erect
>grab negress by heels
>fling her in circles fast so her clothes fly off
>throw back my head and let out a gurgling roar as i begin to vomit
>spew it all on her genitals as lubricant
>furiously begin pounding her with my 13 inch cock
>she starts pooping as a defense mechanism
>lucky for me
>i like poop
>increase my pace
>lay on my back and yank her down for my final mighty thrust
>cum with so much force she flies up 60 feet
>she lands with a sickening thud in the puddle of blood, poop, and cum
>look up at the other six
>who's next

> throws basketball
> walks trough

walk straight true and watch them move aside terrified of my big tall snow white strong body and piercing murderous green aryan eyes.



Grab 'em by the pussy

Strategy 2:
> go to #2, make some compliment
> ignore others completely

> wait 20 sec
> walk trough

If they wanted to halt my momentum, heels were a bad choice.


>tip fedora


for a """"black pride"""" woman she sure makes an effort to look as white as possible

*unzips pants and faps in clear view*

Actually it was the best choice they could make since it makes running away harder and more a balancing act. It's hard to run away from your rapist with a broken angle.

violently rapekill them on the spot

*pull out gun to reenact her Superbowl halftime show*

Meh, keep walking. I've got enough muscle and mass to power through if necessary.

Why would you complement some coal burning self loathing cuckette?

Ends justify the means.
I will wash out the shame in next sauna-session, Pekka.


Bring it on ladies I'll take you all ;)

*grabs all of them by the pussy, then deposits his white seed into all of them*

>unshackles schlong