Cali Oroville Dam collapse thread 11 - Rain-Chan Edition


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it got fixed

Fuck California.

Die commies die

The Happening Has Ended


did not


for all the Trump calibros

Allow us to then discuss the coming rains instead.
What will come of this all?
I find it ironic that Californians are becoming refugees in their own state.

KRCR stream




I know someone has to post this, it's a great song



Will Trump come visit Yuba City and Oroville like he said he would during disasters?

I live in Lodi, CA. Its not too far from the effected cities. This makes me think I should have a bugout bag prepared. Lodi did have a major flood once too.

>creaky old jewish dike trying to destroy america


The outro is everything brother...

The weather forecast is calling for rain most of next week. Maybe we can meme a few more inches to help with their drought. It's the right thing to do.


Rain-Chan has joined the KEK coalition upon the Astral plane.


if only it were a few feet of rain instead of just inches


I want carnage dammit!

She has the power.
Send her your energy!!

These guys have no idea what they're talking about.
>We're going to manage the situation in the coming months.
>We're going to assess this and that.
Yeah, you have half a hill missing and you need to get it fixed now or it will erode further.
The lake keeps on filling constantly and there's no stopping it.
The situation is a massive shitshow and has only stabilized for them oment.

>still hasn't broke and killed everyone


Friday between 11:22 and 11:33 it will give.

That flood is whats going to kill them. It'll cause the damn to bust

Didn't know there were other people in the lodi area that went on Sup Forums

this is california, the moment is all they can think about

we can only hope


It's fine. They'll just use the emergency hill.

Besides, fuck trump and fuck white people.

>"feed the 'war machine' with our babies"
>rwds kill the satanists

wow never saw the music video

We expect a flood.
We get
>an earthquake
That leads to
>an eruption
>a fucking flood

You don't know what you are talking about. There is a huge effort right now of about 5 people loading large bags with rocks. They will prevail.

>"Lots of unknowns"
>Evacuation still not lifted

gotta keep it thread related m8



Why won't this fucking Dam collapse already!?


Highway 99 has just opened, evacuations being canceled

Okay, maybe not an eruption.
Probably a bit too much to ask for.


Well it won't probably cost more than five times more to fix with a big pile of rocks there!



I live in sac and it's not happenin

I want a fucking meteor to hit cali and wipe the whole rotten state off the face of the earth


Rocks to wrecking balls.
KEK shall transform them.
Thoth will watch.


at least let me move out first

Post sources or fuck off

Don't invoke Meteor-Chan
She's a nasty bitch.
Ask the Dino bros.

>Officials are saying nothing can be done

KTXL Livestream


You niggers know its only hurting the conservative people up in red counties right?

too late

have they even tried airlifting boulders?

Should have done that a while back goy

They are in CA, they are red in name only

They'll just use Amy Schumer's fat tits as a life raft

you mean besides the fact that the CA government knew about the dams issues for 3 years and still did nothing about it?

They're reporting the part of the dam that was eroding isn't leaking anymore so it's not happening. At least not until it starts to rain again.

I live in a 2 story house in yuba city with guns food and water. I'll live right?

California doesn't want Trump's infrastructure help and would rather be a sanctuary state.


I'd rather drown

John Jewamendi taking this civil engineering disaster to shill le climate is changing

Rain-Chan is blinded by her pain.
She can't pick and choose.
The rain falls on the good and evil alike.

>ok folks the dam surrendered to our conditions
>it's not leaking any more
>it promised to stop eroding

Norwegian media just reported that this was planned.
They should use their citizens instead of boulders to clog the hole.

When IT happens, the boulders will catalyze a landslide.

no, you will be cleansed with the rest of the filth in cali

Kek has spoken


I voted for trump and shitposted all through the election I pray kek will not forsake me.

>Norwegian media just reported that this was planned.
In a sense it was.

They opted to use the emergency spillway because the main spillway was damaged. That quickly turned into a shitshow after 12 hours so now the plan is fuck it, use the main spillway.

The danger is that the main spillway continues to erode and they have to shut it so the damn doesn't start to fail. Problem is we now know that is just buying a little time because the emergency spillway can't handle the flow.

I am the prophet of Rain-Chan.
I am the Bringer of Rain.
Give your blood.
Give her your energy.
Ease her pain.

DWR chief kept blabbing on about reassessment. How will you reassess if the rainfall continues and you need to continually dump high flow volumes of water through a critically damaged spillway?

Use the emergency spillway so you can fix the main spillway? Then run back and fix te emergency spillway?

The erosion to the main spillway will creep up to the top and render the control mechanism unusable.

The emergency spillway will continue to erode and flood the town.

Water will build higher up on the main dam and possible catastrophic failure

Can't stop the rock.

>trump projects

>The erosion to the main spillway will creep up to the top and render the control mechanism unusable.
This is probably going to be the situation next Sunday after the rains this week.

This will be fun to watch.
The PR mental gymnastics are real.

damn damiel

they don't even know if operation boulders is going to fix this shit. they can't even get it started because the sun went down around 530pm, not too long after evac orders. not to mention we have rain next week. they have 2-3 days to figure some shit out

normally I hate the rain here because californians can't fucking drive for shit even if it's a light rain but come on rain give me that payday

>Waiting until morning to dump rocks now per KTXL (Fox 40) stream


>Helicopter shining powerful spotlight on dam per KTXL (Fox 40) stream

Can't wait to see the gaping hole in the main spillway tomorrow.

>Operation Boulders
Please tell me this is the actual name....

Yeah the whole situation is beyond fucked.
They can't manage it as long as there's more water coming in and there's going to be a whole lot of it there soon.
No matter what they do, they'll have something eroding and digging the hill away.
They're most likely going to evacuate the hell out of the nearby areas during the next couple of days.

what is the new's obsession with these rocks

what are they not telling us

Did Trump really try to speed up the process of repairing the dam? Please be true

Commission the Californians to build human dams from corpses of communists, they deserve this.

Dont forget that if it is warm out the snow melts and it's just as bad as a rain storm.

>This is the doom hole
It's nothing.